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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Only if the shrink can be part of the class 2 medical
  2. Which means that somewhere there is something that someone wants but noone wants to own up to who owns it As I have always said: Ladies of the night (Mavis Who?), possum skin thongs, a bottle of cheap homemade whisky and a rodent of ill repute will give you...........
  3. "Dont you dare bring up anything" yelled Mavis "I have just polished this floor so that Elratdroppings doesn't......
  4. "It was Locksies abominable fake Kiwi accent" offered the goldtoothone "He is trying to curry favour with the..........
  5. "Hey......are you calling me fat!!!!" squealed Mavis "leave my girth out of this, and I dont like being called a Human ......Oooh, you said Factor.......tehe" "I thought you said............
  6. "Just be thankful they are on Far" said Mavis "If they were on Close, even the Liberal party would have .............
  7. Bryon

    Electric Pump

    I was taught - all switches up at the holding point (this included the fuel pump) on takeoff and on downwind my checks were BUMPFFH Brakes Undercarriage Mixture Pump Fuel - switch on and Fuel sufficient Hatches and harnesses secure This is a check that I run through on downwind regardless of the aircraft I am flying To me, the pump should be on on takeoff and landing as they are the most critical parts of flight and if I can lessen the risks, I will do it Bryon
  8. To soar with the eagles is like flying with God Enjoy and marvel at how they do it without having to build a plane That is the beauty of flying
  9. "What???" yelled Mavis (see post 4706) "are you trying to take over our corner?" Mavis had tired of using her feminine wiles (nil success rate) and opted to pay instead "How dare you attempt to steal my clientelle" "I have them well trained and you dont look as if you could attract a...............
  10. I will drop over and say hello on Sunday Cheers Bryon
  11. "Ooooooooh, I just knew someone would mention the leather gear" sighed Tubs as he fastened his studded collar :whip: "You know I like it when............
  12. "I normally have honey on me porridge" he mused. "I wonder what FIGJAM tastes like and can we get it in MapofTassie?'..........
  13. ...who, with a quick mince of his slim hips and a bit of a woosie wave of his manicured hands said...........
  14. .....Elratto, who sat there with a cheesy grin on his face and a drip tray at his feet "You dare to accuse me of such a foul deed" he cried "Why, I cant even........
  15. Now now gentlemen, this forum is rapidly degenerating into a ......I dunno what. Lets keep abreast of decorum........
  16. "OOooooooh, a landing like that could wear the nipples off a pair of grease guns" squirmed Mavis "I would much prefer if you would.............."
  17. ....placating Elratface who was feeling a bit miffed that people were ignoring his obvious good looks and engaging personality "There there" she cooed as she patted his..........
  18. "........which can be quite horrificus" "But the mind boggles at bootshod lycra clad fairies sitting astride a sheeta with the wind in their..............."
  19. ........Beryl, the older sister of Mavis and first cuzzin to Nana. Now Beryl had failed the entrance exam to MILF school :yuk: and as a consequence had let herself go a little bit. :jawdrop: For the past 10-20 years Beryl had been content to live the solitary life of a crone, but had lately taken to dreaming of romance again.:velvt: Having followed the exploits of SlartiIgottabiggun on NES, she decided to use her feminine wiles to entice the young(ish) SlartiIgottabiggun into a romantic encounter. So armed with a veritable arsenal of alluring attractors, she...........
  20. .....for a flask of medicinal scotch with which to both sterilise the area :doctor:to save slarti from infection and to give her a little bit of dutch courage to face the jobbie ahead...
  21. "With my kidneys, you have got to be kidding" "It would be more like cheap plonk" volunteered Elratto :monkeydance: "I have had many a good night on cheap plonk" cooed Mavis "Maybe Elratto and I should get together and............ :velvt::whip:
  22. "Bugga the compromises" growled Mavis "Give me a full blown, all vibrating, noisy rotarooter anyday" "I like my men................
  23. "Not exactly a girls best friend are they" sniffed Mavis............ "Maybe we could ask the Elratto to ..........
  24. That is illogical, a horse would not fit through the trapdoor of a gallows (Spike Milliganesque ) maybe we could use a rat instead...........
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