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Posts posted by Jerry_Atrick

  1. UltraLights. = U/Ls.. That's what the Forum is about.. Mostly.. Nev

    Ahh.. but some of us are new to U/Ls.. others to aviation, etc....


    But there are also LSAs, Microlights. paramotors, etc....

    <pedant mode>at least I can google YBDG, or EGLK aith the word airport and it will usually give me the answer.. a newbie googling U/L and the location - not necessarily so... </pedant mode>

    • Like 1
  2. Getting rid of them or not adopting them here is surely a subject we are able to discuss is it not.? I question it's applicability to remote areas and U/L suitable landing areas. I doubt I've ever used a Y xxx designator and if an article has a lot of them I usually don't bother reading it. and I know some others feel the same way. Same with weather reports written in generally unintelligible terms.. I'm not now flying Airliners and if I wanted to mix it with them I'd be on pPrune. (where I've NEVER posted and never likely to). Nev


    No probs... I get it.. But what does U/L stand for?

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  3. The European skies have just got a little safer ?


    Yesterday, I handed tentitavely handed over the keys to the TB20.... It was actually organised before lockdown as the idea was that I would be working locally to where I live and it's base is light years away.. so no longer practical. Unfortunately, where I live, the market has dried up so it looks like I will be working back in London if it ever picks up... which is doubtful anyway... Maybe I will set up a used aircraft dealership because at least I made a bit of money on it. But, a low time 2002 TB20GT with 150 hours on the engine and a bare metal respray for the pro-rata equivalent of £145K is not going to be easy to replace.


    I will upload some photos in the following posts (1 per photo) to beat the size limit ;-)


    I will miss what little time I had with it.. Actually, in the end, it as a pain in the proverbial. Bought the share in March 2019.. couldn't get the instructor to check me out for 3 months (late June).. Had a good rider in her until it went into the paint shop towards the end of September. The shoddy workmanship at manufacture meant it needed 6 months (because they had to juggle the aircraft coming in for pain after ours was scheduled to go out)... just in time for lock down... But, for a GA complex single, of which I have Mooneys, Bonanzas and, my namesake, Lance's in the log book, this was by far the most comfy and stylish and although a few knots slower than the aforementioned, best touring of them all.


    We even had a Dynon in there...

  4. I know that permit aircraft (LSA) suitably equipped and individually approved aircraft can fly IFR/in IMC. I assumed you could get an IMC Rating (or IR®) attached to the NPPL... is this not the case? A quick internet search without having to read the legal mumbo jumbo wasn't conclusive.


    I also believe NPPLs can fly in most European countries, but need to obtain prior permission (except for those mentioned by Ice-Wave)... Also, I think Germany and Austria are also on the list of European countries where NPPLs are able to fly for up to 30 days without permission. Not 100% sure as I am GA/PPL...

  5. I don't know and haven't heard of any special permit required for international travel to the UK. Best to contact the British consular services/embassy for details, It may be a requirement for stopover destinations.. will have to check with the airline or those countries' consular services.


    There is a legal requirement to self-isolate - you will have to tell the Border Force/immigration where you are self isolating and they may do spot checks (my guess is they won't). This will be a good read: Just as Air Travel Is Picking Up, U.K. Imposes a Quarantine


    My guess is most people will ignore it as the chances of a spot check will be low and even if they get issued a £1,000 fine, who is going to make them pay it?


    By the time you arrive, the self isolation requirement would likely my removed anyway, but even so, airlines are suing the government over it: Airlines Challenge U.K.’s Quarantine to Boost Travel Market


    BTW - many happy returns to your mum...

    • Like 1
  6. NPPL is National Private Pilots License. It has a lower level of training required and it is either a self declared medical or a GP checks you to the standard of a truck triver or something. Anyway, requirements are here: UK CAA Nation Private Pilot’s Licence (NPPL) – Ravenair and on reading it is basically a PPL with lower hours required (for the SSEA version).


    The alternate is the EASA issued LAPL (Light Aircraft Pilots Licence). Not sure of the training requirements - I think it is the same. But as I understand the medical required is virtually a class 2 medical.. So mamy don't bother with it (over 50, an EASA class 2 is required every year and every two years they require an ECG. When you have to do the ECG, it becomes an expensive undertaking).


    Either is required to fly "Permit" aircraft... i.e. LSAs.

  7. OK..back to the thread... Seems to have been a good outcome regardless..


    Different people react differently.. And they react differently to the same situation... Any of these factors (and more) may play for any given flight which may cause a different reaction in the same pilot to the same circumstances:


    ‘IM SAFE’

    Illness – are you suffering from any?

    Medication – are you taking any?

    Stress – are you suffering from any

    Alcohol – when did you last drink?

    Fatigue – are you well rested?

    Eating – have you eaten recently?

  8. Slightly off topic, but except for a jobsworth I have a run in each time I fly there, I love Lydd airport. Near Dungeness (a nuke plant I have done some work at), downwind leg over the channel, reasonable priced fuel that they take the VAT (GST) off for you before you cross to France.. and a couple of honeys on the desk... Food is great (have flown in for the Sunday Roast). The coastline in raw, too.. flat.. not spectacular.. but turquoise waters make it worth it.


    Unf, the art deco terminal building has been remodelled and is no longer art deco.


    The jobsworth always comes out of his office as I am waiting to pay the landing fee to tick me off for not wearing a high-vis. I always ask how did he know and he always responds he saw me walking across the apon without it. So my response is, if he could see me, it is not needed..


    I know I am being fecetious.. it's their playground and they can set the rules as their (and their insurers) like, but if they are worried about us walking into a prop, they should make the props high-vis..


    BTW, again off topic - do they require high vis in Aus?

  9. Soar Aviation have many Foxbat and Bristol aircraft they used for training.


    Now that they are no longer operating as a flight training school ( so I believe ) I presumed there would be numerous LSA aircraft coming onto the market.


    I may have the wrong info but if it's true surely they would have to liquidate some of their planes.


    It would be a good time to buy one of their aircraft as the market is dead at the moment!


    Has anyone heard anything ?


    @Butch - really sorry mate.. but couldn't help myself (and a bit of pot calling kettle black looking at some of my typos over the years... but your post did evoke some great visions...)


    Nope - don't think they had any Beaufighters or any other of these: Bristol Built — Aerospace Bristol.. .:oh yeah:


    I have to stop inviting Wolfie around....


    Also, YBDG - great airfield... when I moved back to Aus in 2003 with the (then young) family, we lived in Bendigo for the first 6 months...


    The bloke I worked for was Bob Downing - had a vineyard in Heathote... Great bloke.

  10. @OME - I respect your throughts on this as you worked as a true public servant and probably understand the inner working of the machinery of government than most on these fora (I don't know anyone else who worked in the PS on here, except me.. but not enough to have real experience of the place).


    But, where we have what is claimed to be a hostile regulator that regulates a very small segment of the population, it may be a case of be careful what you ask for. While the public servant arm of CASA may simply seek retribution, can you imagine what could happen when the pollies get involved? They will smell an opportunity - to win votes.. Sounds good, except that they are playing to an aviation (especially GA and recreational aviation) illiterate population. They will feed the main media (mainstream, social, etc) to push a barrow they may have.. .can you imagine it? Foeign pilots a danger to society - close city and large conrubation airports and send them to some dust bowl where they only people the can hurt are themselves...


    Too far fetched? Look at ASIC.


    Despite the howls of protestation from the aviation media and the representation made by various representative bodies, these only preach to the converted. Mr & Mrs Smith don't read them nor care.. they take wahtever media distribution to sppon feed them so they don't have to think. Both the incumbent minister and opposition will be looking for votes... do they really care about a tiny part of the population when they can sensationalise things and get the gullible population to fall for it.. .make it look like they have saved their lives yet again from some foreign and internal threat, etc etc. They wil lremind the population at election time to get the votes.

    • Agree 2
  11. Bloomin nora.. getting envy here.. Anymore C182 owners here?


    Glassairs very sleek and sexy...


    If you google N20TB, and ignore the AAIB report on the belly landing as it wasn't me, that is my shareoplane until Friday. The cockpit photo you can see is outdated - the LHS (whcih you can hardly see) is still analogue; the RHS is digital and we have replaced most of the avionics.

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