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A little dicki-bird told me !..........

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

At the risk of being labeled a saditionist, I must report that a little dickie-bird told me the other day that due to severe government fiscal cut-backs, the day-to-day activities of CASA have been greatly curtailed.


Safety surveliences of industry have been put on hold, or the frequency altered. There is a hiring freeze for new inspectors, and people leaving the department are not being replaced.


Has anyone else out there heard similiar ?................................Maj...063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif 095_cops.gif.448479f256bea28624eb539f739279b9.gif



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At the risk of being labeled a saditionist, I must report that a little dickie-bird told me the other day that due to severe government fiscal cut-backs, the day-to-day activities of CASA have been greatly curtailed.Safety surveliences of industry have been put on hold, or the frequency altered. There is a hiring freeze for new inspectors, and people leaving the department are not being replaced.


Has anyone else out there heard similiar ?................................Maj...063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif 095_cops.gif.448479f256bea28624eb539f739279b9.gif

Maj. WTF is a saditionist? If ya don't enlighten me, I'm gonna label you one! 034_puzzled.gif.ea6a44583f14fcd2dd8b8f63a724e3de.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

A saditionist is one who works to undermine a government.....probabily a lable created by a government....to be a saditionary...................................................................Maj...062_book.gif.f66253742d25e17391c5980536af74da.gif 069_boring.gif.9cee54db3616ee9ac1231638d365dc2c.gif 064_contract.gif.1ea95a0dc120e40d40f07339d6933f90.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Saditionary behavour can be by an individual or a group...in England I think still a major offence if proven and convicted.........sort of like treason in peacetime ???.....Johhny Rotten of the sexpistols was labeled a 'saditionist' for his obvious oppersition the Royalty in his music ('God save the Queen, it's a facist ragieme', there is no future" etc etc)..................................Maj...062_book.gif.f66253742d25e17391c5980536af74da.gif



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Guest Howard Hughes
You mean like the Murdock press?

That's a little harsh, it's only the socialist governments they seek to undermine!bounce.gif.3516b5f7197d1d6889168640af67e2f6.gif



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Meanwhile........ back to Majs' rumour. Haven't seen it appear on that infamous other site yet. If it's in any way an indication - then self administered organisations such as RAAus and SAAA are going to have a load of extra work dropped on them. I can see standards, training and licencing being devolved to the private sector. And, probably with FOI's embedded into each organisation for compliance. All of which will cost us in the 'private' sector a whole heap more.


happy days,



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