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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. I hope to get away about 0630 which should put us up there by about 0800 or just a little bit after. Will obviously depend on the weather.
  2. Who said anything about Political leaders being smart (or not stupid). If it was ISIS my bet is Putin will have to be seen to do something and it will need to be a statement.
  3. I have done extensive testing on my ASI. Firstly you actually need to Calibrate the ASI itself. This can be done using a manometer which is very easy to build. You then need to calibrate the pitot system and test for leaks. Then test for leaks in the static. These all need to be done before getting into the air. Just because the system is accurate on the ground does not mean it will be accurate in the air, but you do need to test it against a known GPS. There are several suggested methods, but I have found the 3 leg method to be fairly accurate. In my case my system is accurate up to 60 knts but above the it drops off. At a reading of 100 knts IAS I am actually only doing 95 knts. I can change the readings simply by connecting the static in different locations. It has taken me approx 15 hours of testing and I still do not have the system accurate over the whole range. Knowing that it is accurate to 60 knts gives me some comfort as that lower end is critical to safe flight in the danger zone of takeoff and landings. The top end at Vne it is reading 5 knts high so that gives me a safety buffer at the top end as well. Works for now but I still am not happy with it and am open to suggestions. For my GPS testing I fly 3 legs of 10 mins each 120degrees apart and take a reading every minute. Far simpler to do with a passenger to watch the clock and gps and take notes leaving me to fly a consistent circuit maintaining height track and speed.
  4. Or maybe this one for those a bit less thorough.
  5. For all those home builders out there. One of these in the doorway to the shed could serve as a timely reminder.
  6. Then you wouldn't want a registration renewal as that would be to renew current registration. Yours would be unregistered and would therefore require an application to register. They are on the website for all categories. Can't help you with the fees sorry that might take an email or a phone call. Either one wouldn't hurt anyway if you feel the website is not providing what you need. It is a new resource after all and will have teething troubles. They can't be expected to fix it unless they get told about it.
  7. They are well into construction Yenn. In fact the reclaimed land is in the settlement stage 2014 to 2018. Current plan is for completion 2020.
  8. I did but the kids have been under pressure lately so I have been helping out.
  9. People laugh at me when I talk about sacking customers. But I do it. It is just a part of business. You build it up until it starts to become unmanageable, then you go through and cull the high maintenance or slow paying customers. Or you do it as you go. Pick up a new customer and he turns out to be a slow payer just pass him on to someone else. Don't get me wrong, all customers are good and valuable but some simply do not fit into a business plan at certain times. The other thing I find is when cold callers ring me for a quote I will normally be to dear for them. I am to small to compete on price my edge is service so those who are shopping for the best price will not find my business attractive. One of my best customers is one of my smallest. He is however positioned to pass on a lot of work. My two biggest customer came via word of mouth from the little guy. So my motto is no-one is to small to serve so long as each job they request fit into a reasonable return for effort. Lets face it I love trucks, I love driving but at the end of the day I am only doing it for the returns I get. Both satifaction and financial. So if a job doesn't pay or provide some other benefit than It is not for me.
  10. Its about the snob factor 80k. The lower classes use Gal and Zincalume not we posh folk what lives in glass houses.
  11. 82 Mate. I am hoping to go for a fly tomorrow. No start time planned, just when I wake up, been a big week at work. Have been feeling a bit flat all week so if I don't feel right I will just go and play with the plane.
  12. You guys had time for a man cave? Go Figure!!!
  13. Yep that what happens. Got mine on Wednesday.Not sure if they are going alphabetically or not but I am in the S's if that helps.
  14. I am closely watching Gympie atm. Just need them to improve there internet access to help me convince the GOC Home Command.
  15. Shafs, I have just been reading back through the Solo thread. I am now more aware that you have had this issue a fair while and I am sorry that I didn't pick up on it earlier. In that thread you compare your lack of confidence to riding a bike. I think along with everything said in this thread we actually hit on the answer back then. Mate it is all about time in the saddle. You are beating yourself up because you don't have the confidence that you do on the bike. You are at least facing the issue and as has been said here by many more experienced pilots than me. Time, different conditions, learn your equipment, take a more experienced pilot/instructor. The answers are all right there in front of you. Just remember when we learned to ride bikes and started filling our experience buckets on them we were younger and more bullet proof. Do not worry about being more nervous now that is just the experience bucket telling you that there is plenty more to learn. The offer to go flying is still open if you want.
  16. David I could not find it using links either. What browser are you using. I can find it using google chrome and Internet Explorer by typing this into the address bar. "https://members.raa.asn.au" but I cannot from links or saved pages. I can't find it using firefox.
  17. They send out the renewal to the registered owner. I couldn't find the fees. From the website. "Approximately six weeks before an aircraft registration expires, RAAus sends out renewal information to the registered owner. Following the date of registration expiry, if no renewal has been received by RAAus, a letter will issued advising that the aircraft registration has expired and the aircraft is not to be flown until the registration is renewed. For your convenience, your member portal has a list of dates of relevant renewals. Please check your dashboard for your renewal dates. Regardless of notification from RAAus it is the registered owner of the aircraft who is ultimately responsible for managing and renewing their aircraft registration. Total hours flown and total landings are required at each registration renewal."
  18. There will always be one who thinks he is the Sherriff.
  19. They are well known for their comfortable seats. I have the postie Bike Challenge on my list of things to do one day.
  20. I have a female friend who has spent the last 2 years riding around Australia on a postie bike. She just clocked up 100,000 klms last week.
  21. Whilst sitting at the wharf for over 2 hours today I opened up my Oz Runways to do a little bit of work on a trip I am planning. It is the first time I have seen it but every Restricted Area within SE Qld and Northern NSW was active. The map was almost totally red. Could have made for some interesting flying out there today. Even Amberly had every part of their area active. It is common to see parts of it but I have never before seen it all Active. So is there some big military exercise on or has the Queen dropped in for a visit unannounced?
  22. That is the way. I have a friend in a similar position. PM me your phone number if you like and if I am going up I can give you a ring. That goes for anyone else around Caboolture as well I am always looking for company. I do tend to go up at fairly short notice sometimes though. Oh and I do like to fly early!!!
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