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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. Totally agree it is a part of the art of flying safely. But at 0400 when I am trying to decide wheather to get out of bed and head to the airport for a morning flight to Murgon for breakky, I would love someone to translate it for me. I must admit though I am quickly learning what all those abbreviated locations in my area are so it gets easier to interperet every time.
  2. I dont agree with that sentiment. I think the anonimity of the net gives a good look into the thought process behind the person. I don't doubt that some may present quite differently face to face, but which one is the real person. Quite possibly somewhere in between the two we see.
  3. I will admit that on a couple of occasions when I had intended to do circuits I found that it was to busy and decided to go elsewhere or do something different. I find in general it is quite ok. Remembering that at YCAB, a radio is not a requirement and as such there is always the possibility of there being an extra aircraft or two around. I still wouldn't call it crazy though. Having learnt there I thought all airfields where like that until after I had completed my Xcountry. I must admit it is sometimes a pleasant change to go into some of the quieter airfields. But then I am always thinking that it is to quiet, am I on the right frequency, where is everyone, am I at the right airfield. LOL. Never happy I guess.
  4. Define crazy. Is it because it is busier than you are used to. I find it fairly easy to devolop a good mind picture of the cicuit. I will admit it can get busy but not crazy. Ifind the area around Bribie can get crazy. With the step at 3500' and people doing all sorts of crazy things.
  5. I normally join overhead 500 above cct height and drop to join crosswind. Having said that at Caboolture if I have just been in the training area and have been monitoring the ctaf the whole time, I will often join on downwind for 12. Never on the other runways. If I am coming in from the eastern training area/Bribie it is natural to join on an oblique down wind because that is exactly where you are going overfly. Like I say only if I have been monitoring the ctaf for a long time and am comfortable that I have a good picture of the traffic and I identify all of the circuit traffic on the way in. I would not do it if there was another aircraft joining at the same time.
  6. Hope to get up there on Thursday. Been a bit busy lately.
  7. Shh don't tell FT he doesn't think Australia freights anything by air.
  8. And that is a problem in itself. An examination should be testing your knowledge, not teaching you to pass the next attempt. With some experience in writing and utilising multichoice examinations over the years, I found that not one of the RA Aus examinations that I sat fairly tested my understanding of the subject. They did however test my ability to answer multichoice questions which is not the same thing. They were poorly written and in some cases there were without doubt more than one correct answer, and worse still in some cases there were actually no correct answers. At the time I was fairly new to aviation (as I still am) and didn't want to make waves. As we now have a safety officer, I may when I have some time to spare write and highlight some of my concerns.
  9. And at a lot of regional airfields, you do not even need a radio.
  10. Woohoo looking forward to seeing her.
  11. Right of way belongs to the biggest Truck. Oh sorry wrong forum.
  12. Well that puts you in a fairly large group.
  13. Thank you both. I am considering going for my RPL licence just so that I can go into CTA and Controlled airfields if the whim takes me. Obviously my current aircraft would not allow me to do that no matter what licence I hold. I still love flying my plane but one must try to keep the boss happy I guess. My other problem with the 230 apart from CASA and the engine itself is a weight issue. I am certain it is not my wife but either I or the aircraft are built a little bit to heavily for comfort at 600kgs. We could fly it but not with full fuel. Oscar I can tell you for certain you are correct, give me silence any day over smoke and yes I am aware the factory built does not in itself mean free from faults.
  14. That is my point. I do not want to be a builder. I would rather spend my time flying. Its not that I am not capable of doing it, I just don't want to. That is why I ask if it is possible to do it with one that is already registered. If I did decide to build one it is unlikely that it would be a Jabiru or anything else that could be bought off the shelf.
  15. So what would be the procedure to Convert one to VH Experimental and put a Camit in it, and then would it be possible to up it's MTOW to the 750kgs it was built for rather than the paper MTOW it operates under in RAA? Would all of that even be possible.
  16. I spent one of the most memorable Anzac Days of my life participating in a Dawn Service at Fovant in Wiltshire in the company of about 50 other Australian Soldiers and families. We then moved up onto the hillside and spent the day Bar-b-Quing, drinking and assisting to maintain the Fovant Badges. It is a bit of a tradition with Aussie Soldier serving in the UK. Ohh we had some help from some Old Pommy Barstard's to. A top bunch of blokes they were but to my memory the Poms actually drank more than they worked. What a pleasure it was to be allowed to assist their efforts. The following year my Dawn service was at the ANZAC Section at the Bonn War Cemetery as a guest of the New Zealand Ambassador to Bonn. Then onto the NZ Ambassadors residence for a Barby etc. It was another wonderful day which I shall treasure. There have been other great Anzac Days and a couple of not so good ones but they shall be left for another day. Remembrance Day in '86 I participated in a parade with 3,500 other soldiers on the Parade Ground. As I realised that mine was the only Slouch Hat on the parade I reflected upon the luck I had to be born in the best country in the world and no matter where we go in the future our heritage in Australia will always in some small way be tied to the United Kingdom. I was after all issued the Queens Warrant not the Prime Ministers. Lest We Forget.
  17. I might be a bit simplistic, but if I purchased and $80G plus item like an aircraft, I would expect it to be capable of performing to the manufactures quoted standard without having to spend hundreds of hours modifying and stuffing around with the damn thing. If you bought a car that overheated if you accelerated to hard it would go back to the supplier fairly quickly. In fact if you bought anything that is not fit for he purpose that it is designed then you would be fairly vocal about it. This is fairly close to home for me because the one plane that my wife actually enjoys flying in of the half a dozen she has been in is the J230. I am certain that if I purchased a J230 she would be very happy to come flying with me whenever I went.The problem is with the CASA restrictions, the aircraft will not be able to do some of the things that I would like and the perpetual discussion about how to keep Jabirus in the air and the hours needed just to do that simply makes it a very unattractive option to me. I am not worried about servicing or regular maintenance that is not a problem but the hours of fiddling and changing things which on an LSA are simply not able to be done anyway amazes me that they are allowed to sell them.
  18. Looking at Grahams pictures, and I am just wondering why the photo of my little plane would have the largest file size, it couldn't have anything to do with the size of the pilot surely?
  19. I thought it a nice touch that the local members walked up to each person as they arrived, welcomed them and thanked them for coming. A genuine friendly atmosphere. Well done folks.
  20. Probably agree but I think it highly plausible had the missile been going away from them. I have actually watched a tank fire a round from behind and it is possible to watch the round for a good distance .
  21. Awesome day out. Thank you guys for putting it on. Was a great trip up and the same going home and the weather smiled on us as well. Had a good time met some folks and even better had a good feed as well. I will be back.
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