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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. Got mine through RAA 12 months ago $200.00
  2. In fact she was an airport security gaurd escorting the fuel truck at the time.
  3. What I am interested in is actually none of your business. But as a member I am more interested in my board spending their time giving that information to member when asked through the correct channels. Which I might add they appear more than willing to do. No board should give out internal discussions willy nilly to any $hitstirrer whothinks that they have a right to know. I am quite sure that where you to join then the board would be more than happy to pass on information that they find relevant to you. I would not expect that information that was available prior to your joining date to be made available other than the result of the discussions.
  4. FT Possibly if you where a member and wrote to the board you may received what you are after. As a non member who does nothing but stir the pot on public forums, I would be very disappointed in my board if they gave you what you obviously have no right to see.
  5. There was someone advertising for a partner in a low hour Roko (I think) at Boonah just recently. It was in the RAA classifieds. Who knows where you might find it now.
  6. Off topic. I had a load of Weetbix on for Coles in ACT once. Was knackered so went to bed at Goulburn. Got a phone call asking where the hell I was at about 0400. My reply was that my life was far more important than little Johnny's bloody weetbix. Then turned my phone off and had another hour before rolling in.
  7. You can with a pilots certificate so long as you don't want to go into security controlled airfields. Well there you go for all the non believers, maybe RAA do have some things right.
  8. Your do if you wish to drive into some areas, or carry some types of loads. The same with the ASIC
  9. Hmm. Just found out that "Tony" was well known to my son and all of his Afganistan Vet mates. They are all feeling a bit low tonight. RIP Digger. Your service mates are all having one for you tonight.
  10. It was about 4 months ago. According to ERSA it is Security Controlled.
  11. I had my MSIC but still had to go through the hoops for the ASIC. That may be because I applied for the ASIC through RAA. Next time I will renew through the same people who do my MSIC.
  12. What a good story. Get in there Debb. Study, practice and live your dream. We are the lucky ones, those who get to live our dreams.
  13. I actually got asked for my ASIC at Toowoomba. A young lady who was escorting a fuel truck to fuel up the RFDS asked me for mine as I was walking from the gate back to my aircraft. Having had and used daily an MSIC since the day of there inception I was well aware of the rules of wearing or displaying your ASIC but in this case mine was in my pocket. When asked for my ASIC I said to the young lady if you had the authority to ask me for that then you would know that yours should be on display first. She promptly pulled hers out of her pocket as did I. I have no problem with ASIC being required at airports that have RPT. My problem is simply that I have an MSIC, it costs me $537.00 It used to be valid for 4 years, but is now only 2 years. Why then should I also need an ASIC. Why would one not suffice. We do after all go through the same AFP check to get them.
  14. Yes being bumped around is out of your control, but the aircraft is still in your control and that is what matters.
  15. No that is not what I meant What I am saying is people dont want the old style of flying. If there was a market for it, then there would be the availability. Schools do not get rid of aircraft that are being utilised and making a profit.
  16. I sure as heck think I would have taken the option of landing it rather than pulling the pin given where it has landed. That does not look like tiger country to me.
  17. Yes this is a real problem. I was lucky in that the school where I got my Certificate in the Foxbat also had at the time a Drifter. Once I had completed my navs etc and checked out on the other aircraft, (Jabirus J160 and J230) I simply had to move onto the Drifter. This was a great aircraft as it gave me Tailwheel, Low Power, and 2 stroke. Sadly I was the last person to qualify on that aircraft before it was sold and not replaced. I suppose the fact that I probably put 20 of the last 25 hours on it meant that it was not worth the cost of maintaining. Especially when I purchased my own plane so was not flying it any more. The simple reality is if people do not want to fly these types of aircraft anymore then it is not viable to the flying schools to keep them. If a drifter within an hours drive of Brisbane is not being used, then I fear that these types of aircraft a doomed to a small group of enthusiasts and the newer more modern aircraft will be the future of Rec Aviation.
  18. My most important question is "Is this likly to hurt me or someone else?" If you can answer no to that then it is likly never going to get to a legal battle anyway.
  19. I have a set of EQ-1's. I love them, the Mrs hates them. She actually hates the noise cancelling feature. It makes her feel like she is in a sound proof room and my her uncomfortable. I love the same feature because it makes me feel like I am in a sound proof room, with just enough hum coming through for me to pick the engine sound. I haven't decided yet but I may sell them as I have found that my radio system can do funny things if I mix the EQ-1 that I wear with standard style headsets for her.
  20. I am in the process of assessing the cost of getting my RPL but do not really have a full grasp of that as prices differ so much from one place to the next.
  21. I did my RPC last year from June to October. I could give actual costs to me but I saved a few dollars as my training was done in a syndicate aircraft in which I purchased a share which cut my aircraft hire rate by about 30% over the period. Since purchasing my own aircraft, I sold my share at a modest profit so I have used that in the formula to calculate my savings at about 30% on aircraft hire. Had I paid the full rate my costs would have been as follows:- RPC $5717.00 Pax Endo $ 800.00 X Country $3693.00 Theory books membership examinations etc approx $800.00. So about $11,000.00 over 3.5 months. To me it was worth every cent.
  22. Totally agree with the last sentence planedriver. It is the same with all machinery. Some have the feel, some do not.
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