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Blondes are smart


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The blonde wife was fed up with all the put downs that blondes get, so she thought she would prove to her husband that they were smart. She decided to paint the lounge room. When he left for work, she got out the paint, the brushes, and the drop sheet.


When he came home, he smelt the paint and could see the lounge room had been painted. His wife was laying passed out on the floor, sweating profusely. She was wearing a ski outfit and a fur coat.


He picked her up, gave her a cool drink, and asked why she was dressed like that.


She pointed to the side of the paint tin:





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Two Irish blokes are at the local pub and had a couple of beers


Just as they walk outside of the pub a truck drives past with a full load of turf on it


Paddy says to Mick "Dats what I am going to do if I win da lotto!"


Micks says what? Buy a truck


Paddy says no stupid send my lawn away to be cut



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A Blonde came to my door and says "Hi, I'm a sponsored worker for the local Childrens Hospital Charity Day, for a $50 donation I will do anything around your house for 2 hours!"


So I gave her a bucket of paint and a couple of brushes and said she could paint the porch out back.


To my surprise she was back in just half an hour and said; "All done, and it's not a porch, it's a BMW" ..



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Yeah right Bex. A blonde turns up and says she'll do anything for $50 for 2 hours, and you give her a tin of paint.


I reckon your real response would be "2 hours! What kind of donation will you want for three minutes??"



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Fair dinkum, on Sunday I was helping a mate paint his new steel fence and he said it had been cleaned with turps. I said it was still pretty greasy and needed doing again. He said "You can only work with the woman you've got"".



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