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Satellite phone skins for iphone

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Hi As I plan some trip flights I want to buy a satellite phone skin for my iphone 13.   What plans do I need to purchase so I will have use when needed.  Mainly for urgent contacts in remote areas and short calls.


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Another option is to purchase an Iridium sat phone, new or used, and if you are on Telstra (postpaid) your current sim can be used for calls and texts. Won't need a plan for this, but do have the inconvenience of swapping the sim.


Calls were about $3 a minute and texts 75c last I checked.


You have to enable your plan for international calling as well.

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The frustrating thing about satphones (like mobiles) is that plans change all the time.  I bought an iSatPhone quite a few years back, not for flying but for emergency coverage on our road trips into sometimes-remote places.  I went for the iSatPhone because at the time InmarSat had a very reasonable prepaid plan on which the credits lasted a year - or maybe even two years.  Perfect for what we wanted, i.e. hardly ever needed, but when needed, possibly needed badly!  But - after only one cycle on that plan, it was discontinued, and the longest any prepaid credits lasted after that was (I think) 30 days.  I was extremely unimpressed, so the phone sat in a cupboard for a few years until I finally sold it a while back.  Advancing age means we don't go to such remote places now anyway, so no big loss.  But just be aware that this can happen any time, with any provider.

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Thuraya is not positioned well for a lot of parts here in OZ..Iridium is ok but be prepared for no comms if you are in a valley or gullies....Inmarsat is the pick of the bunch. it is geostationary like Thuraya but much better position for australia and the look angle is far higher.

It all goes back to cost and some usability. I personally like the Inmarsat for portable ops and the plans now at least are sort of reasonable you dont have to maintain a yearly subscription you can just do a month etc


I have been into sat comms since Aussat more than 30 years ago then Optus Mobilesat then of course the rest of these ones now. As a side point I just setup Starlink at my farm last night...it is super impressive and fast and literally 2 mins  to setup...incredible stuff now 

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