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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I don't know know FT, maybe someone else on here could answer that one.
  2. Hi and welcome Pilot13a from across the ditch. I'd never heard of the Just Highlander til I saw your post. Looks a bit like a Lightwing taildragger.... Cheers Tony
  3. Recently, I had just had a 25 hourly service done on my Jabiru LSA-55by a local L2 at a local aerodrome. An oil and filter change mainly. I also had some other minor jobs done that were unrelated, a tire replacement, and some fiberglass patchwork. It was the first time since I purchased the aircraft that an L2 looked over it. Anyway, after the service, I taxied her out to the runway, the L2 asking me to just keep an eye on the oil pressure gauge. All was good, it was reading a nice solid 4 in the green. I took off with nothing out of the ordinary, I continued to monitor the oil pressure, normal, stayed at 4. I entered the downwind leg and started thinking of departing the circuit. It was then, I smelt smoke, looked down and saw smoke in the cabin, looked at my instruments and saw that my oil pressure was now reading zero, it was reading a steady 4 only a few seconds earlier. I was at the base turning point, so things happened quickly, I discarded all chances of exiting the circuit, and committed to landing back at the aerodrome I just took off from. I throttled back to idle, turned base and made my base call. I came in for a glide approach and landed with no incident, exited the runway and shut down as soon as possible. I got out and saw oil flooding down the front wheel. I didn't call a pan pan or mayday, as the smoke dissipated when I reduced power to idle, and I didn't lose engine power or performance. To be honest, I never thought I was in any danger given my proximity to the aerodrome. Once I made the decision, thanks to my training, it was all automatic, engine to idle, get the plane heading to the field whilst lowering the nose for best glide and land her. I think my instructor would've been proud of my performance, it was just like my EFATO training. But yes I reported it to RAA as an incident. The culprit: a split oil hose near the oil filter. Last time it was replaced, 3.5 years ago, required replacement time: 5 years. Possibly a faulty hose. The L2 replaced the offending hose, plus one beside it, and refilled the oil. I flew her back to my home field with no further incident. I praise the quality of our training, it paid dividends for me. Mind you, if that hose blew further away, I wonder how long I had till I had an engine failure? Now that would've been a pan pan situation. Tony
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum Michael! Tony.
  5. To me, you seem hesitant to go through with it, and you have some very valid points why not to: Can't inspect it, no log, no longer in production. I say, listen to your gut instinct and give it a miss. I'm sure there will be better and more local offers will come up. Cheers, Tony
  6. Yep, I saw that too. There is a significant dip in the middle of the field, which put me off a bit. If I'm level, I'd say I'm at the right attitude, with power on idle here, I would've kept raising the nose till touchdown. See the thresh hold markers? The picture was taken nearly level with the start of RWY 24. My aiming point is a little down the runway. I'd say I just started to round out. I actually touched down first on the down hill part and bounced into the part of the runway after the dip, which bounced me in the air even more. It was then I applied full power and went around.Unless of course, this is a picture of my next landing, I was very happy with that one.
  7. Maybe a mixup between selecting Austria and Australia?
  8. I was doing a Google search and saw that someone had taken a snap of me coming in for a landing at the Clifton Fly-In in March this year. If I remember correctly, this landing developed into a go-around as I bounced it, the dip in the middle of the runway surprised me a bit, and as I had only recently purchased the aircraft, I was still getting used to it, so I applied the power and tried again. The next one was a greaser. Thanks to the photographer, Simon Coates, maybe? Your skill in photographic art is evident. It is a very nice shot. Tony
  9. Well, err, you got it half right... the 1st part is: Auzzie Auzzie Auzzie!
  10. Hi and welcome Paul. If you ever decided to take the plunge and learn to fly, I think you'd be surprised how affordable it really is. In the Brisbane area you have quite a few options for flight training. I thoughly enjoyed every moment of my aviation experience, but as Doug suggested, be warned, once the aviation bug bites, it doesn't let go easily. Cheers, Tony
  11. Totally agree, I picked up my Jab from Woolongong back to Coominya about a month ago, and I'm still living in the afterglow of that epic flight. Unfortunately my better half hasn't taken the opportunity to fly with me in the new baby yet, but it'll happen Tony
  12. Hey Jon, welcome from sunny Australia, well mostly, err sometimes at least... Tony
  13. Hey Brent! How are you going in your flight training? I haven't seen any recent posts on your progress. You'd be getting fairly close to getting your certificate now wouldn't you? Tony
  14. I went on a quick flight to fill the fuel tank, and clear the dust off the fuselage today, from YBCM to YCAB and back. The area is looking a little greener after the weather we have been having lately.
  15. I'm not sure if using the iPhone as a backup is totally legal, due to the size of the screen. Somewhere I read that the screen size needs to be at least 200mm diagonally across, to be an approved EFB device. However, my iPad overheated and shut down recently during a flight, but instead of using the charts I had, I found myself using my phone, a Samsung Galaxy which has OzRunways installed as part of the subscription. Much easier, and the GPS function makes navigating very easy.By the way, a word of advice, during flight, if the sun is out, open up your vents to keep your iPad cool. Tony
  16. Hi Matt, and welcome! Where are you and what are you flying? Tony
  17. I hear you, I purchased my Jab about a month ago, with the same experience, she runs like a dream, I flew her back from Wollongong to Coominya in Qld with no probs, she also purred all the way. Mine has done about 410 hours. Tony
  18. Well done and congratulations Captain Rich! You will really love doing your xc endorsement. Cheers, Tony
  19. Hi and welcome Jonny. I'm sure that with your experience from 20 years ago, you will breeze through the training. I can speak for RAA, you will need at least 25 hours with 5 of those being solo before you can go for your flight test, and pass 5 multiple choice tests, maybe 4 these days. That qualifies you to fly a 1-2 seater with MTOW no greater than 600kg with fixed undercarriage and a stall speed in landing configuation no greater than 40kts(not sure about this, it may be 35kts). If floats are attached, and you have a float plane endorsement, MTOW can be up to 650kg. Not sure what you need for a CASA RPL, but I know you can convert over quite easily after you have your RAA RPC with XC endorsement. I think you need a Class 1 or 2 Aviation Medical Cert and do a flight test in the bigger plane. Most people just pay as they go, booking a lesson as they can afford it. I would suggest that you keep them regular, as you sometimes play catch up if you have too much time between lessons, one a fortnight is good, but I was generally able to fit one in per week. What did you do your TIF in? Cheers, Tony
  20. I get the feeling that ASIC cards are a form of security similar to the "Blue Card" system. Why is it that the ASIC costs $220 every 2 years but a Blue Card costs about $80 for life or until taken away due to criminal conviction? Are they not doing the same checks? Like federal and state police criminal checks? I wrote to some Federal ministers about this and got the expected throw off reply. The gist of it was, shut up and mind your own business. I think more of us need to write to them for some answers. Particularly the Transport Minister. We are entitled to know as free citizens in a free country under a supposedly open and transparent government. Tony
  21. Not much going on here in Qld, the weather has gone not so good for flying, thanks Debie.
  22. Hi and welcome GFB! My XC training was some of the most enjoyable and rewarding training I had, so I think you'll be in for a great time. Enjoy your J170, I believe they are a great plane for touring. Tony
  23. Hey Geoff, I think you may be able do your CSU endorsement at Redcliffe at Fly-Now. They had a CTLS there in the recent past.Tony
  24. Leakdown tests were done as part of the 100hrly service and condition report just prior to me purchasing the aircraft and I believe all was good, so independent an person told me after seeing the results. So far, I have to say, I am very impressed.
  25. It's great to hear, Bob, reading your experience is like hearing what the previous owner of my plane reported he was doing and experiencing, only with much improved fuel economy, but as you say, it is a lighter plane at 430kg MTOW. I plan for 15L/hr but achieve about 12L/hr. Mind you, my run up checklist recommends 2000RPM. It is also a 2200
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