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Guest ron dunn

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Guest ron dunn

The bird being my Evans VP1 that took almost 5 years to build ( make that read refurbished) First flight was on Monday 26 March for a duration of .7 hours and all went well.


When I purchased the aircraft it was in a sorry state, having been stored for well over a decade and the engine had been sold.


The restoration went well with a big time delay in the WV conversion that I purchased. It was not up to scratch so I canned it and installed a low hour Jabiru 1600. I am glad I did as I now have a quiet running engine with electric start and it produces as much or more power than the 1600 VW would have. The aircraft has a turtle deck and full canopy and looks quite neat with the Jabiru style cowl.


Climb rate at this early stage looks to be around 450 - 500 fpm and may improve a little when I finish the wing root fairings. Indicated airspeed shows 80 knots at 2850 rpm so am fairly pleased at this stage.


To all those that are still building - keep at as it is really worth it!







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Well done Ron.


Bet you're still smling from ear to ear.


Always good when things go well after a lot of hard work.


When you get a chance, how about a few pics of your new toy.


Kind Regards





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Guest ron dunn

It's good to be back in the air again with your own plane. I tried to download a photo but it told me the file was too big. Will keep on working at it.


If anyone is interested in some photo's - e.mail me at - [email protected]







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Congratulations Ron...show us some pictures in the Photo Gallery here on Aircraft Pilots...let me know if you have any probs with uploading them



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G'day Ron,


I'm no computer guru, but if I have a photo with a large file that I want reduced in size, I email it to myself and am normally asked if you want to reduce it in size to email. Once received, save the file in your photos file, and attach that one.


Hope that helps.


Kind Regards





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Guest ron dunn

Thanks for the photo tips - will have a go again tonight. Build a couple of planes but a bit of a danger with the keyboard!







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Guest ron dunn

Hello Kevin - thanks


The book VNE is 104 knots but I have limited mine to 100 knots due to max ASI limit. Will have to do some GPS runs to confirm the AIS - but the airspeed indicator is new and shows 80 knots. There could be some pitot tube error though.


I have a 50 mile limit for flying off the 25 hours and hope to get down your way as soon as this is out of the way.







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Congrats on the rebuild Ron. Seems we're all keen to see photos. If you save the photos and but go to 'save as' then you should also be prompted to save the format also. JPEG is most common and good compression.



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Pictures please! I have a very soft spot for the VP1. 80kn is pretty good, that may be as a result of the Jabiru engine because it certainly doesn't often cruise at that speed with a VW!



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The bird being my Evans VP1 that took almost 5 years to build ( make that read refurbished) First flight was on Monday 26 March for a duration of .7 hours and all went well.

Hi Ron,


Well done! You must have a great sense of satisfaction from such an achievement. Like all the others - I would like to see some pix!


You can always upload pix to www.flickr.com - it's free, then just put the link in here.







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Guest ron dunn

Hi all. Finally got a photo below to have a look at. Will try and get a photo of the bird in it's sad and sorry state when I first picked it up.


Cheers Ron





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Guest ron dunn

I agree with VP1 cruise speeds generally of around 65 kts - although there is one in S.A with a 1700 VW that was stated to cruise around 80 kts.


I have the advantage of a full wrap around screen and canopy plus I think the Jabiru would be putting more horsepower to the prop than the standard 1600 VW.


A few runs with the GPS will tell.







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Guest ron dunn

I thought some might be interested to have a look at the photo below of the VP1 in it's sorry state at the start of refurbishing.









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  • 4 months later...
The bird being my Evans VP1 that took almost 5 years to build ( make that read refurbished) First flight was on Monday 26 March for a duration of .7 hours and all went well.When I purchased the aircraft it was in a sorry state, having been stored for well over a decade and the engine had been sold.

The restoration went well with a big time delay in the WV conversion that I purchased. It was not up to scratch so I canned it and installed a low hour Jabiru 1600. I am glad I did as I now have a quiet running engine with electric start and it produces as much or more power than the 1600 VW would have. The aircraft has a turtle deck and full canopy and looks quite neat with the Jabiru style cowl.


Climb rate at this early stage looks to be around 450 - 500 fpm and may improve a little when I finish the wing root fairings. Indicated airspeed shows 80 knots at 2850 rpm so am fairly pleased at this stage.


To all those that are still building - keep at as it is really worth it!





Hi Ron

Its great to see you have your plane in the air at last you must now be a free bird. If i had known when the maiden flight was i would have flown up for the event, You must have been like a kid at xmas time when you landed , i bet the grin was from ear to ear. Will fly up soon to see you on a Saturday morning when the weather is fine.




Ray rhyne J230 Kadina



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Guest ron dunn
Hi RonIts great to see you have your plane in the air at last you must now be a free bird. If i had known when the maiden flight was i would have flown up for the event, You must have been like a kid at xmas time when you landed , i bet the grin was from ear to ear. Will fly up soon to see you on a Saturday morning when the weather is fine.



Ray rhyne J230 Kadina

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Guest ron dunn

Hello Ray,


080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif106_score_009.gif.17e848c1c38015657a6bc3c8116ef6cb.gif Yes...good to have your own plane again - even if it is only a single seater!


Have flown around 5 hours test flying now but have only just resumed after a couple of months waiting for a new prop.


The jabiru prop was OK but not really suited to my type of aircraft (slow and draggy) Have fitted a Brent Thompson unit. 58 x 30 It has given me another couple of hundred revs on take off.


The ground run has decreased by around 20 percent and the initial climb rate has gone up to 650/700 feet/min - cruise has not suffered too much and is now around 72 knots.


Say G'day to all down there for me and will try to get down in a month or two.




Ron dunn



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Hello Ray,080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif106_score_009.gif.17e848c1c38015657a6bc3c8116ef6cb.gif Yes...good to have your own plane again - even if it is only a single seater!

Have flown around 5 hours test flying now but have only just resumed after a couple of months waiting for a new prop.


The jabiru prop was OK but not really suited to my type of aircraft (slow and draggy) Have fitted a Brent Thompson unit. 58 x 30 It has given me another couple of hundred revs on take off.


The ground run has decreased by around 20 percent and the initial climb rate has gone up to 650/700 feet/min - cruise has not suffered too much and is now around 72 knots.


Say G'day to all down there for me and will try to get down in a month or two.




Ron dunn

Hi Ron

Top news will be up there in the next 4 weeks will let you know so you can give us a demonstration flight. Will let you know when we are coming up so it works in with you.


Cheers Ray



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