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Echuca this weekend - anyone going ?


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The Antique Aircraft Association is having its national flying at Echuca this weekend (1-3 April) - looks to be a big event. Anyone else going ? We are flying in Saturday - departing Sunday after the airshow.



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Apparently there are 12 Tigers, a Chippy and others heading off from Luskintyre this Thursday. That must almost be a record of Tigers out of one airfield, what a hoot wish I was going but I have to fly to Melbourne this week.David

That record goes to the 70 to 72 (not sure now) Tigers at Temora in the early 90's - it was a buzz.


Jake J



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Hi Ian,


Hope to fly in early on the Sunday morning, wx permitting of course. Looks like a fantastic line-up. Will drive if the wx is bad.







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Guest davidh10

A week ago I thought I would go, but it seems I now have other commitments 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


It looks like it will be good.



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went there ,had a ball, one of the best flyins I've been to!!

I heard you were there. I stopped a guy who looked like you. Turns out I'm an idiot. Who knew?

Got to agree though. Great displays, great aircraft, and the talk by Matt Hall yesterday redefined greatness.


Oh yeah - I have 340 photos of varying levels of interest. Anyone vary interested? (I realise that's misspelled. It's a pun)



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yeh slarti I saw you taxi out this arvo,, I didn't realize you were camped next to the RV4 and the RV6 ,we were in the blue /white decathalon in the next row!!

The one on the runway end? That was my shade for most of today's pics.

Slight framing issue there stanza. Were you and Bec there too? As I was walking to the Cheetah at one stage someone said "you made it". I thought they were referring to the Cheetah. Only later did I realise it may be a forum member talking about me getting to Echuca. I hope I didn't snub anyone I really wanted to meet. That would **** me off.



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The one on the runway end? That was my shade for most of today's pics.Slight framing issue there stanza. Were you and Bec there too? As I was walking to the Cheetah at one stage someone said "you made it". I thought they were referring to the Cheetah. Only later did I realise it may be a forum member talking about me getting to Echuca. I hope I didn't snub anyone I really wanted to meet. That would **** me off.

That was me !! You seemed to be on a mission


Was a fantastic weekend - and the flying conditions were perfect !! We were certainly lucky with departure though - there was a huge queue at the taxiway when the Roulettes finished. A certain cheetah was #1 and we were #3 so very quick getaway. Got back to Camden in plenty of time



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Very sorry Ian. I was a bit distracted, but I would have loved to chat for a bit.


I'll have to catch you next time.


I had to sit in the plane for 45 mins to ensure I got away in time. After unicom kept telling us they might be able to get away, then not, then yes, I've never idled so long. I wasn't sure it would start again the last time. The holding point at the threshold was a great spot to watch the Roulettes though.


The tailwind all the way meant I got there with 45 mins to spare. A headwind could have eaten that up though. Glad you got back too.



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Hey cool pics, are you going to post them somewhere,,,,facebook?

Nope. I don't do twitface, or OMGVille.

I can send a copy of any you like.


Here's a few more of the 340 I took. This was a really great weekend.


The Beech Staggerwing and the Stinson Reliant were favourites.


The Birddog on floats was something different.


I got a real close look at the Roulettes from the holding point of 17.


I've never seen so many 195s. There were 5 I think. Very nice.















































































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The 195s are beautiful aircraft - there were 6 there of the 7 in Australia !! The other one is awaiting an engine replacement.


The highlight of the airshow for me was the Southern Knights - a Harvard formation display team. For private pilots they are awesome



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The 195s are beautiful aircraft - there were 6 there of the 7 in Australia !! The other one is awaiting an engine replacement.The highlight of the airshow for me was the Southern Knights - a Harvard formation display team. For private pilots they are awesome

The 195's certainly were beautiful but so were most of the others. I don't know what the final count was but it must have been close to 200 aircraft all gathered in one place.


There were more Tigers than Austers, an almost unheard of situation. The sight and sounds of the Spitfire, Mustang and P40 formatting together were awesome. The Harvards display was superb as was the finale by the Roulettes. And that little J2 Cub must have knocked up enough hours to need an oil change before going home.


It was a fantastic weekend and it was great to see a council (Moira) actively supporting aviation in its area rather than covetting the land for residential development.!!!





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The 195's certainly were beautiful but so were most of the others.

Yeah - I would gladly have most !! Were you there in an Auster - which one ?



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Yeah - I would gladly have most !! Were you there in an Auster - which one ?

I had to drive so I was merely a spectator. 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif


The Auster has been in the black hole they call aircraft maintenance for some months but I have been assured it will be ready to collect from Penfield tomorrow (Saturday).


It's been that long I'm worried I have forgotten how to fly it. I did an hour of circuits in a C172 on the way home but it isn't as demanding as the AUS5 especially in a x-wind. At least I know where all the guages are without hunting for them... the Cessna panel was huge compared to mine!





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Hey Kaz, are you base up at coldstream? I'm hoping to drop up tommorrow arvo to check out the aero club up there , do you get along on fridays?cheers Mat

Hi Mat


Yes... I'm one of the Coldstream Flyers (CFS). I'm on holidays at present but I spent today doing jobs around home. Back at work next week, dammit.


The flying school is currently run by RVAC and teaches both GA (Warriors) and RA (Tecnam). Dick Gower is CFI and he has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Bob Boyd is his main off-sider and he also teaches both streams.


It's a friendly place and I know you will be welcome there.


Catch you next time?





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Hi There everyone, We arrived in my wife's Blue & White C182 in the middle of the show! I think I landed behind a CT4!


Was a really great show! Saw Slarti taxiing, waited till most had left before leaving ourselves !


Cheers Guy


Just checked out your photo's Slati they are really great, can even see the wife's 182 in the departure shot! Thanks!



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