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Good video


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Loved it. If we all were as patriotic as the Yanks, maybe this country wouldn't be so f****** up.

I think you'll find that if Aus wasn't such a nanny state these days, we'd be a lot more patriotic. Still, it's a far better country to live in than most, let me tell ya!



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Loved it. If we all were as patriotic as the Yanks, maybe this country wouldn't be so f****** up.

America sets the benchmark for a messed country squandering its wealth. Australians aren't war mongers, there is a difference between patriotism and militarism.



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bagpipes .. An ill wind that nobody blows any good... And my mob's Scottish, so I'm allowed to say it. Nev

You bagging the pipes Nev? blink.gif.7ee21b69ed31ab2b1903acc52ec4cc3f.gif


I don't mind a mob of pipers that play well, my ancestorality (my word) must be coming out. 010_chuffed.gif.c2575b31dcd1e7cce10574d86ccb2d9d.gif



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I was in Harndorf once at a festival where a pipe band (from Mt Barker) were there making an awful racket and the mother in law stormed over and had a go at their terrible playing etc., when they explained they were only deflating their bags so they could go home... That was a magic moment for me (still laugh about that one)


good video by the way..



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Guest Maj Millard

I enjoyed that a great deal.....great machines all, and a fine tribute to a great, and brave generation of pilots who are all but gone now. They certainly had their work cut-out for them stopping Hilters' run, and sending the japs back to Japan. My hats off to them for many combat hours well flown, and for the fact that jap is not the prime language in our great country.


The back strip at Montpelier Airpark in NQld, is an old WW2 strip that was used by the US A26 bombers, and P-39 Aircobras to mount raids on PNG. There are many others in this area. When the bombers came back with wounded or dead, they would run down to the Northern end, where there is still a nice creek. There they were meet by the 'blood wagon' and the unfortunate and wounded, would be unloaded, away from the main assembly area so as not to upset the moral of the other crews.


When I use the back strip, particulary landing from the South for some reason, I always think of them on final......sometimes I feel like a P-39 !..there must be ghosts still on final there !


Photos enclosed taken recently, shows the now disused northern end of the 5000ft bomber strip, running into the bush, and ending at the creek. This is the old Antil Plains strip just out the back of Townsville. There were originally three strips as part of the Antil plains base. One is still visable just to the right of the one in the photos, and the other has long since dissappeared.







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  • 2 weeks later...
America sets the benchmark for a messed country squandering its wealth. Australians aren't war mongers, there is a difference between patriotism and militarism.

I don't know about that I thought that in early days Australia was a well know jingoistic nation just maybe the yanks learnt from us or our forefathers the British! Now there was a nation whose foundation was laid on jingoism.



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iAnd my mob's Scottish, so I'm allowed to say it.

Irish first weren't they? I really enjoy hearing bagpipes but I admit my enthusiasm could wear thin over an extended playing period... the drones start to sound like Juliar certain Canberra based people.



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I just loved the whole thing, very well put together.


I particularly like the bag pipes they really stir up the emotions.


The bag pipes to the Scots are like the Didgeridoo is to the Aboriginis which is probably why I like playing the Didge.





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