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Ian Baker


Join Date: Feb 2010


Location: Around


Posts: 8


CPL in an RA-Aus aircraft


Guys/Girls, I'm going to write to CASA to try to convince them that one should be able to get their CPL in an RA-Aus aircraft.


Where would I start and who should I write to specifically?



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Good on em! Though I would have though an ATPL would be in reach. We shouldn't be discriminated against!! It looks like someone pulling their chains :-)


Really though, an extra 20-50 kilos is all I want so that I have more than 2 hours fuel (even then theres no baggage) when me and the missus go flying! I just can't lose enough weight, sugar has me in it's clutches so it will have to be the aircraft that changes not me! :-( If I want night flying, IFR, more seats, etc the PPL is available!



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Guest ozzie
Ian Baker[/url] Join Date: Feb 2010


Location: Around


Posts: 8


CPL in an RA-Aus aircraft


Where would I start and who should I write to specifically?

any one to start off with. "they" will just pass it from desk to desk so everyone in the dept will get to read it sooner but probably later.



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I think he is trying to wind 'em up...when we introduced skyfoxes (GA registered into flying schools) the instructors still referred to them as ultralights...

Hi DD, i think they wind themselves up.(my plane is bigger than yours etc)LOL.I read the responses, i dont go their much to PPrune.But listening to people from their Ivory towers, is funny.



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I must say my first response was irritation, strikes me this is something RA Aus should consider and if feasible, approach CASA, not some fella who obviously hadn't thought it through but felt it was a good idea. It really does make us look like a bunch of palookas with no idea of what is involved in CPL training. Tweaking tails is all very well, but at a time when we should be trying to build bridges, this is more likely to pee off the middle ground.



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I must say my first response was irritation, strikes me this is something RA Aus should consider and if feasible, approach CASA, not some fella who obviously hadn't thought it through but felt it was a good idea. It really does make us look like a bunch of palookas with no idea of what is involved in CPL training. Tweaking tails is all very well, but at a time when we should be trying to build bridges, this is more likely to pee off the middle ground.

I agree



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Sorry Spin...i disagreeThe best thing we could do is "forget it"...its never going to happen....there is an existing pathway and RAA is at the beginning (where it should be)...


RAA's efforts needs a focus on maintaining the rights we have right now.......if any members want some more challengers...they know where to go.


What I don't want to see is the addition of any more rampant bureucracy than we have now....


(sorry i cant spell "bureu,,,,"......)

Um, did you read from the beginning? Perhaps I was a little subtle, I think the whole idea is the proverbial crock!



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Don't get over excited guys, every post this "name" has made is controversial, designed to get GA backs up, however over time he has used so many names that he's easily identifiable and that's probably the reason for the low key response. His end game really is to destabilise RA Aus, but hasn't been able to develop a following.



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