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Raaus Board Resignation


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I have just been advised that Mark Christie (NT Rep) has resigned from the RAAus Board.


I am sure that Mark Christie, like Carol and myself, can now step back and enjoy, with more available time, his flying endeavours. I am sure all RAAus members thank Mark Christie for his volunteered time on the Board.



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There is always another side, could just be because of personal reasons that he left?Graeme.

No it wasn't Graeme...he spelt out his reasons in the email he sent out...Robinsm and turbo above are on the mark



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Is use of the word "resignation" in question again? And will we, the members, get another cryptic "no" in answer?


Me thinks you've got your work cut out for you Don. Please, give it your best, rally the team, and sort out this oderous onerous mess. Good luck Man. Go forward with the knowledge that you've got more good men and women beside and behind you, than the not so good have in front of you.





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I guess Mark may be able to tell us although I'm not holding my breath.

That's what should be happening, otherwise we can only speculate or hint, and then those of us who stick our necks out and try to get the truth out come under criticism from the lazy ones who don't really care.



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...more mystery and intrigue............should members (voters) be told the reason for this happening?

My vote?... Hell yes!


We, the members, own RA AUs. As owners, it is our duty to look at why our elected directors are quitting. And if there's a problem, it's our duty to rectify it. We can't do that if we don't have the facts.



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Carols gone...Christie has gone...and all I will say is personally, if I wasn't finishing in a couple of weeks I would probably have resigned because of Runciman and moved to the SAAA...and he is bucking for President...if that happens, or even on the Exec, we are going to have fun here over the next 12 months



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Carols gone...Christie has gone...and all I will say is personally, if I wasn't finishing in a couple of weeks I would probably have resigned because of Runciman and moved to the SAAA...and he is bucking for President...if that happens, or even on the Exec, we are going to have fun here over the next 12 months

I'm puzzled.....what's wrong with Steve Runciman?




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Carols gone...Christie has gone...and all I will say is personally, if I wasn't finishing in a couple of weeks I would probably have resigned because of Runciman and moved to the SAAA...and he is bucking for President...if that happens, or even on the Exec, we are going to have fun here over the next 12 months

Holy sh*t!!! I was told a month or so back that SR was not necessarily the good guy I took him to be at the member's meeting in Temora last Easter. But I had no idea, or inkling, that he would/could cause at least two of our directors to want to quit. And for one of our directors to consider leaving us and moving to SAAA because of him.... Holy sh*t!!!


Folks, we've got a problem. And we NEED to know the facts.



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Guest burbles1

I think all these good people being forced to leave the Board is an issue that must be put to the AGM next month so we can get some answers!



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I was not at Temora but i read about the meeting and there were a few things that crossed my mind about what had happened. One thing in paticular was when a few members had the President bailed up and baying for an answer and then SR jumped up and said 'we got it wrong'. This broke the chain of members questioning the President and everyone backed off. Now the way it came across to me was that SR had taken the heat off the President by this distraction and ran some interferrence by promising that the matter would be looked into and answers provided. Still waiting on that i believe. Looks like the Pres is off the hook.


I have some doubts about it all but then maybe i have just read that into the posts of that meeting.





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Is this board stuff the truth or has this site become the electronic Daily Telegraph / Herald Sun (pick your fave News Corp rag). Perhaps we should get Miranda Devine, Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones on board as resident agents provocateurs





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coljones, check Ians post #14 in this thread.

I did check it. This is sounding like a Telegraph story. the new board will have their hands full following up. It is interesting that very few of the current board have seen fit to defend the current board and its practises.





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Holy, holy sh!t......


All I can say (not being a member and not having a clue about what really goes on) is that it must be an absolute relief for Ian to be off the board. By being off the board, he is free to actually give his opinion, rather than having the hands somewhat tied .


Any thoughts of ever becoming a member and getting my RAA ticket are slowly fading, as I see more heartache ahead.



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Steve Runcimann is no friend of these forums... and is fond of tersely worded e-mails. I am not sure exactly what is going on but can confirm you that he dislikes Ian Baker and this site with a passion shared only by some of the executive according to what I have learned.



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Bandit 12....dont worry about the govenance,,,,get on with the flying...we will sort the other stuff out...

A good theory my friend, but the member base is full of people who just pay their fee to continue the priviledge of flying while a small few do the hard work, and an even smaller few who seem to work for their own agenda alone. That much is so evident from the very poor numbers who take the time to vote in elections. You can't tell me that there isn't a crisis at the moment, nor that there isn't probably a group of people outside of RAA who would love to see it flop through mismanagement and infighting.


On a personal point, my main excuse for not seriously going RAA is that I can get to Moorabbin in 5 minutes. But I am thinking about it.....!!!



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All I can say is that this whole thing (power, ambition, backstabbing etc etc) is entirely destructive to our organisation and needs strong and decisive action to get RA-Aus back on track to doing what it is here for, and, above all representing the 10,000 or so members. With the injection of new blood and the transparency they have vowed to bring to the members, I have every confidence that "Right" will prevail and the bad blood will eventually be ejected.



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Is this board stuff the truth or has this site become the electronic Daily Telegraph / Herald Sun (pick your fave News Corp rag). Perhaps we should get Miranda Devine, Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones on board as resident agents provocateursCol

Hhmmm,,, Is this board stuff the truth... seems to be the crux of your post. Well actually, considering the man who has told us this board stuff, is a board member, and I've seen nothing to suggest Ian lies, I'm going to go with: It's true.


Do you have any information that proves, or even suggests, it's not true? Or do you just want us to stop talking about it?



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