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Everything posted by robinsm

  1. remember the GFPT for GA limits them to 10nm. You think 25nm is to small. I am quite happy with the 25nm limit. Once you get the Xcountry fine, until then, remember its 25nm in all directions (except up) so there is plenty of country to explore while you are learning.
  2. Hey Methusala, you can take a thruster, or any rag and tube as far as you like if you have the time. Done plenty of 6hr plus cross countries in the Xair.
  3. so lets get some good guys to stand for the next election and vote them in.
  4. I support Col although I have not met him. He is prepared to put his voice forward and actually try to do something. If no one stands then nothing will change or at least get looked at with new eyes. Good luck and you have my vote.
  5. Keep them coming Eric, very informative diary. I have shown this to a couple of prospective pilots and they are interested as well, you never know, we might get a couple more in the clan. Goods work.
  6. Ah crap, now you've done it. I have to wipe the drool off the computer screen. What a truly marvellous thing to own, If I could I would have one tomorrow. My bucket list just overflowed. Great to see these replicas flying.!!!!!!
  7. I must remember this one. I know the guy that runs the pub .
  8. Volksy, take your tongue out of your cheek
  9. I have had an asic for 3 years and have never had to produce it. What am I going to do, ram a skyscraper, that would be like a bug on a windscreen. Waste of dollars. If I flew into controlled airspace, maybe, but not for country airstrips.
  10. When the bump puts you at 90 degrees to the surface, and your headset is around your ankles, then I would worry about the bumps, untill then realise the aircraft is designed to handle a lot more than standard bumps. It may be uncomfortable but thats what you get for flying light and slow. I find that if I wash 5 to 10 knots off the cruise speed of the Xair (55kts) then the bumps seem to smooth out a bit. As my instructor says, september to april, not happy. May to august, armchair rides (paraphrased a bit)
  11. found it under hobbies...aircraft pilots.
  12. I may be naive, but with all the discussion, argument, remarks etc on this thread,I still really dont know the facts. I hear plenty of supposition and accusations, hearsay and innuendo but at the end of the day, nothing to solidly base a decision on. If a serious decision has to be made, then lets all have the FACTS as they stand. Surely one of the executive/management/board/people involved etc could enlighten us. Its no good saying things are rotten unless you can openly substantiate it. This is like making an important decision because someone heard that someone told some other person that someone else did something that may or may not have happenned. With the circular argument happenning here, I am rapidly loosing interest in the topic and you wonder why there is a large amount of apathy out there amongst the members when threads full of crap like this get around. Again I say either s..t or get off the pot!
  13. Nope, not in denial, agree that something has to be done. What annoys me is that unlike yourself, a lot of the complainers are not willing to put their hands up. I think the idea that we need a person permanently employed to work on the Natfly thing is correct. Again, this is meant to be our weekend. Once the mob in canberra get their game organised, or someone else does, then may be something will happen. Just to fly a kite, what do you think of the idea that we approach say...the HGFA, or SAAA, or some other organisation with the view to sharing the day to increase the size and content of the weekend. Just an idea. Dont know if Raa-aus will go with it but I thought I'd throw it out there. Many VR's taken up your way? Cheers
  14. Zenair, I was at Natfly, as I have been at the past 2 at Temora. The subeditor of the magazine was at Temora, see the latest magazine. If there is a problem, then address it as you are going to. Do not label the whole event a joke as I know that some people got a lot out of it and the forums were very well attended. I am sorry you feel like not attending, but have you made your requirements known to the organisers?. I agree about cutting the deadwood.
  15. Approval in Australia is 490kg.
  16. So after all the tooing and froing we still dont have the first hand facts. Oh well , never let the facts get in the way of a good second and third hand supposition. Instead of dropping hints, will someone please publish the first hand facts so we can put this issue to bed.
  17. With a MAW of 297 kg, even the standard Xair is 237 kg empty. How do you get a reasonable pilot into it. (490kg std xair in Australia)
  18. So Andy, give us the facts.
  19. Zenair, and all the other Nay sayers, did you assist with Natfly, did you nattend Natfly? Do you support Natfly? Its no good complaining about an event unless you are prepared to be constructive about it after all, it is OUR event. If the event was, as you call it, a joke, then you obviously haven't seen the efforts that went into the organising of it. An event such as this is only as good as the people who get behind it. We all fly Recreational Aircraft, we all like fly in's. If you dont help put it together, or are not prepared to be constructive in your critisism, then I dont think you have the right to complain. It wasn't put together just for your benefit. This flyin is our National shop front exhibition. What do comments like yours do to fix any perceived problems. The comment about it being a Joke, demean and belittle the efforts of those that were prepared to get up off their butts and actually do something, notably the local Temora Council, Carol Richards etc to name a few. There are many others you are trying to pull down. The old saying goes that if you cant s..t, get off the pot. Remember folks, we, not the organisation in Canberra, are Raa-aus. Any problems are our problems, not the problems of a few elected people. Having said that, enjoy Narromine.
  20. Hey glen, have you put a dicky seat on for no 3 yet???
  21. Solomon's laughter and obvious enjoyment always bring a smile to my face. Good to see him enjoying it and now that he has his Cert. Will be following with pleasure.
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