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Where's our Pud been ??.................

Guest Maj Millard

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It seems that it`s not just me, Pud and Maj who like my strips. As I type there is a chopper,with a long sling hanging under it, hovering in front of the shed that I keep the Drifter in.


Maritime Safety use the chopper to service the lighthouses on the local Islands and they have our permission to use the strip to refuel and ferry the needed equiptment. They were here yesterday and have been here several times over the years.


Yesterday, I went down to have a bit of a talk to them and both the pilot and the guy in the support vehicle expressed interest in LSA, so I gave them the latest edition of the RAA magazine.


Never hurts to try and promote our sport.





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G'day Everyone,


Thanks to Maj for starting this thread; I will post up some photos and impressions of our visit to farri's place once I get back home in September. For now I'm just blown away with the generosity of Frank and his good wife Fran, Maj for flying up to Frank's place so we could swap yarns and 'tell lies' to one another on the beach, and to Frank Marriot in Townsville for giving me an hour of his time to talk aviation. Thanks to you all.


We are currently in Mount Isa for a couple of nights before heading for Alice Springs - will take about 2 weeks to get home.







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Crikey Pud, you could have dropped in to Melbourne on your way, got a wall that needs your building expertise 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Sounds like you guys are having a ball...good on ya!



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Crikey Pud, you could have dropped in to Melbourne on your way, got a wall that needs your building expertise 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif Sounds like you guys are having a ball...good on ya!

It's all good in QLD Ian.

Maybe your place next year;-)





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It's all good in QLD Ian.Pud

Hey Pud, It`s a pity you and I didn`t have more time together, but then again, I may have driven you mad, with my talking.022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif


Now that you`re far enough away, you can tell me what you realy thought about my renovations.006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif





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Just think, Pud could be a roaming builder, travelling around the country side with a spirit level tied to his Thruster making life one big huge working holiday hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif



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Just think, Pud could be a roaming builder, travelling around the country side with a spirit level tied to his Thruster making life one big huge working holiday hurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif

The spirit level, if mounted correctly, could double up as an attitude indicator of sorts.



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Met Pud on landing at last, and found he's not the old dottery Thruster pilot I had imagined, but a very fit interesting chap with one hell of a handshake, and a great sense of humor.012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif

Guys, I just realised I haven`t said anything about what I realy thought of Pud, So here goes!


Having never met pud I can truely say I was anxious about meeting him and concerned about how we would interact. I was inside when the dogs alerted me that there was someone out there, so I went outside and there was this big guy, standing there with this big grin on his face, hand outetretched, saying,


" I`m Pud "!


I put out my hand,shook his and introduced myself and the very first thing that came into my head was, " Man! this guy looks fit and stong " , I kid you not, as Pud towered over me by more than 30cm or a foot in the old scale.


As with Bob ( Biggles ) who was here before Pud, I found Pud a real gentleman and a pleasure to be with. He could even fly me around in the Drifter.


My overall impression! A good guy and pilot, also a rag and tube enthusiast, not affraid to have a bit of fun. So there you have it.







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Guest Maj Millard

Here here Frank, I agree with your comments and basically found my time with Pud and his friends to be far too short ! Always big fun meeting other forumites, especially one like Pud, what a nice guy !........by the way Frank that seat is still free for the run down to Monto in the Lightwing !..................................................Maj...078_pc_revenge.gif.92f2d38a0e662b2e0b6cba4dc0ba5c35.gif



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Guys, I just realised I haven`t said anything about what I realy thought of Pud, So here goes!...


My overall impression! A good guy and pilot, also a rag and tube enthusiast, not affraid to have a bit of fun. So there you have it.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Pass on felicitations & regards when you do catch up with Pud. Also get his instructions as to how many beers I have to consume on his behalf at all the fly-ins that he's missing in the West whilst he's on the wallaby. Lightwings..... provided the refurbished radio/comms doesn't speak Urdu and not too much smoke escapes from the wiring when we flash it up, hope to get my 912GR in the air this weekend after many months of medication ( it, not me). cheers y'all

From memory, you don't need any instructions when it comes to consumption of the amber nectar Riley:cheers:

How did you go with the Lightwing, did the smoke stay corralled inside the insulation?


I'm back in the west now and wading through dozens of photos - hope to post some soon..........





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Welcome home Big Boy. Lightwing refurbishment? - it's kinda like wiping ur Rs on a wagon wheel (viz) 'the more sh-t you get off - the more sh-t you get on', but we're gonna beat it. Flew it to the Calingiri gig last weekend but still not totally happy. Should be good for Wesfly. I expect to see you at Bindoon for the Battle of Britain Fly-In weekend two weeks hence, wherein we can discuss planning for the fly in you're gonna host at Pol's strip at Gabbin. And you are well aware that I only drink beer to give the wowzers a 'raison d'ete'. Cheers.



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Guest Maj Millard

Great shots there Pud, I'm going to steal a couple !!.....................................................................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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I've created an album of photos called Farri's Place. Click on 'Photos' in the menu bar at the top of this page to go have a look if you are interested.

Great pics, Pud. I enjoyed them; looks like you had a great time 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif :roflmao:Antics ????!!................have no idea what you are reffering to Pud......................................................Maj...033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif



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Antics ????!!................have no idea what you are reffering to Pud......................................................Maj...033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif

Please explain !


Check out the photos in the album "Farri's Place" biggles - those 2 are a laugh a minute:smile:





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I've created an album of photos called Farri's Place. Click on 'Photos' in the menu bar at the top of this page to go have a look if you are interested. I'll be back later to post about our great time in Deeral.Pud

Goodonya Pud. I love the photo of Maj about to sort out that LightWing. 086_gaah.gif.afc514336d60d84c9b8d73d18c3ca02d.gif


We should have given him a bigger piece of wood. 073_bye.gif.391d1ddfcbfb3d5f69a5d3854c2b0a02.gif


Only kidding, folks! 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif


Frank. good_vs_evil.gif.3bae94f4ff210f03cc4bea87587f9a84.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is going to be a long post so brace yourselves!!


As most of you know, Gay and I took an outback camping trip with 3 other couples across Australia and somehow ended up on a cane farm at Deeral NQLD. At a patch of paradise I like to call “Farri’s Place”. We spent 2 wonderful days with Frank and Fran, with one couple staying an extra day to chill out.


Not knowing what to expect when we arrived the convoy parked up at Frank’s gate whilst I went to do some ‘forward scouting’ and to see what my relationship with Frank would be like – after all, you do hear of horror stories about meetings arranged on the net!! Not so this time, with this little guy bounding out of the house (with 2 little dogs in tow), big grin on his face, offering his hand and saying “G’day Pud, I’m Frank”.


Frank made me feel right at ease straight away and offered his best piece of real estate on the banks of the Mulgrave River as a camp site. He even got to on the slasher and cut down a prime ‘cash crop’ to make room for us all – you don’t get generosity like that every dayJ Even stirred up the wild life so we could have a lesson in identifying the local snakes!


1st impressions of Frank: A wiry, fun loving gentleman, generous to a fault, short of stature but never short of words. In fact I would call him a ‘motor mouth’ if it didn’t sound so derogatoryJ Frank likes to talk, but its words of explanation and wisdom that tumble from his lips. He is passionate about most things and has done most things in his long life – worked hard too, it is evident. Our group, all who have spent large parts of their lives living in small country towns, had many questions for Frank which he answered fully and with knowledge. He also took time to explain to us the painful thorns that grow in these parts, and be sure not to tread on them. But Frank was in bare feet – always in bare feet that I could see. He only left our little camping area that late afternoon because his mistress was calling. That’s right, he went for a half hour late afternoon flight just for the joy of it – and to make me envious I’m sureJ


The next day went in a blur for me as Frank took me for an orienteering fly of his patch of the world, and what a lovely patch it is too. Then the ol’ buggar worked his honey sweet dulcet tones into a persuasive, irresistible force on my wife Gay!! Before I knew it he had her strapped in the Drifter and heading into the wild blue yonder. I tell you, I was gobsmacked!!! It took me many, many hours of persuasion before Gay would come flying with me and Frank managed it in a couple of minutes. In fact, to this point in time, Gay has more hours with Frank then she does with me.


After more flying from the front seat of the Drifter (first time since November 1999 for me) we were relaxing with a coffee in Frank’s kitchen when the sound of Maj’s Lightwing could be heard overhead. So Frank and I raced down to the strip to watch a final sideslip and landing by Maj. It was great to finally meet the Maj in person and to shake hands as if we already knew one another – and I suppose we do really, through the medium of this great site right here.


1st impressions of Maj: A wiry, fun loving gentleman, generous to a fault, short of stature, but never short of words. Hang on, I’ve already written that a couple of paragraphs up the page!!! It’s all true though, just in a different way to Frank. Maj’s words are ones of wisdom born of experience, but not delivered at the breakneck speed of Frank. I felt right at home straight away with Maj and we slipped into that relaxed easy banter between people who are at ease in one another’s company. Maj is a funny guy with some of his sayings and mannerisms, and he doesn’t mind giving you the benefit of his knowledge, which I did appreciate.


It wasn’t long before we decided to do some flying ‘in company’, with a short flight around the immediate area, then a landing on the beach for a good long talk about all things aviation. Those few hours on the beach talking and listening and laughing and flying and talking, and laughing and flying, and talking… will live with me for a long time. A late afternoon flight over the beach and rainforest and mangroves was exhilarating and I was able to get some good shots of Maj in his Lightwing before we finished flying for the day right on last light.


Frank and Fran, and Maj came down to our camp for a few drinks (thanks for the wine and beer MajJ) and a talk around the camp fire to finish off what for me was a truly magnificent day. By the way, your wine went down very well around the campfire one night in the desert.


Frank and Maj arrived at the camp next morning so we could say our goodbyes to Maj as he was calling in to Ingham (I think) on his way back to Townsville. It was great to meet you Maj, and thanks for giving me experiences I will remember often. Frank and I had to finish our time together with some more flying where I picked up some good flying tips and different ways of looking at situations. For a low time (100 hours total) pilot this was invaluable and much appreciated. As we were packing up our camp I noticed another Drifter fly over and land on Frank’s strip. It was Ron Biondi who I had the pleasure of having a too short conversation with. It was good to meet you Ron, it’s a pity time was so short.


We left Frank and Fran’s place knowing we had met some very genuine people who show there friendliness by the generosity extended to us. Frank and Fran, thank you very much.


On our continuing journey I was able to catch up with Frank Marriot in Townsville where we talked aviation at the aero club for about an hour before we had to leave – we had some catching up to do with our friends in Charters Towers. Thanks Frank, it was good to put a face to the name that I now can see every time I read one of your posts on the forum.


Our 4 week trip had many highlights. The 2 days at Farri’s Place is on top of the list for me.


Thank you Frank, Fran and Maj, and remember; you come to WA, I want to know about it!!!




Maj's wine tasted mighty good!





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