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Erik Snyman

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Everything posted by Erik Snyman

  1. The moral of the story: Make sure your plane is bigger than those of your mates.... Erik in Oz.
  2. Golly.......I need something with twin radials..... Erik in Oz.
  3. That`s ok.......I just need to get the trailer`s rego up to date and fit a tow hitch to the old 172.... Erik in Oz.
  4. Hello BP That would be awesome!!!! I will get myself up to Boonah, and we take it from there. I might also be able to take some of the other 60 knotter`s excess luggage..Don`t worry, I also love to follow roads. I don`t mind to potter along at low-and-slow speed. I can do that all day long! Kindest regards, and please keep me in mind for future plans. Erik.
  5. Hello Bp I would LOVE to go with. I fly an old C172, so can keep up with the 60 knotters.....(is that a new word?) I live in Central West NSW (Parkes) and can supply overnight sleeping space here. Parkes has a lovely airport to boot! Please, please, can I go with? Erik in Oz.
  6. Golly......she can do my pre-flight any time..... Erik in Oz.
  7. Hello Gus Nice to meet you! (so to speak....) Will be seeing you around the traps then. Regards, Erik.
  8. Hello GusHod89 I also live in Parkes. What is your real name? Erik Snyman.
  9. Yip. Reminds me of the old Dakotas we used to fly in the South African Air Force many years ago. There was a saying that a Dak is the only plane that flaps it`s wings to stay in the air. Erik in Oz.
  10. You get them at camping stores. They are called "Backpacks". Erik in Oz.
  11. Hello All I am looking for the MTOW and empty weight for a Skyfox 21. That is a tail dragger fitted with the VW engine. Regards, Erik in Oz.
  12. Hello All Thanks for the welcome. Capt. Wally: Being a South African farm boy, I grew up with Lister diesels, and LOVE them!!! Nightmare: Yes, I have a PPL, and is renting at the moment. It is not so much the cost factor as the inconvenience of not being able the have the plane when I want it. I sold my plane (C172M) when we moved to Australia, so I miss the convenience terribly. BusaKaine: Good on you. Having a PPL is, in my opinion, still more practical than having a RPL. It allows you to fly a wider range of planes, but, if you fly just for the fun of punching holes in the sky, there is nothing wrong with a RPL. Kindest regards, Erik in Oz.
  13. Hello Listers. Just joined. Looking at flying ultralights to combat GA costs. Regards, Erik in Oz.
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