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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Hang on! Ok, the "go pro" camera survived. They got sound and video (looking out the window I would hope.) How the &^*&^* can they say they "heard" people taking selfies? What is to say they weren't taking pictures out the window? However: Doing that at MIDNIGHT does seem a bit silly.
  2. As much as I despise win doze, these annoying android things as nearly as bad. They save files to some of the most obscure and mind baffling places. Now I have lost the sample!
  3. Of, the village idiot watched it - finally I have a pretty high regard for James, but there was a problem with how he was describing the speed of sound. Listen to attached. In cold air the speed is lower but the air is too thin...... or something like that. He does go on to maybe explain it. I am still watching it and it is on pause. Could some clever clog can help me. Update: the file is too big to upload and despite my efforts I can't edit it on the android tablet. That is 4 apps and 1 code later. When I get a chance I will turn on the pic and edit/ upload it.
  4. Wednesday 20:30. Finally, some good shows for us.
  5. Just saw the advert. Wow! I think it is on at 20:30. Just if anyone is interested.
  6. If anyone saw it: The other night on the news a couple of people in England were launching balloons to go into "low earth orbit" with FULL TELEMETRY! You got back REAL TIME videos! They are selling the kits and sending them "all over"....... For about 250 Pounds (English money - not weight). But COULD we buy one and LEGALLY launch one HERE IN OZ?
  7. HH, yes, that is from what I am basing this. I am just wanting to make it a bit more aviation themed.
  8. Yes.... So how do I "include" the dust parts of your original reply to the rock? Just asking. This is the newer list: If the stone is wet: It is RAINING. *1 If the stone is under water: There is a FLOOD. *2 If the stone is warn: It is SUNNY. If the stone is coated with ice: It is FROSTY. If the ice is thick: It is a HEAVY FROST. If you see the stone’s shadow on the ground: It is CLEAR. CAVOK If the stone is white on the top: It is SNOWING. *3 If the stone is hard to see from a distance: It is FOGGY. *1 If you can’t see the stone: It is NIGHT. *1 If the stone is not hanging vertical: It is WINDY. The strength of the wind will be indicated by how far from the vertical the rope is. The direction of the wind will also be indicated by reading the numbers under the stone. Further, if the direction is changing, then it can be taken that the wind is VARIABLE. (Note: The value is not fixed as different stones have different weights and so they need calibrating by a qualified person before any readings can be taken.) If the stone is jumping up and down: There is an EARTHQUAKE. *2 If the stone is gone: There is a CYCLONE. *2 *1 IFR flights only permitted in IMC conditions. *2 Airport CLOSED *3 Please check that it is not patches of white, in which case it is more than likely to be bird $hit than snow.
  9. Facthuter, Thanks. But "Raised dust" (etc)...... I don't know how to apply that to the appearance of "the rock". I changed the original so it is: If you can't see it: It is NIGHT If you can't see it from a distance: It is FOGGY. But that is about the best I can do to include that. NIGHT, FOGGY, IFR/IMC. (Which term is the correct?) I am sumising that they make it IMC which forces IFR. Though "NIGHT" isn't really a weather condition.
  10. Ok, More questions: Rainy, Foggy. That would constitute IMC. Which other things would this apply to? FLOOD - what aviation term would that have if it was an airport? (Closed is obvious, but is there another more "techie" term?)
  11. Ok, foggy/night. As it is a WEATHER rock, I "erred" on the side of "if you can't see it, if is foggy" rather than night. The ICE line needs work, I just don't know how else to describe it. Open to thoughts. Thanks though.
  12. I am working on the list of the "functions"...... Anyone got any others/extra ones: If the stone is wet: It is RAINING. If the stone is covered with a clear coat of water: It is ICY. If you see the stone’s shadow on the ground: It is SUNNY. If the stone is white on the top: It is SNOWING. If you can’t see the stone: It is FOGGY. If the stone is swinging on the rope: It is WINDY. The strength of the wind will be indicated by how far from the vertical the rope is. The direction of the wind will be indicated by reading the numbers under the stone. (Note: The value is not fixed as different stones have different weights and so They need calibrating before an accurate reading can be taken.) If the stone is jumping up and down: There is an EARTHQUAKE. If the stone is gone: There is a CYCLONE.
  13. The only thing I could add to what she needs to do/be is: Nice on the eyes.
  14. Any crash from which you can walk away is a good crash. Shame about the plane, but good that the people weren't hurt.
  15. Thanks. I guess I was a bit "quick" in saying Antanov. So if it is to do with the G20 in BNE, why land at SYD? It isn't like they are close to each other...... Limited Parking at BNE?
  16. I'll try to get the piccie but I saw the small Antanov landing YSSY 16R at about 16:40 See below
  17. So long as it is a canal and not a camel! That would be embarasing!
  18. Thanks. The goose showed me the wrong picture. The one he meant is a Beoing. There was the 747, and the VP's 737 and the airbus. Something big was happening.
  19. Sorry folks, no picture included here. I saw a picture of one of the Yank "Big Wigs" and some one showed me a picture. Looking at the wing tips, it was an Airbus. Little triangle above AND below. But the guy who took it said it wasn't. I've never seen a Boeing with the "triangle" (winglet) both above and below the wing tip. Anyone?
  20. I think there is more to "Deep pockets". You need LONG ARMS too! Otherwise you can't use the pocket's depth to any advantage. Alas I lack both.
  21. Times were tough for jobs and everyone was feeling it. After a long time an old battery went to a job interview. Knowing he was old, he didn't hold much hope of getting the job, but if he didn't try, he wouldn't get the benefits. He walked into the room and straight ways the CEO looked at him and said "You are hired!" Well, the battery was surprised to hear this. He asked why he got the job. The CEO replied: "I took one look at you and saw you still have potential."
  22. To establish a baseline in controlled environment there is on problem.
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