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Similiar speed but different mach numbers?!


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According to some online sources, the  max speed of Su-47 (Berkut) is about 2400 km/h while its max mach number is 1.6.

Meanwhile Su-27 has almost the same max speed but its max mach number is 2.35.


Could you please describe that how the max speed of two aircrafts could be almost the same while their mach number being so different?

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Greetings SAH - The reason that speeds and Mach numbers are different for different aircraft, is because the Mach number is related to the speed of sound - which can vary according to altitude, air pressure, and temperature.


This article below will assist you to understand better.



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The speed of sound is purely a function of air temperature. So if you are on the ground in Siberia at minus 60 degrees celsius the speed is the same as minus 60 degrees at say 40,000'.

From memory the formula is:

38pointsomething x the square root of the absolute temperature.

Absolute temp being zero at ~minus 273°.

Your Mno is the ratio of your true airspeed/local Mno. At sea level and ISA (+15°C) at 250kts indicated your TAS is 250kts and the Mno is 250/661~0.38M.

As you climb out at 250IAS your TAS will progressively increase (eg+16%@10,000') as the air DENSITY decreases. Assuming a standard atmosphere the local speed of sound will decrease with temperature until it is ~573kts@36,090'-the tropopause where the standard temp is -56.5°C. Typically in the cruise the numbers you will see might be: 36,000'/245KIAS/M0.78/460KTAS

There is a lot more to the story but I won't bore you with that.

Edited by Cyrano
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2 hours ago, Flightrite said:

I’ve taken the jet I drive to 49K, thought that was special but 70K is almost out of this world😉

I've been to FL430 many times and M1.5 on one occasion. We share many diverse experiences, all different but none better than another!

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