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Everything posted by Robbo

  1. Time to put this behind us and move on.
  2. I think some people overreact to and think everything is harassment.
  3. I don't use Taxi's that often but when I do I start up a convo and say it's been a really busy day and then after a few minutes they always ask "what do you do for work?" And I say nothing really interesting I just work for the Taxi directorate. Hmmm the moment I say that it's like they flick a switch to some hidden rocket launcher, really quick trip with a discount
  4. Here you go mate... LANGUAGE WARNING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wGfsQc8zDk http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/video/video-1237748/Son-takes-Skype-level-calling-skydiver.html
  5. That is a real bummer... Hangar Photo's??
  6. Seen that street video ages ago
  7. I think Debbie is married to her plane How did todays flight go? Or is it this arvo?
  8. Have fun flying tommorow Debra..
  9. Flight Simulators are boring...... Unless I can have one from work that is made by CAE.
  10. Remember, try and get a photo of the hangar so we can help you work out a way to get your plane back into the hangar.
  11. it may be hot with no wind at ground level but hot days often bring turbulence.
  12. Old story but still interesting. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2577486/Pilot-skydiver-survived-harrowing-mid-air-crash-brush-death-Good-Morning-America.html
  13. Nar your not a coward, some people just can't handle rough and bumpy weather. Flying is all about the enjoyment. For me, the windier and bumpier the better as it puts your skill's to the test :)
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3290148/Oops-Passenger-jet-smashes-headlong-airport-walkway-leaving-cockpit-wreck.html
  15. Try and record it for us all :)
  16. Wasn't the interview at 4pm today?
  17. I remember walking along the river from Fyshwick to the airport and every couple of meters there was a bloody snake!!!
  18. Canberra....... What a place to be stuck in !!! Worked out of there for six months and it was the most boring place I have ever been to. Only thing there are fireworks, brothels and strip clubs!!! Oh wait...... Nar still boring!!
  19. Think you missed the joke, Marty asked the question "how many have you seen with there shirts off?" Hence the joke "probably lots in his dream"
  20. Nice thing to post when we have young readers of the forum.
  21. Why the hell would you hijack this thread and post your rubbish.. Go back and post your rubbish in the asic thread and not hijack a thread that has nothing to do with it.
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