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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Poor Dick Smith Electronics gone under. I remember the days when I used to get all my ham radio gear from dickys. Think the Dick Smith Electronics owners are dodgy, they announce they won't honour gift cards or laybys as there in administration. So they appoint administrators ten days after christmas, imagine all the gift cards that were purchased for christmas presents.
  2. Nope iPad is for aircraft use only, doesent even leave the flight bag at home. I use avplan and ozrunways so use about 50gig so like to have a cache buffer and I also have about 200 pdf documents. I use the otterbox defender and made a little leg strap so the case stand is strapped to the leg and the ipad slips in the stand.
  3. Hmmmm I learnt something yesterday, big is not always best!! Armed with the credit card I decided to go for a cruise and get some kfc for me and the girlfriend, ended up spending $4,000 bucks. iPad Mini 4 Cellular 128GB Two Go Pro Hero 4 Blacks MacBook Air 11 inch I never thought I would go near a ipad mini but after playing with one I said man this is bloody perfect!! Even downgraded my 15" laptop to an 11" MacBook Air, wow big is not everything. Mind you I got back to the girlfriend and relised I forgot the KFC !!!
  4. Half the problem with my air 2 is the big chunky otterbox defender case i have on it.
  5. Just seems to small for the approach plates etc etc
  6. I just cant see myself using the mini, I just think it is way to small.
  7. Just use the go pro stick on mounts perfect.. A mate has the suction cup mounted on the belly. There rated for couple hundred kmh
  8. Oh... https://www.casa.gov.au/regulations-and-policy/standard-page/what-you-need-know-about-efbs
  9. Speaking of docks, anyone recommend a good yoke mount? I keep the ipad in an otterbox defender case and would prefer to keep it in that so would need a mount that would hold that.
  10. For $130 difference think I will go for another air 2
  11. You still get all the features? Can get few different things displayed with the bigger screen.
  12. Hello Folks... Happy new year to all.. Time for a new EFB, what are peoples thoughts on the ipad mini over the air 2?
  13. I am used of holding big things so the iphone 6s is small to me. Wait..... Time to wake up from my dream.
  14. Geoff, agree, I reckon half the problem is that final entry into the hanger as it would need one big push or even little pushes leading into a big burst.
  15. not as bad as I was expecting. Don't think im saying it is easy and having a go at you, im not and am just saying its not as bad as i thought.
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