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Need help with school

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AS a suggestion it would have been polite to at least introduce yourself and say what your looking for. Unlike many social media fora most ultralight/microlight/flying fora are full of middle aged (at best) people where the polite bits of engagement are fairly important.


And as this is an Australian forum where the national recreational aviation association already has a flight scholarship program and you are in the US you are even less likely to get attention without introducing yourself and explaining what/why you are lookign for $$



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Well Joshua it seems you are:


1. employed


2. live in the US


3. have had a few hours instruction under your belt


... look at ultralights as a way of getting into the air:


1. they are inexpensive to buy


2. do not require a licence


= low cost flight for fun is a possibility


If you are then looking at GA licence you will find the overall cost of getting the licence reduced as you will have the basic aircraft control skills from ultralights and can rapidly progress if you want.



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I am against all the bullshit of this crowd funding rubbish, a lot of those people using the sites are frauds and trying to get your money as we have seen from numerous news reports.


Do what the rest of us have done and thats work our backside off sometimes eating noodles for lunch and dinner while working multiple jobs.


Why should you be any different?


You don't seem to have what it takes to be in aviation, you just want everything handed to you for free.


What a discrace, why don't we just all buy you an aeroplane as well.


That's my rant, just hate seeing people want something for free while other people work there arse off to achieve there dream and often go into debt for many years after getting there tickets.


I use another forum member called Sean as an example he is only 14 and still at school, he came on this forum offering to clean dirty aeroplanes between school and homework to help fund his flying.




This is someone who will go along way in aviation as he is prepared to do anything to fund his flying and does not expect complete strangers to pay for his flying lessons.


MODS: I am not personally attacking anyone just stating the obvious facts about the overall situation.



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I remember when I was twenty and started an apprenticeship in avionics.


My weekly pay was around $200, rent was about $120 so left me with $80 for food and other bills.


Some tight weeks I remember having corn flakes for breakfast, lunch and tea. Noodles was a good week :)



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Hey it was worth a shot, trust me I'm busting my butt off trying to save money to go out and fly it's just extremely difficult, wasn't trying to insult anyone or say that I'm better than anyone else, I was just trying to find something that would possibly help me achieve my goals maybe a little faster than I am now



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Glad to see a keen young fella, but, its called a job, go get one and stop asking others to pay for your wants...do the hard yards like everyone else. Or apply for scholarships or to the defence force or some other body that will give you a scholarship...


I would love to drink more beer than i can afford and go on more holidays than i can afford...so i will make you a deal...you pay for my holidays and i will pay for your flying...



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Hey it was worth a shot, trust me I'm busting my butt off trying to save money to go out and fly it's just extremely difficult, wasn't trying to insult anyone or say that I'm better than anyone else, I was just trying to find something that would possibly help me achieve my goals maybe a little faster than I am now

Your 21, if you want some serious advice I suggest you work your but off for a few years and start saving as much as you can.


In three to five years you can then complete your training in one go.


Then you have the pleasure of not only reaching your dreams but also knowing you have worked hard to pay for it.


Nothing feels better than reaching a goal on your own and without any help.



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Hey it was worth a shot, trust me I'm busting my butt off trying to save money to go out and fly it's just extremely difficult, wasn't trying to insult anyone or say that I'm better than anyone else, I was just trying to find something that would possibly help me achieve my goals maybe a little faster than I am now

'Crowd funding' is a very cool concept and can work well where the convenor actually has something of value to create or develop. If someone was to post on here that they had begun development on an advanced wing design, or a new fuel injection concept or maybe even a way to reduce skin friction - then many of us would give it a look. But as we all know, inventions of use to aviation are few and far between, and if they do show promise - are usually already under a provisional patent. Once this happens - you don't need crowd funding, you will have a visit from one of the biggies with a cheque to help you retire to the Cayman Is.


However, a persons education is a very individual and personal series of events which would be considered to be either your own or your parents responsibility in life. There are many cadetships, scholarships and other no strings attached sources of untied money for education - you just have to find them. Because of the oversupply of pilots, and the low wages available at the entry end of aviation - there are not too many sources of this funding. In Australia, we have a system of government funding of many educational courses, (VET FEE HELP), which require you to repay all or a proportion of the cost of your course after you get a job and begin earning over A$57,000 pa. Or, you could reach a private contractual arrangement with a prospective employer in the aviation industry, wherein they will fund your training up to CPL/ATPL, and you then repay them out of the huge salary that will be yours upon entering aviation.


As many of the previous posters have suggested - why would anyone fund education when the applicant has shown neither aptitude, nor application, in their thinking about it? Many have suggested doing it the tried and trusted way - work hard, save your money, and become involved with aviation at your local level. There are plenty of people who will help a young pilot along but they prefer to help the motivated young pilot who lives down the road.


As was said by an Aussie ex P.M........ there's no such thing as a free lunch!



happy days,



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Jpman I think the reaction you have gotten while being a bit harsh should've been expected with the approach you took.


Remember (well not literally remember as if you are a new member you wouldn't have known unless you did a little reading before you posted) that most of the members here are old fuddy duddies who have done their hard yards and they need approaching in a similar manner to grandparents, just fronting up with a 'gimme' attitude will only get you a clip under the ear but if you took the time to tell us your story and explain the work you are already doing and tell us what your dreams are your reception would have been a lot more pleasant. Ok maybe no one would've been digging in their wallets but at least they would be a little more amicable. After all what fuddy duddy doesn't appreciate a youngster with vision who is having a go?!



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Your 21, if you want some serious advice I suggest you work your but off for a few years and start saving as much as you can.In three to five years you can then complete your training in one go.


Then you have the pleasure of not only reaching your dreams but also knowing you have worked hard to pay for it.


Nothing feels better than reaching a goal on your own and without any help.

Or apply to join the military...your country has quite a big defence organisation and they pay you to learn.





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