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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. I know of the odd pilot that are puzzled by how a nut screws on a bolt , but are still safe enough in the air and been flying for years, will this make any difference for them as I don't think it will teach them how to do any maintenance if its only ticking boxes
  2. Unsure about the l1 maintainer online training wouldn't this be open to cheating ,is it in the form of a test, what happens if you fail miserably , do you have to hand your badge back in,or have I got this all wrong wouldn't be the first time
  3. That looks like a very neat set up , I have a mate with a Savannah and has trouble with high oil temps , could you take some more pictures so I can show him how you set yours up . The cowl scoop on my plane faces backwards so I figured the air flow over it would draw hot air out. We overcome cold running by fitting thermostats in the intake radiator line , works good.
  4. Just ordered them, stuck on the outside of the oil tank should give an accurate measure of the operating temp of the oil , am I right in thinking this?
  5. Plane is a sabre ,I think mine is the only one with a 914, there was another but was crashed , the rest ,5 maybe all have 912's . Now the weather has cooled off temps are good . I opened the vent up on the cowl but it didn't seem to make any difference , prop is variable pitch set full fine on climb out, revs to red line. There is a small gap between the cooler and cowl so I might try and fill it with foam before next summer, thanks for your help
  6. KP 5 or sabre ,120 kts at 5200revs 34 map it will do 130kts at 5400 36 map but gets thirsty at the higher speed nearly run out of forward trim ,staggered seating which narrows it up a bit, retracts help also
  7. Check out a plane called the Millennium Master, .
  8. Burrs , I think aren't much of a problem when it come to spreading seed compared to bindies , I see the spikes now stuck in tyres everywhere , what a nightmare it will be like trying to clean up the European carp mess , no hope!
  9. I do understand about landing on roads but have seen plenty of news footage of planes landing on freeways when the choice is plowing into someone house , unsure whether they would be in trouble with the authitories
  10. Doubt whether he had a radio looked like he had ear plugs , had one engine out on take off and put it down in the next paddock had a bit of luck, often thought about whether you should try for a road most of the paddocks would tear the wheels off my plane.
  11. New bowls turned up so everything will be back to standard.
  12. Did you understand about the enricher solenoid
  13. Thanks a lot for your interest, against all advice I ended up using a fuel tolerant gasket goo, I know I will be crucified for it but in the end it was the only way I could stop the leaks , the fuel leak was of high float levels, bought the gold plated tool and fixed that , easy, but still had air leaking , I could actually hear it when I blew down the vent tube , have ordered the new upgraded bowls which are apparently more stiffer , on back order, so naturally I couldn't wait and glued the old bowls on , waited for 24 hrs for it to set and no more leaks , time for blast off, motor running like it should . I am the third owner ,470 hrs on the clock when I first hopped in now has done 1330 , for a complicated engine it has given me little to complain about , again bones thanks for your insight
  14. It's called a enricher solenoid (or valve ). On full boost it switches to allow a bit more pressure ,taken from a different part of the air box , to give more pressure in the bowls , it's fitted to later model 914s , if I blow in the tube and move the throttle to full I still can't get and air through so I am unsure wether it also takes a pressure reading from the air box as well before it switches
  15. That's exactly what I intend to do once the fire restrictions come off
  16. Using a spray that is supposed to kill the seed mixed with roundup but I think I will have to did the plants out and burn them
  17. I think we are talking about the same weed, see barbs stuck in ag tyres all the time, got no hope of clearing it up , I reckon they could germinate on concrete. there is probably no way to stop the out of balance now that you have pointed out the speed differences , thinking back I thought we tried it in a savannah and it shook the shit out of the airframe and never really improved
  18. Think I might have to go with the slime , Slime it is then , looks like I'm stuck with them.
  19. 4.00 *4 8 ply not a lot of rubber where the tread is , they don't last very long and I land mostly on grass ( and bindies ) I think the trouble with the goo is you cant patch them which would be messy when away from home
  20. Does it send it out of balance
  21. The tyres on my plane are a weird size very small because of the retracts, has anyone had any success with the goo
  22. I have got all the spraying gear and have done that , we own a farm , only takes a rain and they reappear, up until a couple of years ago I had never come across them but one of my boys goes away ag contracting and I reckon he carted them back , small spiky burs that stick in rubber, yellow flowers , getting good at fixing flats ,after they have dried up the seed pods are still sharp
  23. Can't do , much prefer to share my disasters with anyone
  24. Airstrip has now got bindies on it , continue to spray but I reckon they will beat me can't quite get rid of them thought of torching the plants to maybe fry the seeds, now plagued with flats , has anyone had any success with the goo you can put in the tubes ,for some reason I have some doubts. Greg
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