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The Never Ending Story


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........deal which requires the Press Barons to increase pay to journalist by $6.50 petr fortnight. Fifteen attendees at the press event fainted, and ........................

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11 hours ago, onetrack said:

 so one of the minders said, "Did you see where the PM has just signed off on that new................

....protocol to have the sharp end of the spade pointed towards the ground, and the blunt bit .....


oh bugger, new page again so I am out of sinc again 

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4 hours ago, turboplanner said:

........deal which requires the Press Barons to increase pay to journalist by $6.50 petr fortnight. Fifteen attendees at the press event fainted, and ........................

.... they fell at Albo's feet, sniffed 'em and ......

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1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

....realised he doesn't shower, which had become obvious in Cabinet Meetings where Legislation ...........

..... was signed off under the name of Stinky Almo, seconded by .....

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27 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

.....Phew Wing, a disguised name.

It came to a head when .......................

..... Pong Chalmers called Matt Dunnyvan a steaming .....

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....herd in a sea of odour and 37 members were expelled from the Chamber including the Ambo, whereupon after a few minutes a wag from the cross bench complimented the Parliamentary Staff for cleaning the Air Conditioning filters so quickly.

This ..............

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2 hours ago, turboplanner said:

....herd in a sea of odour and 37 members were expelled from the Chamber including the Ambo, whereupon after a few minutes a wag from the cross bench complimented the Parliamentary Staff for cleaning the Air Conditioning filters so quickly.

This ..............

.... led to further accusations that Larry the Legionaire was still resident, and cohabiting at the same time as Clyde Covid, Ebony Ebola, Michael Myocarditis and Phyllis S.....

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..........sniffing Albo's feet once too often and in inappropriate locations and at inappropriate times. The next thing, she was being accused of sniffing ar..........

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1 hour ago, onetrack said:

..........sniffing Albo's feet once too often and in inappropriate locations and at inappropriate times. The next thing, she was being accused of sniffing ar..........

.....ound Lidia's large and well used  .....

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4 hours ago, onetrack said:
3 hours ago, Captain said:

.....ound Lidia's large and well used  .....


...................centerlink file and discovered that................

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.... Almo also had one that related back to an unfortunate incident at Kyabram, where Almo, who was just a loveable young Como at the time, sang .....

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......the National Anthem of Russia to the words of Joe Stalin which censors banned from American, Australian, Pom and Guinea Bissau ears which started with.............


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.... the censors giving the anthem, and Almo's singing, a xxxx rating, which made the people search for it even more while promoting and drinking the beer of the same name, but then the censors made things worse by .....

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14 hours ago, Captain said:

.... the censors giving the anthem, and Almo's singing, a xxxx rating, which made the people search for it even more while promoting and drinking the beer of the same name, but then the censors made things worse by .....

...publishing a copy in Mandarin and the SM likes went into the millions, which led to that famous Cinese aviation cartoon .................

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14 hours ago, turboplanner said:

...publishing a copy in Mandarin and the SM likes went into the millions, which led to that famous Cinese aviation cartoon .................

...... which showed a .....


Cappy notes Turbo's clever use of the word "Cinese" so as to offend nobody and to single handedly unify all 13 of the disparate Cinese regions, including Taiwan/Formosa, containing about 4 billion cinese persons. As a result, the membership of Wreck Flying went thru the roof with old & crusty aviation oriented (avref) Cinese wrecks and heaps of them rushed to join the NES. Welkum to all you Cinese forks.

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.....Ryan rampant on a Cheater.

Since nobody could understand what the cartoon meant they couldn't see the upside.

This gave the Ambo time to slink away and let the other Ministers do the talking, and Jimmy Charmer was quick to note the huge following of Cinese in the NES and announced that from 2073, any Recreational Aviation aircraft built by the owner was fully tax deductable and that went for the car and boat as well.

Astute NES readers can see this eliminates the Nouveau Riche and their tin cans, should they finally manage to infiltrate the AUF.

Jimmy got an instant following from the several million Cinese who were buildings wings, fins, and almost blocking WreckFlyne with the many questions about how do you drill a hole, fit a rivet, what hose you should use and why, whether you can put the prop on the wing and get for legroom.......the usual things builders ask, and this led to a demand for FAA Books translated to Mandarin, which WF immediately catered for.

Eventially the day came when the first Cinese aircraft was complete. It was a masterpiece of .....................

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8 hours ago, turboplanner said:

Eventially the day came when the first Cinese aircraft was complete. It was a masterpiece of .....................

.... inscrutable engineering, allied with an influence of Mahjongg, Peking Duck, Genghis Kahn's jockstrap and ....

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..........the Cinglish language build instructions. It was at this stage that suddenly everyone realised it would have been much better to get the build instructions booklet properly translated into English, rather than relying on Cinglish, which was even more obtuse and mangled than Chinglish.

As a result of the Cinglish instructions booklet, there was a rather large pile of surplus parts littered around the floor. In addition, when the flaps lever was pulled, the brakes came on; when the control column was pushed forward, the.........


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11 hours ago, onetrack said:

As a result of the Cinglish instructions booklet, there was a rather large pile of surplus parts littered around the floor. In addition, when the flaps lever was pulled, the brakes came on; when the control column was pushed forward, the.........


.... aircraft went sideways and the engine cooling vents squinted, before they .....

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......opened, so it was back to the drawing board, but eventually everything was built to the Wright Bros standard, and the day came to open full throttle.

The engine had been designed  by an immigrant to China who was part Formosan, Part English and part Serb, so a volatile sort of character, and he hadn't spared the time to check ......................

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