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NSW member running for office

Guest burbles1

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Guest burbles1

I have pleasure in announcing that I intend to run for election as a Board Member for New South Wales. After considerable thought, I consider I am in a good position to contribute to the wider membership. I will make further announcements soon.


See you at Temora!


Dave Gardiner



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I have pleasure in announcing that I intend to run for election as a Board Member for New South Wales. After considerable thought, I consider I am in a good position to contribute to the wider membership. I will make further announcements soon.See you at Temora!

Dave Gardiner

Whew! 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Go for it burbles...and good luck....................................................................................Maj...



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I'd just like to put in a good word for Dave, whom I don't know and have never met except here on RecFly. A while ago Dave was offering to pay the $50 membership fee for anybody who wanted to join the Canberra Region Aviators Association. This is the group who are wanting to establish a second airport for Canberra for GA and recreational aviation. I don't even have my cert yet, and I don't live anywhere near Canberra, but I have relatives there and dream of flying there one day.


The membership fee was not something I could justify at the time, but I wanted to support the cause. I am now a paid up member of the CRAA thanks to the generosity of Dave...and he lives as far away from Canberra as I do! So Dave is a guy who puts his money where his mouth is and supports recreational aviation. Thanks again Dave and I hope to pay my own way next time!





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Guest burbles1

Thanks all for your encouragement. I know this is the right time to run because of the opportunities to which I would apply my skills. BlackRod got the jump on me with his commitments, so now here is my election statement.


Dave Gardiner


I would firstly like to pay respects to outgoing New South Wales member Carol Richards. Carol initiated and worked tirelessly on several programs, such as the GYFTS scholarship program, and most notably NatFly. Her work in coordinating activities for this premier event for recreational pilots has been tremendous, and NatFly is an enduring legacy of those efforts.Recreational flying is a new-found passion for me. I had a brief encounter with GA 12 years ago when I learned to fly in a Cessna 150. After soloing, the cash ran out and so did my interest for several years. I took up flying again in a Piper Warrior, but this time I had difficulties in gaining a medical to solo. That is when I stumbled across recreational aviation and saw the advantages of it being more affordable and having fewer restrictions for getting into the air. My passion was ignited, and I had great fun and challenges learning in a Jabiru and gaining my Pilot’s Certificate in August 2009. Now I look forward to getting my cross-country endorsement. I feel privileged to be able to head off on a sunny day and gaze at the landscape.


When I joined RA-Aus in 2008, I had an interest for not only flying, but also knowing more about recreational aviation – the culture, the history and where it was heading – and to help where I could. I volunteered my services and ended up helping John Brandon to revise his web tutorials. I made submissions to papers on the weight increase and ADS-B. I donated fuelling equipment for an aero club. I designed a promotional brochure for the Canberra Region Aviators Association. Now I am ready to do more for the wider aviation community.


My background is in digital editing and publishing. I am a qualified professional editor working for a legal publisher. Also, I have run a freelance business since 2004, and have handled jobs for Australian Government and international academic clients. Previously, as a rural catchment coordinator, I organised and presented public meetings with guest speakers, prepared posters and brochures, published articles, presented conference papers, managed state government tenders and contracts, and


acted as Executive support for several project committees. With broad skills in web design and content development, graphic design, and promotional writing, I am well able to take on a role in communications.


At this time, RA-Aus needs strong direction in communications activities. There can be no shortcuts, nor is there room for those who seek accolades. NatFly needs to continue in its present format, which works well for members and the public alike. I am in a good position to take over the coordination of NatFly, having previously managed small events at the “grass roots” level. Similarly, the RA-Aus website is undergoing redevelopment, and my skills in web design, content management systems and online publishing will be of benefit in helping to develop materials and services that members need. Initiatives are required to recruit new members, and social networks and websites are key to achieving new means of promotion. The GYFTS scholarship program also needs much wider promotion to engage the interest of young flyers.


When you cast your vote, think about what RA-Aus needs at this time. It is not only longevity in aviation that matters – essential skills and enthusiasm are just as important. I invite members to have a chat with me to see how I operate, and so I can find out what issues matter the most. [i will release contact details to RA-Aus members shortly. You can PM me in the meantime.]


I declare I have no commercial interests in aviation whatsoever.

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Let's just say I'm not convinced that I'm the man for the job.The size of the footprints I would stumble into are a bit daunting.

On the up side, I can pop out to Fyshwick any time I want. And not just for porn.

Move down to Victoria Slarti 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif



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It is all well and good for these great people to stand but it is up to us to support them and vote for them...remember you can use preferential voting 1..2..3 or just 1..2 if you don't want to vote a 3



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Guest burbles1



Great to hear those comments. The CRAA is having a meeting at NatFly to talk about their progress so far, and it'd be good to see a big turnout for that. The group is going along quite strongly with the ACT Government on side.



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Guest burbles1

Please test me ...


If I am elected, I would use this forum to converse with members as frequently as possible. One of my initiatives would be to post, as is ethically permissible, what I'm working on as a way of providing feedback to members (a bit like Twitter I suppose). Over the next few months, you can expect to see more of my ideas emerge in various posts. This will give members a chance to question, probe, challenge and otherwise find out what I could do.


So, to start with, I've agreed to help out Carol at NatFly to get an inside perspective of the work involved. I'll probably end up parading around in an orange vest some time, which will make me look officious and boost my ego no end.006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif I'd like to get a heap of photos too for promotional purposes. It's gunna be great!



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Test you Burbles?


Well I that's a great idea about using modern methods of real time communication for a start.


As you can see from the Future of Board members thread the potential is there to get plenty of feedback, and frequently very useful gems.


An excellent way to govern to the mood of a geographically diverse membership



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Guest burbles1

Members have had the opportunity to vote for the change to the Constitution regarding state/territory representation. It's what the members would want, not what I would want, that matters (let me make that unequivocally clear:cheezy grin:).



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Guest burbles1

FT, I'll be catching up with Carol, Steve and other Board Members at Temora - it'll be good to get their opinions on the best way to campaign. Plus I've printed 500 brochures (when I decide to do something, I go the whole hog). I'll need to hand those out somehow over the next few months.



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Guest burbles1

fly_tornado, I don't like blogs. I am trying to keep one running at the moment that's related to my part-time business. It's hard work to write something exciting every couple of weeks. I think this forum is the best place for any ramblings.





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