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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. We're going off at a tangent there; I'm not assuming anything, just pointing out that thousands of students and pilots cope with CASA and other authorities every day for years. Some don't. That's life.
  2. Too many stories here to make any sense of what should happen, so I'd recommend that if you aren't certain you talk to a DAME. I could be well worth the cost of a consultation.
  3. No they don't, and that's the message that needs to be driven home over and over and over. A family in a Cherokee decided to do some sightseeing on the deck at Eildon Reservoir where the water is as flat as a tack and the fishing boats, ski boats and houseboats are small. What killed them all was the cable strung from tower to tower. If they's been flying above 500 feet they'd have missed the cable and the view would have been pretty much the same.
  4. These recent posts are related to a DAME being unreasonable, mistaken or screwing up along with CASA being accused of not knowing about medicine to the degree that the pilots did. Let's say all of the cases posted were correct; that leaves more than 16,000 Australian pilots to discuss. The health of all those 16,000 has to be judged up front, and at regular intervals. CASA is responsible for that. If you declare you are fit to drive or fly, you are responsible for that.
  5. Blood in the urine can also be prostate cancer and that might have been the reason that further tests were required. The problem with self certification is that some people simply don't report that they have a medical issue, even though they know they have a problem.
  6. ....the rear end of the daughter of ..........................
  7. .....buy a Hyundai Getz as their first new car. OT knew the franchisees would not get a lot of phone calls for lion scratching, which could also become a workplace safety issue if the scratcher didn't fix the itch. (Not many people know that Dr Livingston while continuing his amazing discovery of communit enclaves in Africa was eten by an itchy lion. The lion didn't mean him any harm, it was just frustrated that day in that place.) OT cleverly improved the franchise, by selling three seater Drifters [avref]to the franchisees who could then advertise "Scratch an Air Lion today!" [RPT avref]. The franchise was expanding well when ............................................
  8. .....irrits, and he was prone to breaking into loud roars of frustration, which was outside the park rules. Their Trainer, OT misjudged the poor lions anguish at the itch as bad temper. We sould explain that the normally astute OT had fallen on hard times as WA went broke as a result of the Great Mark leaving the job of Premier. In these circumstances, you have to get a job and you have to take anything, and when OT saw the Ad for "a Trainer for a Group", he applied and went to the interview in his best punk rock outfit and make up. He was immediately accepted (the last five had been eaten.) Minus a lump out of his rump, OT had been a fast learner himself, and zipped down to Bunnings, bought a rake and was quickly becoming Cecil's best friend. This led to OT ..........................
  9. ..........a 4 day old Nappie that hadn't been washed. Many in the joint State of Victoria/New Victoria were in agreement with this and the 5 Cs knew they wouldn't be put down if they got rid of him, so they cleverly herded him into ...................
  10. Yes, in fact what made recreational flying acceptable was that principal combined with a very low stall speed, so any upset which ended in a glide to earth would only produce minor injuries.
  11. We had the motor home out in the outback one year and the major creek was up. There were about four 4WDs stopped at the bank discussing whether they could get through. I walked the creek twice and found a stable crossing route, went across and came back to 13 video cameras from the extra vehicles that had arrived, so we formed a big and noticeable cluster. A 172 from a well known Station whose pilot was also well known for getting into trouble appeared and started to do beat ups; probably 5 or 6. He started out at tree top level then got down under the gidgee trees with the wheels in the grass. The tourists thought it was amazing flying, but I was waiting for the crack of a limb.
  12. ............tickles the lions, the show has been running for six weeks now, since he left office. CT had been quietly attending these shows, keen to try a pride of two of lions in the rolling hills of Darraweit Guim. He wasn't sure he could round them up at night with a belly full of bunnies, or whether they would just sit out the front of the pub eating the drunks. Over the weeks he realised they were communicating, and with a degree in languages it wasn't long before he could read the signals. As Dan flicked his whip, the young lions pretended to like it winking, rolling over with legs in the air, but Cecil, the mangy one was actually signalling to Bull, the old boy that if Dan kept this up he'd eat the XXXX. The time came when Dan cracked the whip at a snarling Cedric and held a chair up to ward him off. Cedric ........
  13. Yes; younger people are going to social media for their information more than ever before, and pretty much all of these posts don't report the risk level. I haven't checked for a long long time but when I did I found Americans killed themselves at a rate way above us not just as you would expect with ten times our population, but with a much greater percentage of population. We can get a better idea of risk if we stick to studying people flying in Australia under Australian regulations in Australian numbers, doing what Australians do, i.e. most of the victims with a history of ignoring the safety rules. If CASA stuck to printing the rules in plain English and left the legal phrases to the lawyers, a lot more people would know what the current rules are. If they explained why the rule existed, with examples of how many people had been inkured/killed trying that particular stunt, a lot more people would know safe conduct from reckless conduct.
  14. The row of pine trees was good enough to last a lifetime. I was looking everywhere but straight ahead. Low level VH is now limited to 500’ AGL; too many people in paddocks.
  15. .......have started to take "sketchy" classes. Dam of course spiralled out a few weeks ago and is now working as a lion tamer at Werribee Zoo. I myself have ................................
  16. ".............if yous don't put that canape bacon, we coming to git yer" (they were from Qld). CT looked down Calabria Avenue where the trees were lush and green all year round, and thought "I'll invite them all to a Ute Muster, then strafe the lot". VicPol got to hear about this and the Superintendent said "We've turned a blind eye to the constant gunshots from The Guim, but he outguns even our SWAT helicopter with its military grey paint job. "Leave it to me" said Inspector Debbie Doubtfire, "I ............"
  17. Many people were taught low flying, but it ended as I pointed out above. My low lying was taught by the instructor flying us below ground level up drain and of course next flight I was low flying across a swamp and suddenly realised the nose wouldn't come more than half way up the row of pines across the bank of the swamp nd I was too close in to turn. One person killed himself on Christmas day by flying into his neighbour's power line in front of the waving children. Another at Nelson, Vic had a wonderful lunch with friends then decided to fly between tow hangars and burned to death in front of them. The new 500' AGL limit for precautionary and forced landings removed the excuses used above, but also would have been influenced by engines which didn't respond whether pilot mistake, carb ice, other during practice for foced landings and precautionarys.
  18. Sorry, should have read: If a cable is under 500 feet........
  19. Practice Forced Landings The PIC MUST not continue the approach below 500' AGL unless approach is to an airfield runway. Source: Part 141 Flying Training Operations. Practice Precautionary Landings Descent to 500'
  20. Why on earth would we be silly enough to TEACH flying under 500 feet when our own statistics tell us that's where most powerlines are, and that's where there's little room for a recovery? The rule was introduced to give pilots a chance to avoid common accident.
  21. Our interest in this case is the status of the Self-declared medical in the proceedings and any civil actions take by the relatives vs. the theoretical protection of the person in a similar type of aircraft accident. We will have to wait for the court processes to see what is significant, so won't get a clear picture for 2 or 3 years.
  22. Well this might come as a surprise then. If a cable is not under 500 feet AGL a pilot flying legally will not hit it.
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