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CEO’s Last Day in Office 04-01-2013


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Why is this incompetent being allowed to fade into the sunset instead of being pilloried publicly for continuing to oversee an organmisation with a history of incompetent, self serving senior executives.

Well I have tried to pillory as hard as I could before and since the 2010 Meeting of members at Temora, (and tried to insert the pill up as far as I could after trying to tear him a new one).


The past CEO was there providing his dynamic leadership throughout this entire fiasco that lead to the grounding of members & the miriad of other issues, ........... and Runciman praises his performance on the website over recent days.



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For goodness sake employ a professional MANAGER, not a CASA cast off wannabe or someone looking to climb on our backs to get into CASA positions.

I know a chap who's thinking of putting his hand up. Spent the last 15 years as CEO to an industry self-regulatory body and sits on/chairs a number of government and community committees.


Twenty years public sector experience prior to this; including executive management, political advising and national forum representative roles.


Also a lifelong aviation tragic and RA-Aus member, although he hasn't flown ultralights or trikes.


I also know that he's monitoring this site and is wondering whether the General Manager's position will accord with the constitution, as the constitution and ops manual refer to the CEO but are silent on a GM role. He's also having doubts about whether the current executive will a) consider interviewing him or b) if he was offered the job, actually let him do it properly.



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I know a chap who's thinking of putting his hand up. Spent the last 15 years as CEO to an industry self-regulatory body and sits on/chairs a number of government and community committees.Twenty years public sector experience prior to this; including executive management, political advising and national forum representative roles.

Also a lifelong aviation tragic and RA-Aus member, although he hasn't flown ultralights or trikes.


I also know that he's monitoring this site and is wondering whether the General Manager's position will accord with the constitution, as the constitution and ops manual refer to the CEO but are silent on a GM role. He's also having doubts about whether the current executive will a) consider interviewing him or b) if he was offered the job, actually let him do it properly.

Sound good Cooda.He sounds like a great candidate.I dont think the current exec will be the same in the near future.



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Ian will know, but I think we have a lot of non RAAus members here. Nev

I think you are correct Nev in fact I believe that some non members are some of the most vocal when discussing Raaus issues but Ian may correct me on this.





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Alan You may be right, but my reference was only in relation to numbers of members covered ( informed). As to the non-RAus people some might think I am such a person. I don't go down that road. I love all forms of aviation and am grateful for the U/L experience I have had.


I usually just read what they have to say and get an idea of what their value judgements are. This isn't such a bad forum. Ian's done a thorough job and I wouldn't be able to use most of it's features. Yon do have a remarkable sense of humour at times Alan. Nev



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The last survey that was conducted that included several hundred responses showed 85% of those users were RAAus members. This survey was conducted when the site membership was at 5,000 users...here are the results of that survey:


  1. There are circa 5,000 registered members of whom 85% are either RAAus members only or are RAAus members also with PPLs. The membership is culled on a regular basis to those that use the site frequently
  2. Approximately 10% are PPL holders only
  3. Approximately 5% are International users
  4. There are over 107,000 posts in over 11,000 threads (this is just in the forums and doesn’t include all the other sections of the site)
  5. There is around 400 to 450 registered members logging into the site in any rolling 24hr period
  6. There can be up to 75 users on the site at any one moment



At a guess today I would say that the percentage of RAAus members has dropped due to the site's wider audience. So if I were to have a guess I would very conservatively think that that percentage is probably around 50 to 60% now. The number of registered users logging in over any rolling 24hr period has remained stagnant at 400 to 450 registered users per 24hr period. I would also guess that of those 400 to 450, 150 of them would be every single day with the remaining circa 300 registered users would be less frequent ranging from every 2nd day to once a month. There are around 2,000 unique visitors coming to the site every day with the average time on site being around 10mins. The Google Analytics figures for just .com (remember many users are accessing the site under different domain names like .com.au) you can see very healthy figures for the .com site:




So at a guess I would say that the site has around 50 to 60% of 7,000 users that are RAAus members i.e. 3,500 to 4,000 RAAus members registered on the site and at a guess probably 2,000 to 2,500 RAAus members accessing the site at least once every 2 to 3 weeks.


I just looked at the database and can see that there are a lot of users that have elected not to include the Governing Bodies Forum in their "What's New" display. I could surmise that these are RAAus members that don't care about what is going on with RAAus OR, and most probably, registered members that are NOT RAAus members therefore not having any interest in RAAus...what is interesting is the users that other users have placed in their "Ignore" list but I won't go there augie.gif.8d680d8e3ee1cb0d5cda5fa6ccce3b35.gif


The only way to get a potentially clearer picture of the number of RAAus members that visit the site would be to conduct some form of compulsory poll however that is itself open to misinformation. I think the most telling story is the number of low post number users that were somewhat incognito in the presence of the site now posting their views in the Governing Bodies Forum threads.


If you have any comments on ways to improve the site and RAAus member participation then believe me, my ears are always open and waiting (please start a new thread so it isn't off topic)



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Guest bluespot

Interesting extrapolation..


But only 208 views of what is essentially an index / reminder of all the governance issues?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.





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Interesting extrapolation..But only 208 views of what is essentially an index / reminder of all the governance issues?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.



Give it a go bluespot. The thread you mention was only started about 30 hours ago.




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Interesting extrapolation..But only 208 views of what is essentially an index / reminder of all the governance issues?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.



I think a lot of members really can't quiet get their heads around how the system can be fixed. I for one can't think of one big thing that will stop a bad exec running the RAA back into the sh!t with CASA again. Apart from more transparency in the RAA operations. Getting that transparency into the operational manual is harder than it sounds.


I take it you have no suggestions either?



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