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What is your best flight experience ever?

Guest SAJabiruflyer

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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Mine was arguably as a 12yr old unaccompanied minor on an AirNZ flight from Melbourne to Christchurch. As we reached the West Coast of NZ, I got taken to the flight deck and got to sit in the jump seat. Best of all - I stayed there for the rest of the flight AND the landing. That, for a 12yr old, was an amazing experience, which I remember to this day!



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i was going to say first solo as well, Bankstown airport, in cherokee 161, VH SVW. at about 6 am.. never forget it, the aircraft didnt even need a headset! just a big speaker in the roof and a big hand held microphone!



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Guest Jake.f

Probably the first takeoff I ever experienced in a light aircraft . A flight from Brisbane to Cairns with Virgin that provided brilliant views of the Barrier reef also springs to mind, along with a spectacular dawn approach to runway 34R in Sydney on a QantasLink Q400.


EDIT: And how could I forget experiencing some steep turns on a TIF last week!!



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My 2nd most memorable would have to of been sitting in the jump seat with Customs Watch out of Broome flying over a few islands and low level flying above a particular private yacht whos deck crew decided to shine us a mooney. But most memorable is so far my very first flying lesson just only a month or so ago.



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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Now that I think of it more, there are so many "best" experiences! I remember doing short field t/off training on the cross strip, and we did a go around to prevent conflict with traffic on the main rwy, when the instructor pulled the carby heat and throttle.. and of course we have a simulated engine failure. Now he expected me to nose down and find a suitable spot in front, but because we were at around 850ft, I knew from that height I could simply turn left two times and glide into the main rwy. Which I proceeded to do and aced it! THAT was a huge milestone - it was when I realised the constant training had ingrained into my mind the ability to analyze the situation and respond accordingly. Had we been at 500ft or so my response would have been quite different!



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Guest David C

It would have to be my first solo at Hoxton Park flying Jabiru 0740 ... It was very unexpected and came as a great surprise when my instructor said " OK , make this landing a full stop , I'm getting out and you are going solo " . I didn't have much time to build up the nerves .. My second best was probably my first ever flight . It was a quick flight from Blackpool Airport in the UK in Jodel G-ARDZ .. I still remember vividly the take off and landing ... I was hooked , and flying has been in my heart ever since ..



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Guest Maj Millard

Boy that's a toughie !....................................................................................Maj...



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My most exciting experience was being in our college RAF cadet force in Guernsey at the ripe old age of sixteen when my friend and I went to England to attend two RAF courses after which my friend and I were invited by his Aunt, who was a flying officer at RAF Odiham, to stay at this air base for a few days as 'Pilot Officers'. We stayed in the officers quarters and had our own batman who polished our boots every morning etc. We were treated like royalty. The airfield operated Vampire jets, Gloster meteors and Hawker Hunters which at the time were on the secret list. Now if all of this was not exciting enough we both flew seperately in a two seat Meteor mk7 for almost an hour being given a trial instruction flight for most of that time. It would take too long to describe the whole flight but I remember not coming back to earth for weeks after that.


I was going to include some smilies but couldn't find enough to describe the exhilaration !!!!!!!!!!!





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One of my best was being in the pointy end of a 747 landing in Frankfurt (pre 9/11 or course), but I think the best was the first day I came home from the model flying field with all models intact! That was a long time coming... :big_grin:



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Guest Jake.f

I only flew twice pre 9/11, and both times I slept most of the way so did not get to see the flight deck in flight. I think I missed an opportunity I may never have again then.



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oop's suppose that is a "Landing Experience" not a Flight One


Over Wilpena Pound with my family with gorgeous light returning from "Ettadunna Station" (which is where the Birdsville Track crosses the "Cooper Creek") after we had gone up to see the Lake Eyre Yatch Club hold their Regatta on Lake Kilumpunpunna, last July 2010. This is the lake on the Cooper just before the water gets to lake Eyre. That was also a pretty cool sight seeing Yatch's in the middle of a Desert, sorry open pastoral country!



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Hmm there are so many!!


First solo would have to be 'upthere!!' 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif


Flying in PNG (not that I was pilot, but it was still amazing!)


Flying my first ever 95:10 rag and tube primitive ultralight with no instrumentation and a snowmobile engine... that was certainly a highlight!! (single seat so learn as you go)


First time into a large airport was a blast... you feel very poor with jets all around you and all you're in is a 172! 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif


Oh there are so many..... each hour of my flying is an experience, well if it isn't I'm not flying hard enough 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif



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Three of the best


My first solo (I still remember the thrill of taking off and flying the circuit, then stuffing up the landing)


My first pax, my best friend who didnt even know I had been learning to fly (you shoulda seen the look on his face 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif008_roflmao.gif.1e95c9eb792c8fd2890ba5ff06d4e15c.gif008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif)


And not really a flight, but a lengthy taxi and full run up of all four engines whilst seated in the tail turret of a Lancaster (boy, does that tail lift off the ground at full revs)







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Guest davidh10

As with many of you, there are many. Here's a few:-


  • Sitting in the jump seat with my son up till short final on a commercial flight into Brisbane (obviously a long time back).
  • Flying as PAX in a Nanchang during formation and then afterwards for some aeros.
  • PAX in helicopter over the glaciers in New Zealand in deteriorating weather. It was the only flight of the day.
  • My own journey from RAA student to unrestricted Pilot Certificate.
  • Every flight I fly, particularly looking at clouds. Went for a short flight at 9,500' the other day over a cloud front that was at 6,300'. Just spectacular with broken CU floating in 8/8 stratus. (...and yes, I was within range to glide clear.)





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Man!!! How can you narrow it down to just one? So here is a few of mine..........


- Hiring a C172 and instructor out of Queenstown NZ and flying through the mountains around there.


- Flying over Southern Germany and Lake Constance.


- Flying over Lake Michigan USA


-Flying as Pax in a T-28 Trojan in close formation with another Trojan with my wife on board.


-Going to fly-ins in our Skylark with the wife in trail in our Sportstar. ( Really wish we could afford to own 2 aircraft all the time, beats having to share! )


-Flying in a Skylark in the Czech Republic with one of the Flying Bull aerobatic pilots.



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Two really so far:


1) Yep, first solo.


2) My first sunset flight in the Jabiru (don't worry - got back and down well before last light, though! :thumb_up:) Watching from above the shadows of the trees creep along the paddocks whilst everything else was bathed in a golden light. Magic!


... and am pencilling in: First flight with my Wife, and then my Dad.



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Last weekend I took my wife for her first flight in a light plane, she loved it (thank god that means I have a chance to buy a plane) It was a bit scary taking a loved one for the first time but it was a thrill.





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The first time is alway special...just like sex.


It's 1977, and I've spent 4 days trying to perfect circuits in a blanik. Friday morning: drizzle overcast, cold and horrible. I feel like cutting my losses and going home, but decide to give it one more day. After the first circuit, as we wait for the tug for our next take-off, the instructor suddenly climbs out and closes the canopy behind him! My first solo is memorable, the tuggy expects me to cast off at 1000' but I'm loving it so much I go higher. He starts to waddle side to side to remind me to let go.


The euphoria of that flight will stay with me forever!



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