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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. I've designed my panel around that thought process. I think we may have discussed this before. I virtually never even look at an asi. But I figured I might need something temporary for flight testing. What are your thoughts?
  2. Well my habit of dragging my feet seems to have paid off. This looks interesting, and it includes an artificial Horizon. I haven't found out what the exact dimensions are, but since I first posted, I've noticed another spot I could put this, I think. Price is good too. Good enough fort my ultralight 🙂
  3. Ok, there is always a different angle that can show the incorrectness of the statements I'm talking about. Let's forget about race and creed. Instead, let's say what you saw is a kid in a Collingwood Jersey swinging off the wing. And that's what you tell us. Oh, bloody Magpies we all cry because, let's face it, no one likes Collingwood (go Cats!). But now instead of thinking about the actual misdeed, we are instead thinking about those bloody Magpies. Shoot the lot of em! They shouldn't be allowed to play! Why do they get to always play at the MCG?!?! And don't get me started on that bloody Eddie McGuire! And yet, one of the guys I get along most with at work is a Collingwood supporter. He didn't climb on anyone's wings. I try and take each person as they come. People are people. This is all a part of what we call logical fallacy. I always forget which are the correct terms, but you can put it down to simple irrelevancy in this case. The football code that kid follows should not affect how you feel about them swinging on your wing. It could well be you really do dislike Africans/Collingwood supporters. I can't stop you thinking that. But I can tell you it is wrong headed. I doubt I myself would change anyone's way of thinking on this matter on this forum. We are strangers. What would be good is if you tell all your real friends about this asshole on the forum who has been picking on you. Maybe one or two of them will say to you 'actually, he's got a point'. Just one more thing. We all have a quaint idea of what an Australian is. Let me tell you it is changing pretty quickly, and it needn't be a bad thing. For those on this forum lamenting the dwindling numbers of new recreational pilots, that new demographic is your target, not middle aged white guys. If you make those people feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, then the dwindling continues.
  4. If you don't see what I'm getting at, your are part of the problem. Right now I bet a lot of people reading this are thinking 'bloody political correctness' . I agree PC can go overboard. What I'm talking about here is not PC, it's just C. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, judge someone not on the colour of their skin, but of their actions. In this case it's a bad action- an unsupervised kid swinging on a plane. But if the first thing you think is not about that action, but what creed that person is, then that is a biased assessment.
  5. I don't think you understand. If the issue you have is with someone interfering with your aircraft, then race or nationality is irrelevant. By saying someone from race X did you a disservice implies that your objection is more than the disservice, you also object to that person's race or nationality, else why mention nationality or race at all? All you had to say is 'a five year old kid was swinging off the pod'
  6. I'm not familiar with the different specific gravitational distortions that different nationalities incur on aircraft structures. Could you list them from least disruptive to most disruptive? I assume the least gravitational disruption would occur with what ever background you have. So a kilo of red750 has negligible effect swinging off a learjets underwing pod. Would that be a fair statement? How would the rest of the list go? Maybe Irish Scottish Welsh Swedish These nationalities would clearly cause only a negligible amount more harm than red750. Further down the list might be Italian say. Because we all know that a kilo of Italian hanging off a learjets underwing pod would cause a lot more damage than a kilo of red750. Swing a kilo of nigerian on the learjets underwing pod? Forget it! The plane would probably explode, skyscrapers would collapse and I'm pretty sure somewhere a dog gets kicked...
  7. Mate, just saying someone who has done something silly or whatever is of a 'flavoured' nature is offensive. It's just not necessary for your story. Think about it- would it have been ok if they weren't 'flavoured'? Did their act bother you, or their 'flavour'? Use your head.
  8. The point is, you dont just place the strut/s where you get the best view.
  9. Seems to me the best place for a strut is right about where the spar is. Anywhere else make sit more complicated and heavier. Structural integrity is more important than a lovely view.
  10. Sorry I stand corrected! I voted Greens and Reason Party by the way 😇
  11. Are you all confused? Labor is governing with a majority. They don't have to placate any other party, unlike the inbuilt placation the Libs have had to do since what? The 70's?
  12. Might seem conventional, but the selling point is the name isn't it? Should be a quality product 😎
  13. At the weight were taking about, you could also talk a couple of tall, stout mates to hold it for you 😃
  14. You'd probably need it after a few thousand k's on one of those 😄
  15. I saw them do that in an episode off Bush Mechanics 😄 Spinifex saved the day. Although what would save the day even more off driving in the outback is carrying a spare and a jack 😅
  16. Yes it should be pointed out that some of us are/will be flying ultra lights so a minimal jack design would be sufficient. I'm painfully aware that if my survival/tool kit is really heavy, the reason I might end up in an emergency landing is because I was short 10 litres of fuel 😄
  17. Wow, that jack is pretty snazzy! I suspect the crude jack I was going to make from an ali tube would actually weigh more!
  18. Oh, ha! I got your PM and was thinking what the hell is this neck he's talking about? Then I look at this thread and everyone else is saying what the hell is this neck Danny's talking about 😄 Bloody auto correct decided I didn't want to say 'jack', so changed it to 'neck' 😄 Will check your thread out later. Very interested in your tubes. Mine are the full blown aircraft type and they are freakin heavy! I bought something cheaper from a regular tyre shop. Was a lot lighter too, but the valve didn't line up very well. Well done on your kit weight 😲
  19. I'm going more minimal. Each tube is 1.2 kg sou will carry a patch kit, which I'll replace every year. I think the CO2 cartridges that the mountain bike guys use will be lighter than a pump but I'll weigh it all. What does your neck consist of? I think I can make one from a spare Ali tube left over from the build. There's a rather handy lug near the undercarriage that doesn't seem to be used for anything so I'll make the jack for that 🙂
  20. I'm still building my plane but as I think of things I add it to the list. Eventually I'll gather everything together, weigh the whole lot and then start to make some hard decisions. The latest thing I've thought of is basics to repair a tube. My plane hasn't even taxiied yet and it got a flat tyre! So I took note of the minimum required to fix a tube. That's because I'm hoping eventually to be doing a lot of bush flying and it would really suck to be stranded somewhere because of s flat tyre.
  21. You will probably find it would be lighter and more efficient to have an ESC than something mechanical. You can have a series/parallel switch easily enough, plus another solenoid for on/off. But at half voltage it probably wouldn't be enough power for straight and level. Also with an ESC you will get a little bit of generative braking when descending, which is nice 🙂
  22. I think the idea was that an electric tag and tube is kinda getting back to the basics again. Like flying the ultralight in my avatar. Crack of dawn, pootle around for an hour or so. Big smile on your face. I still wished I had thought of something like this when I bought my kit that I'm struggling to remain interested in. Over 3 years and not flying. If I'd bought a Quicksilver and converted it to electric 3 years ago. I would have been having a (quiet) blast.
  23. didnt seem to be any reminders when I first logged in. All i got was an email. All good now until this time next year 😁
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