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Hello from W.A.


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Sorry, Kaz, no aircraft and no flying for me - I'm a Vietnam Veteran with war-related disabilities that prevent any flying.


I'm surprised to hear that there are not many from W.A., RA in W.A. has plenty of participants, I thought. They must be all out flying, not sitting at computers! 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



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I'm a Vietnam Veteran with war-related disabilities that prevent any flying.

Thank you for your service and what you have done for this country.


Maybe one of our W.A members could organise you a joy flight.



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Sorry, Kaz, no aircraft and no flying for me - I'm a Vietnam Veteran with war-related disabilities that prevent any flying.I'm surprised to hear that there are not many from W.A., RA in W.A. has plenty of participants, I thought. They must be all out flying, not sitting at computers! 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif

Hi mate


I salute you!


When I lived in WA, light aircraft were everywhere. We used a C172 for mustering as did many of the stations in the Upper Gascoyne and Pilbara. Now, I'm wondering where they have all gone or, more pertinently, how they got there? It is bloody hard to find airports with avgas over there now; many only have avtur or nothing.


I'm planning a trip over there for late July/early August. Have a conference to go to in Fremantle but also want to see the old place in the north-west. I'd really like to go the long way around the top, but it is a long way and I'm older than you :-) So I might just take a more direct route and go across to the Alice, then Meeka to Mt Augustus and Carnarvon before turning south down the coast.


Anyway, good to talk. Hope someone sees Robbo's post and contacts you.





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Welcome, onetrack.


I'm from Perth (originally from the South West) and have recently migrated from GA to RA. I've been flying from the Superlight Aircraft Club in Bindoon, you should come out and check it out if you haven't already.



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Thanks, fellas. I must admit I do get my adulation-fix when I march down St Georges Tce every 25th April, and see the large numbers of appreciative people. Makes you realise not everyone has forgotten. It only took the Govt 37 years to give me all my medals - but at least I got them while I was still alive, unlike many others!


I have a mate in Nannup who has just bought a Rotax-powered Jab. I haven't even sighted it yet. Quite a while ago, in another life, I had a farmer client with a nice little Piper Dakota with a very nice 235HP up front that I used to utilise for quick trips for urgent business tasks! Another previous business partner had a PA-28 - which he crash-landed on the Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie Rd when the engine suffered from fuel starvation via a faulty fuel tank crossover valve. He did pretty well until he hit a big road sign on roll-out and the sign took a wing off! Neither he nor his young girl pax were hurt.


I was never able to finance myself into aircraft when I was involved in the family business, there always seemed to be lots of other demands on the money. Then a bastard bank destroyed everything we ever achieved, and I've never recovered from that. Luckily another Vet woke me up to what DVA could do for me, and the DVA experience was rewarding and eye-opening. Despite what some angry people claim, Australia does look after its Vets - better than America does - and DVA have been very good to me.


It did help to ensure that everything I did when dealing with DVA, was to the exact letter in the "Bible" (the Veterans Entitlement Act, 1986). A fine lady advocate in the form of an ex-RAAF officer was the icing on the cake, and I'm forever in her debt.


UltraFlash, thanks for the invite, I haven't been to Bindoon for a couple or three years, I will try to check out the scene. I tend to travel more East and South of Perth, rather than North.



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Hi Onetrack,


I echo everything already said by the others. I am in Perth and a recent convert from GA to RA by way of a MW. There are plenty of RA guys around in Perth but not so many Trike guys (or they are all hiding).


When I get some more hours etc under my belt I'll happily give you a shout for an outing one day down the coast.


Keep in touch



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  • 3 weeks later...

White Gum Farm has Foxbats and microlights if you want to commit aviation with an instructor. Otherwise, you are welcome to join me in my Foxbat at Bindoon to look down on the less fortunate people anytime - would be a pleasure.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi kaz


I am going to fly to Alice Springs , where did you land and get fuel




Hi mateI salute you!


When I lived in WA, light aircraft were everywhere. We used a C172 for mustering as did many of the stations in the Upper Gascoyne and Pilbara. Now, I'm wondering where they have all gone or, more pertinently, how they got there? It is bloody hard to find airports with avgas over there now; many only have avtur or nothing.


I'm planning a trip over there for late July/early August. Have a conference to go to in Fremantle but also want to see the old place in the north-west. I'd really like to go the long way around the top, but it is a long way and I'm older than you :-) So I might just take a more direct route and go across to the Alice, then Meeka to Mt Augustus and Carnarvon before turning south down the coast.


Anyway, good to talk. Hope someone sees Robbo's post and contacts you.



i kaz



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G'day Bobie


I assume you are traveling from somewhere near Perth and will require AVGAS.


I would track Jandakot (or wherever) to:


Leonora [345nm] (according to ERSA there is AVGAS available at Leonora but I would check that),


Warburton [325nm], Ayres Rock [244nm], Alice Springs [180nm] - AVGAS is available at these 3.


If there is no AVGAS at Leonora you will have to go via Merredin or Kalgoorlie - both a bit off the direct track but you have to get fuel somewhere.


Landing charges are pretty steep at Ayres Rock so I would avoid there if possible. A better stop nearby is Curtin Springs (but there is no AVGAS there).


I hope this helps.


You need to do your homework for a trip like this.


What sort of aircraft are you planning to do the trip in?




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Avgas is readily available at Leonora by appointment.


Domestic Airport » Shire of Leonora


Laverton could also be an option, the airstrip is 3kms out of town, and the Shire states JetA1 is available 24/7 - but says nothing about Avgas. You'd have to call the Shire or the local fuel agent.


The last time I flew out of Laverton was about 1986 or 1987, so things might have changed a bit!





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Hi kazI am going to fly to Alice Springs , where did you land and get fuel



i kaz

Hi Bobie


I didn't get to do the WA trip this time for various reasons but I was planning Shepparton-Mildura-Broken Hill, Broken Hill-Leigh Creek-Coober-Pedy-Ayres Rock, Ayres Rock-Warburton-Carnegie Station, Carnegie-Meekatharrara and then eventually heading down the coast from Carnarvon.


My range is pretty limited unless I carry extra so the legs are short.





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