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Old Station Fly-in coming up fast...25-26th May...whos' going ?........

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

I'm planning the trip to Old Station at Raglan Qld again this year. Ian and Julie Wells have indicated they will also attend in their Savvy XL "cab Sav". Are you going ?............................Maj...hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif



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I'm planning the trip to Old Station at Raglan Qld again this year. Ian and Julie Wells have indicated they will also attend in their Savvy XL "cab Sav". Are you going ?............................Maj...hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif

Yes I'll be going.

........................ Mick



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Old Station. Are you going ?............................Maj...hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif


Yes Maj. I'll be there in the old Lightwing, we are giving a hand with the marshaling and would be only too happy if anyone out there could spare a hour to help with the "meet and greet bit"098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif


Cheers Davo.



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Guest Maj Millard

Good to hear David, I look foward to seeing your plane again. How about saving me a spot next to you if you get the chance..... Cheers ...........................................Maj...



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Yep I'm going. Five Savannah's are going to meet at Roddsbay on Saturday morning then wander up. I know there'll be quite a lot of Savvys there. Looking forward to catching up with everyone. Everyone enjoy your flight to Oldstation it's a great weekend. See you there Gundy



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I'm planning the trip to Old Station at Raglan Qld again this year. Ian and Julie Wells have indicated they will also attend in their Savvy XL "cab Sav". Are you going ?............................Maj...hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif

I would love to go again but I don't think it will happen, to much work not enough flying





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Guest Maj Millard

Same plan as last year Gundy ?......................................................................................Maj....012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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i will be there, part of the entertainment. I am down to compete in the post splitting contest. Last year Ronnie and Andrew Creed had a competition, so this year I am in as well. Never done it before and I need an offsider. How about it Gundy.



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Guest Maj Millard

Will be good to see you once again Yenn !, I packed the plane today and I'm ready for an early departure next Friday morning, so should be on site friday arvo if the weather gods are happy that day !...............................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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I've just come back from a working bee and everything is looking good. Now I have to complete an annual on the Corby and then fly back up on Thursday for the final preparations. The avgas pump should be working, it was just getting the final wiring done today. All we need is for the weather gods to smile.



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Guest Maj Millard

Good to hear Yenn, I talked with Leonnie this morning and she tells me it's a little dry down that way ATM, hopefully a shower or two this week to lay any dust ?...forcast is not that flash, but still a week away and it takes a lot to keep a good aviator from making Old Station................................................Cheers Ross Millard (Maj)024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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The car is packed with heaps of camping gear and we will be heading to Old Station early in the morning to start setting up.


Hopefully when time and weather permit I will slip away and get the aircraft from Rodds Bay ( 35nm south-east of Old Station ).


It's nice to have a fly-in close enough that we can take a heap of camping gear to do it in comfort instead of the minimalistic exersize that camping out of the aircraft usually is.


Let's hope the weather plays nice so everyone can get there.



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Guest Maj Millard

Hi everybody, Well very windy and wet in the North today, and there will be no flying today. We had planned a big turnout from, this and the Proserpine areas. I believe Ian Wells had made dinner bookings tonight for around 17. Unfortunatly the weather gods are going to win this one by the looks of things.063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif


For those who do make Old Station, have a great time, and we'll certainly try again next year ...Cheers Maj...049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif



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Tomo, can't pick cotton in the rain, or can you?

No, which has worked in well as now I'm going to go and pick up my plane on Sunday! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Doug, Glad somebody at least made it fom up this way. Must have been a wet ride for you two though !....Always a bummer when you can't make a great fly-in like this one, it is always a must-do on my calendar. The weather could not have been worse Friday, with winds gusting 30-50 Kts at Townsville, and some areas recieving up to 300 mls of rain. So the weather gods won this round, as it would have been sucicidal to even think of flying. Aw well we have Monto to look foward to now in late September, plus whatever we can arrange in the next couple of months.....................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Another Fantastic Oldstation Fly-in. Bloody cold though. Gundy

Definitely a fantastic show, planes, tractors, truck show and vintage motorcycles, cross cut sawing and post ripping competitions, a top show, and the bands Saturday night were great. What else could they have had to make it more fun, I am thinking ladies jelly wrestling.



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It was a good weekend with a sad lack on numbers of aircraft from the North. Had a few from Caboolture and adjacent areas. The weather on Friday was horrible, cold and wet and we were still erecting marquees on Saturday which was miserable but dry. Today was cool and sunny, good for flying. We had a big turnout of Savannahs and only a couple of Jabirus. only one ragwing, Rays thruster rfom Rodds Bay.


Next year.



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