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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. It is more of an investment
  2. I must say I don't like cameras on or in aircraft, I admit I have done a couple of videos probably 3-4 but it really doesent interest me. I make one flying video and im bored, cant be bothered lugging a go pro everywhere. I use my Go Pro's for other things and an occasional flying video. Some people go overboard and want to film every single flight with multiple cameras such as youtube member "Mr Aviation 101", not sure why you would want to. I think I only have one flying video on my hard drive! A lot of people just take videos and put it on youtube to say "have a look at me" to boost there egos. Not saying any of you guys do it but I know a heap of guys that have cameras all over the plane just to put on youtube. I know a few aerobatic guys that use cameras but it never goes online, its just used for reviewing the manoeuvres.
  3. I have all the aircraft manuals and Cirrus training material from Avia at Moorabbin. Forget the blokes name.
  4. Fancy posting videos like this online, this is gold for people wanting to do harm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S-Cggs1jOo
  5. Anyone flown one of these? Looking at buying one
  6. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/crash-at-near-goulburn.144808/
  7. You can go to woolies and get a prepaid visa gift card or go to australia post and get a reusable load n go visa.
  8. Do what I said get a prepaid sim $130 for 16gb lasts two years. Wifi ipads have never had gps in them its always been cellular ones only.
  9. Send her to me, she needs a good spanking for not wearing that seatbelt!
  10. Buy a telstra prepaid sim $130 will get you 16gb but lasts two years.
  11. Hmmm elt may have expired, I have seen a lot of aircraft with flat elt's
  12. I wonder what will happen to David Jones electrical division as they signed an agreement with dickys a few years back. I winder if the electronics lay byed or purchased online with DJ's will be honoured. http://www.smh.com.au/business/retail/dick-smith-to-run-djs-electronics-20130812-2rr49.html
  13. Malaysia Airlines temporarily bans checked baggage for flights to Europe due to 'safety, strong head winds' http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-05/malaysia-airlines-temporarily-bans-checked-baggage/7069632 That will screw up the weight and balance for sure!
  14. Dicky gets a small fortune in royaltys for using his name remember.
  15. Sounds like my love life
  16. I have a case for the set of four and a pelican for another one but I need a small case for one I take everywhere.
  17. Crikey, Looks like your gonna film the next block buster!
  18. So Deb, If I fly over and push it into the hanger on my own do I win a slab?
  19. Amyone recommend a good go pro case? Was thinking something like the below as pelican cases are to big. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Travel-Storage-Carry-Hard-Case-Cover-Bag-For-GoPro-Hero-1-2-3-3-4-Camera-Medium-/111691738478?nav=SEARCH
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