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Thruster SG85 Aileron Drop


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Hi Guys,

I refurbished my Thruster 10-1312, SG85 and flying it.

BTW, it is for sale at "Aviation Clasifieds"........


How much is the Aileron Drop, IF ANY, that is the question !


I have no experience it this, but the aeroplane is sort of not happy sometimes, me too.

Washout was done very carefully at 30mm both wings.

It feels like it has more than one equilibrium in balace straight and level flight and it is looking for it.


Kind Regards Tony (Milan) Vlasak

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Tony, your plane is very lightly wing loaded. In any but the calmest of air it will move. This is something that ultralight pilots accept and is very natural. If it is rigged as accurately as you say then it is safe to fly in mostly smooth air. I flew for some years aircraft wing loaded to 2.5 lb/sq.ft and enjoyed the experience. However in thermally turbulent air it became more challenging. Hope this helps, I expect others will add their views as well. Cheers Don

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Thanks Don.

Originally, I had both Ailerons slightly (1/2 Inch on trailing edge) down, thinking I have a sort of good Flaperons setup.

But, the aeroplane was feeling "wobbly", so I change it, now they are lining the bottom with the bottom of the wings.

Still, sometimes fish tailing.....

CFI tested it and made the same comment.

Anybody has better setup ?

Thanks Tony



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Try 1/4 " ailerons up " .

It works on Hummel birds & gives a few knots more speed without an increase in revs .

( perhaps less drag or something similar).


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Usually going "flapperons "makes the plane more adverse aileron  (sensitive and harder to fly.) Differential aileron has far more UP aileron but the up aileron at low speed is not in smooth air. You might be overcontrolling. Try leading a BIT with the rudder commencing a turn and see how it goes.. Make sure there's NO slack in the rudder operation and generally have the ball in the centre.   Nev

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18 hours ago, Tony said:

Hi Guys,

I refurbished my Thruster 10-1312, SG85 and flying it.

BTW, it is for sale at "Aviation Clasifieds"........


How much is the Aileron Drop, IF ANY, that is the question !


I have no experience it this, but the aeroplane is sort of not happy sometimes, me too.

Washout was done very carefully at 30mm both wings.

It feels like it has more than one equilibrium in balace straight and level flight and it is looking for it.


Kind Regards Tony (Milan) Vlasak

Should be no aileron drop. I had a t84 from 1985 to 1990 and thought it was a great aircraft, then upgraded to a t500 two seat which I still have. Bought a T85 last year, it is a lot different to fly, controls seem "loose" compared to the later t500. There is a lot of adverse aileron yaw in all Thrusters. They have high drag and low inertia especially the single seat model. Loose skins on the tail can make them behave strangely.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Guys, here we go.

I lifted both ailerons up a bit, that is 3/4 of inch for sake of it.

Very experieced CFI an Pilot Examiner K.W. at Lynfield tested it there and he said it is much better.

Actually, he said, the problem dissappeared and the "aeroplane is now  flying like a Thruster".


Thanks to you all for your inputs.

Incidentally, this Thruster 10-1312 is now for sale at Aviation Classifieds, because I fly Skyranger too.


Keep speed, Tony.





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