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The Never Ending Story


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............."Would that have anything to do with an exhaust pipe - which is not part of an engine?" asked Turbo sweetly, and....

....... Tweeted sweetly hashtag#Turdboy69 "So many exhaust pipes, so little time".




To which Madge replied hashbrown#SaintMadgeofTemora711 "So many hats, so few heads".




And Bob Llewellyn tweeted hashsmokerLLLLLLL#WelshWarriorwithbluestripeonface "They may take our freedom, but they will never take our choirs, or our excellent and world renowned food."




Then Ahlox surprised everyone when he came back with the stunning tweet make-a-hash-of-it-Loxley181#Lockupyourdaughters "If .............



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.......you can't see me, it's too late" read the sign on his............

...... cell door, after which Constable Doubtfire thwacked on her own rubber gloves while smiling a "cavity-search" type of smile, and enlisted the help of the local ...........



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.....St Madge the Marvellous, provided we fill the paper bag quickly because there's been a bit of a blowout lately, and we dpn't mean on the Popemobile.


Turbo has even put his name on the list pending further miracles, and.......



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............. is hoping to be hit up the clacker by miracles relating to:


  1. Being able to spell dpn't correctly.
  2. Being able to post on any thread on Wreck Flying without somebody getting up him (NTTIAWWT).
  3. Being able to crack onto lovelies in Lygon St while sitting in his 'Vette with his top down and his arm draped over the passenger's seat in an inviting pose. (Ratty is keen to clarify that by "top" he is referring to the roof of the 'Vette and not Tubb's black mesh Tank Top, as with that mesh tank top down he looks very similar to a ..........................


The plume de ma tante wrote that if St Madge of the blessed Mont Perrier (and of the blessed Board of RAOz) can't stop those exhausts from cracking, what hope do normal unwashed members have ........ in the jardin.



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......version of Elvis in his later life.


The descendants had gone from Temora in the night. The following morning a neat camp site only recognisable by some ashes, watered and flattened.


Turbo knows the secret, but fast catching on from the bored, was keeping the secret to himself, with the exception that he had provided six old Landcruisers, and during the week at the site of the Cowra Prison Camp, in front of the tower appears a full sized model of a Vickers Gun, perfectly detailed, and from its muzzle led red wool tracers into where the compound used to be to the site where various ancestors were missed by "That Much", which changed the course of history, and.............



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......version of Elvis in his later life.

The descendants had gone from Temora in the night. The following morning a neat camp site only recognisable by some ashes, watered and flattened.


Turbo knows the secret, but fast catching on from the bored, was keeping the secret to himself, with the exception that he had provided six old Landcruisers, and during the week at the site of the Cowra Prison Camp, in front of the tower appears a full sized model of a Vickers Gun, perfectly detailed, and from its muzzle led red wool tracers into where the compound used to be to the site where various ancestors were missed by "That Much", which changed the course of history, and.............

........... Turbo's critics circled again, tittering, via the use of numerous large & loud tits.




"But" said Blank Page to Emmy "The Turdster hasn't yet realised that he has got that wrong .......... again ........ same like those last few technical posts in a heap of other threads where we got up him".




"Yes" replied Bafta "We now have the opportunity to pursue and viciously criticize him again as it is now clear that this was a actually a 1000 X life sized model of a Vickers Gin bottle, not a Vickers Gun, so what a .................



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this thread is so BORING!!

And as my aunt so often says "Only boring people get bored".




Then she added "And only nuff nuffs would break into a thread like you have."




You probably haven't realised it yet Gareth, but you don't have to read every thread on a forum, so here is some news for you. Don't read it.




I'll have someone explain it to you when you are performing on stage at the Blue Oyster later this week.





My Aunt also noticed that you have a "Highly Modified Sierra 100", so you are obviously a forum luminary that should be listened to. We'll petition Eeeen to suspend this thread immediately.



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it seems to get in the way of interesting stuff that is posted , as you say i don,t get it , but then i don,t have that much time to sparecheers gareth

Understood. You highly paid & busy Senior Executives have lots to do.


Sorry to distract you from your busyness.


Will also have Eeeen or Bull email you some tips on punctuation and the boring use of Capital letters.



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highly paid "yes" busy "no " taking a break yes and enjoying the bantercheers gareth

no worry's gareth. Good to see that you are now "enjoyed". See ..................... it's not so hard, after all.




Look out for the appearance of a character known to his mates (so called) as "Garish Laceman" (NTTIAWWT) on stage wrapped around a pole, with a $2 coin in his thong, at the BOB, at an appropriate time in the NES.



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Ooops , i seem to have hijacked this threaad

even less worry's gareth. this is one fread what is made for hi-jacking ................... or even hi-jinks.




And don't worry, as we all see that you are from f'n sQ, so we'll make the necessary allowances.



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don,t have mates (neverneededany) ah,Qld Gods own country, southerners are sooo jealous


i think i will go and have another martini whilst looking at the best sea and coast line in the greater oz



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don,t have mates (neverneededany) ah,Qld Gods own country, southerners are sooo jealousi think i will go and have another martini whilst looking at the best sea and coast line in the greater oz

Ah ........ Queen's Land ........................ humid one day, a Cyclone and a chip on the shoulder the next.




Sorry to hear that you are mate-less. (They were probably all boring and it was all their fault).




Walk on by, there are none to be seen here, either (although you're sure to find a few at the BOB) (NTTIAWWT).




"That is what Thailand was invented for" insensitively suggested Nobu who knew a bit about such matters.



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i put my hands in the air ,i give up, that dictionary must nearly be worn out !

"The dickshunary is indeed pooooooped, and you'll fit in well" volunteered Loxy who was well known at the Blue Oyster for surrendering with his hands up .................



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Guest Andys@coffs

Meanwhile Andy was busy looking at Tubs last post and noticed a glaring clanger which he then shared around the fire, "Tubs suggested that he looked like Elvis in his latter life , which would only be laughable if Elvis had got to be "later in lfe". In fact If Tubs looked life Elvis later in life then I suspect he was deteriorating at a rapid rate"


Nana looked thoughtful and then came out with "So Tubs is a bit like a jabiru engine, rated for long life, but known to........



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Andys@coffs' date=' post: 425642, member: 94[/email']]Nana looked thoughtful and then came out with "So Tubs is a bit like a jabiru engine, rated for long life, but known to........

.......... drop one every now and then."




Turbs drew himself up to his full height, expanded his chest to fill the mesh of the tank-top, and responded "..................



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Guest Maj Millard

"Why I won't take that sitting down"..he scowled......which is why he stood up "why any Jab worth it's salt is more than capable of doing a circut or two, before giving birth to a shiny offspring "....." Why how the hell are we suppose to keep the bloody line going anyway and to keep those folks in Budaaaburk in the level of rum to which they have become accustomed"


Why I even had to sit through Stiffys " looooong 'how we did it in the old days' story's at the Natfly dinner whilst his daughter shot less than accurate daggers across the table at me...(they got less accurate as the evening progressed and I even possibly detected a slight smile at one point ). "who come up with these seating arrangements anyway...must be a bloody conspiracy !!........


The Maj taxied his trusty Lightwing onto the ramp at Bunddaburk after a quickie on the grass to avoid conflict with departing RPT traffic, he looked over to one of the open hangars and spotted a Jab with the cowls off ". ah...this must be the place"... He sneered and taxied to the fuel bowsers...carefully avoiding the 'Jab parking only ' marked areas........he then..



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Guest Andys@coffs

was interrupted by Andy who growled at Nana "You did that on purpose didn't you! You could see his Madge Jest sitting over there getting blind on Stones green ginger, and you gave him a soapbox and a none too subtle blunt opening and sat back to watch the ensuing fracas...... your like one of those who pull the pin from a grenade, and then toss it into a packed room and race outside to see.......



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