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Yippee! Gone solo

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I’m so proud of my wife


Yesterday I watched her solo for the first time, without any trepidation, knowing her to be as competent, self assured and business-like about her flying as she is in everything else.


She came back frustrated that her landing had not been her best: The extra float from the lightened aircraft. She was disappointed when her instructor wouldn’t let her go up again and prove how polished her flying could be.


And the thing is, she’s not passionate about flying the way I am. It’s just we have an aircraft, and it makes sense she knows how to operate it. So it just boils down to her perservence and the experience and patience of her instructor.


She’s no spring chook either, just eighteen months younger than I. Good for her. I’m sooo proud!





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She should have been told how the plane's performance would change when the Instructor got out.. It can be quite marked. A good landing is a controlled one... Not necessarily a "fluked " greaser done by numbers. Nev



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Nev, I'm sure her instructor did tell her. I certainly did: Its one of the overriding memories of my own first solo, many moons ago. My own instructor had warned me, but nothing really prepares you for the difference when you've only ever flown a light plane with 2 pax. It just takes a little while to adjust and get used to both situations.



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