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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. [quote="68volksy, post: 237339, member: 543" (I was spending too much time "inside the cockpit"). . When I saw hundreds of zombie like, mesmorized pilots line up at glass cockpit displays, I was wondering how they were going to fly their plane. The colours and hues, flickering numbers and subtle lighting floats you to their presence and to your wallet.
  2. They need to come up with a "super nova" glass display, one where you can use a welding helmet set on dark. [Metalman would probably use that to try it out]
  3. Are glass diplays really hard to read with sunglasses on?
  4. I 've seen pilots line up at stalls wanting to convert to glass cockpits. They were selling faster than the popcorn. Eventually it will be cheaper to buy a vfr package in a glass display-the inside of your weed hopper will look like an A380 cockpit.
  5. Of course you want to get a pre purchase inspection Maj, but I was reading somewhere that the legal implications are unfair to any inspector who [implied] could be sued regardless of the disclaimer if an undiscovered fault caused an accident. Two hours is not much time to check an a/c- eg as per previous posts mice eating halfway through a spar. You will not be able notice it on some a/c till the wing fell off.
  6. And I'll be damned if I think it's indicative of how lucky he was. I think it shows us how bloody good he was. He was very good and a teensie bit lucky. (how's that for diplomacy]
  7. I thought RAA abolished requirement to have a pre purchase inspection
  8. Chuck Yeager was asked how he survived all his years of test flying. He said words to the effect that he studied and learnt all the systems on the a/c. We are all test pilots every time we go up. Nobody has ever before flown through that air you are flying through.
  9. They were lucky the knocked switch didn't activate the circuit. They would be blasting off again before they could even get any happy snaps. FWIW anyone that has the balls to strap themselves to controlled "bomb" and pray that everyone else has done their job properly earns my respect I woudn't have gone unless I had done a two week preflight inspection myself
  10. We'll never know if Mr Gorsky was sucessful but he would have been the last thing I would have been thinking of if I was stepping onto the moon that day.. I'd be thinking of getting out of this place alive! Niel Armstrong was lucky to even make it to old age. There are are numerous unknown test pilots working for unknown organizations who didn't make it but made it much safer to fly.
  11. If it was a hoax, the Russians would have found out first-they wanted to own the moon as much as the Americans.
  12. I've been flying my own a/c for 4 years and havn't spent a cent on avgas. A lot of a/c engines will run on unleaded motor fuel but need a lead replacement additive. It doesnt lubricate the valves as well as lead but is supposed to come close and wont foul plugs as easily. There are three choices of octane rating to suit your engine. NO, a higher octane wont give you more power. The cheapest would be to use discarded cooking oil as Ive seen used in military vehicles in third world countries.
  13. The cloth tape is available from a pharmacy cheap
  14. That was disproved by the Mythbusters
  15. There was something mentioned about flying close to an fia boundary that you monitor both freqencies. The same would apply as above. How you do it with one radio, dunno.
  16. Prop torque is based on the size of the bolt. I had a Great American prop that just got thinner and thinner with retorquing. You need a special springy washer to keep the torque more constant.
  17. . Have a read of the Jabiru manual and it advises not to use silicon based products as it will make future repairs difficult. You'll end up with a thowaway plane that can't be fixed just to save ten buck or so.
  18. Looks like we need a thread explaining fuels and octane.
  19. All the waxes sold specifically for a/c have no silicone to avoid repainting problems. It goes further than that.
  20. From what I am told, the silicon works its way through the composite making strong repairs impossible. Use non silicon only.
  21. No system works without proper management-communism, capitalism and other isms. In this financial meltdown, all the "holes in the cheeze" lined up bigtime. Locally we've had small financial meldowns. Retirees collectively loosing life saving on the charms of some energetic financial "advisor". Property schemes to past pine plantation schemes promised the same thing-near instant wealth without having to work hard. Who can resist that. In a nut shell, the free enterprise system has it's downside as well as upside. Thats why bankruptsy laws came about-so that people who took risks and lost could start again. Advancements of every kind involve financial risk and you don't want to discourage that. But when too many people loose and claim bankruptsy, you have a financial meltdown. By the way, wasn't a lot of the financial crisis paid for by "printing money" That's inflationary but inflation stopped dead and so the crisis was paid for and a healthy level of inflation was established.
  22. We need to get back to what we always talk about-sex and flying.
  23. Sound like a system I had for a 447. Though the priming was not done through the main fuel line as you describe-don't know how that works. Using a primer to keep an engine running may not work-you're injecting a rich supply of fuel suitable when the engine is cold. I could't find any clear fuel resistant tubing for my fuel level indicater, so just replaced the tubing often. Any leaks there could have dumped fuel onto my head and saturated my clothing. The hose from the crankcase to the fuel pump needs to be as short and stiff as possible. The vacuum pulses will be cancelled out by a flexing tube. There is cheap overhaul kit for the fuel pump from Burt Flood.
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