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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. 'Doctored Whiskey!!!!!' roared Ahlikesadrink. "I was under the impression that everything that Mavis had was real. What else is false?" "Who cares" said Slarti, "As long as it has alcohol in it, we should.........
  2. ....rethycled beercan with wayward rivetth" All of which confused Mavis Now, Mavis was not known for her brainalogical acumen, in fact she was what could be described as what Turbs said (no offence to the K9 fraternity or their lovers(not that there is anything wrong with that) Mavis had two main assets, those being .........
  3. "You shoulda seen his G meter go off the dial" said Constable Doubtfire "Obviously you know all the best G spots" mumbled Mavis who had been trying to ..............
  4. Rod Stiff at Natfly said not to fit EGT and CHT guages as "they give you too much information"
  5. Three of the best My first solo (I still remember the thrill of taking off and flying the circuit, then stuffing up the landing) My first pax, my best friend who didnt even know I had been learning to fly (you shoulda seen the look on his face ) And not really a flight, but a lengthy taxi and full run up of all four engines whilst seated in the tail turret of a Lancaster (boy, does that tail lift off the ground at full revs) Cheers Bryon
  6. taking him up to Willans Hill for a pash and a quick ..........E, which turned into a slow............. Everyone's Aunt knows that Willans Hill is the home of the Wagga Miniature Railway, which matches AhLox's ................... well worn utensil :csm:
  7. No wonder there wasnt much left in Camp David on Saturday
  8. I dont want to rain on your parade , but it is great flying weather here in Melbourne PS hope you get flying soon Cheers Bryon
  9. .....held his fire as Mr H walked between the rows of seats trying to look inconspicuous. This aroused (Mavis term) the curiosity of Locksy (who didnt want anything aroused by that time) and the Naviatrix. "Who is that handsome man?" coooed the Naviatrix, to which Locksly replied darkly "*%$^&* if I know , but I wish he would............. .......................let er go like a debutant at a BNS ball...... only in Bang her home:roflmao:
  10. .....which means that their little possum skin outfits got wet again. "You shoulda heard em squeal as their shorts got shorta" she said "It was like the wail from a thousand rotarooters going into overdrive" "I remember that sound" said Bartwhofartslast "It was last heard at the members meeting in Temora when.......
  11. fill all the rivet holes in the frame that he could find. When you look at the ...... Claws = santa. Seven Six out of 10 for that one
  12. "possum fur thong" lithped Jerry "And once they get wet, they can be very..........
  13. Ignition and Darks, can you send me a copy of your logs as I am developing my own and can always use more input Cheers and thanks Bryon
  14. "Who are you calling a Miss?????" yelled Turbs "I will have you know that the last time I wore a dress, I had my wifes ...............
  15. If he had a ball, the registration is quite apt (pronounced dik)
  16. Welcome to the club c722352, you now belong to a small group of pilots that understand what all that training is really for. I hope your pucker has relaxed a bit by now Congratulations and well done on having a good outcome Cheers Bryon
  17. "Is that anything like an ironing board" said Nana "cos we used to keep ours in the laundry closet next to the............
  18. ...outstanding role model of what not to do when confronted by an alluring young lady such as Mavis" "Flashing a gold toof and dangling an appendage as a sign of virility is not the done thing" chimed in Nana "It never worked when I.........
  19. ============ The race to 5000 is why noone else could get a word in this arvo.....Bloody mexicans... Jealous, nah na na nah nah
  20. .....nose which was so resplendent with copious amounts of nasal hair. No matter how often she brushed, combed, teased and plucked, they always looked like the fur round a rats...... "With an Echidna, the pricks are on the outside" Oooohhhh, I didnt know rats were so catty . Will you be visiting the Evector stand at Natfly Elratto?
  21. "I hope conflatulation is not contagious" said Mavis. "The last time I had something contagious , I had to take some yukky medecine called penny...something or other and it cleared up in a coupla days" "Left a right mess in me.........
  22. .....Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy . For he believed that there at the end of the Galaxy :Norton: lay the answer to all his problems, like, how to get from Bang..Holme to Tooradunnowherethatis without using a .................
  23. Does this mean that the weight and height limit are increased as of 15 April or is there a wait period?
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