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Got a spare $17,500 laying around ?????

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

News article in todays local paper...Should be entitled ...'How to become a real cowboy !!!"


I qoute: 'Cowboy' pilot flies unlicensed.


A "COWBOY" unlicensed pilot who flew his unregistered ultralight to a busy airport without landing clearance to catch a commercial flight has been fine $17,750.


(The gentleman) 52, pleaded guilty in Cairns Magistrates Court to multiple counts of flying unlicensed, and unregistered, over a three month period in 2007.


The court heard on July 3,2007 (the gentleman) from Charters Towers, landed at Cairns airport without approval, delaying one aircraft about to take off, and one preparing to land.


"You are nothing short of a cowboy," the Magistrate said.


Can you believe this ? I'm dumbfounded........................................................Maj



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Maj,I first heard it on the radio news today,but they never said anything about not being licenced or registered,not saying it makes it any better if he was, also that he was using a public road as a runway,just asking how accurate it is,I`m interested to know what type of AC he was flying.


If it`s correct, it`s an insult to real horse and bull riding cowboys, to call him a cowboy.







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Yeah and what about all the road landings?! Quite Hilarious thinking about it...!!!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif


But what a good way to wreck the RAA reputation:faint:


Some people....:no no:



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I`m interested to know what type of AC he was flying.

I read somewhere it was a Gazelle! not sure if that's correct though.


I'm with you on the cowboy reputation as well Farri, some of us aren't that bad:thumb_up:



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Guys like this just keep on doing wonders for our reputations don't they...mmmm wonder why CASA is not keen on CTA endorsement...088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif

Hit the nail on the head there Maddog, why would the Commisioner stick his neck out with goons like this being associated with recreational aircraft (Gazelle I believe)


As with so many things in Australia, I don't think that people realise just how good they have it here - on the flip side though we need to guard our privileges jealously and that includes shutting down idiots like this who tarnish RA as a whole. :hittinghead:



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Guest Mad Dave

Why would it reflect badly on RAA? The story says he was unlicensed, so if he had been flying a C172 would it reflect badly on GA / CASA?



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A "COWBOY" ultralight pilot has been fined $17,750 for illegally using public roads, paddocks and even Cairns international airport to take off and land as he felt like it.




Quote from the Cairns Post:-




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Why would it reflect badly on RAA? The story says he was unlicensed, so if he had been flying a C172 would it reflect badly on GA / CASA?

I see what you mean there, to the public he's just an unlicensed pilot...but to CASA he's a student RAA pilot (In the print version here thats how he was described)...and I am sure lots of folks will be pointing that out in any future debates on extending current priveleges for RAA pilots.



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Guest Maj Millard

Farri, I'm with you mate, there are many fine cowboy pilots out there who really know what they are doing. There are two meanings now for 'cowboy', and this guy was obviosly the lesser of the two!... What might have given him the remotest idea he would actually pull this off, landing at one of Australias busiest International airports, without a license, rego, or clearance ?. Was he going to plead a poor lost student ?


Deserves to remain groundbound for the rest of his natural life !! IMOP..........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Farri, I'm with you mate, there are many fine cowboy pilots out there who really know what they are doing. There are two meanings now for 'cowboy', and this guy was obviosly the lesser of the two!... What might have given him the remotest idea he would actually pull this off, landing at one of Australias busiest International airports, without a license, rego, or clearance ?. Was he going to plead a poor lost student ?Deserves to remain groundbound for the rest of his natural life !! IMOP..........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Hi maj,i would say there is a pretty good chance, he will be grounded for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, he couldnt be bothered getting his certificate before this happened, so maybe he might continure to fly anyway. All though i guess he will be a marked man, im sure pilots local to where he lives might keep an eye on him.



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The RAA is made up of individual members and pilots and does not promote or condone illegal operations.


I think most intelligent and fair minded people would accept that an individuals behaviour is simply the responsibility of that individual and that he or she be held accountable for their own actions not and the whole organisation.


I don`t think we can change the mindset of anyone who can`t or wont see and accept this.





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What might have given him the remotest idea he would actually pull this off, landing at one of Australias busiest International airports, without a license, rego, or clearance ?. !! IMOP..........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Maj,That was the very first thing I thought about,I can`t believe it either.


On another issue,what then does it say for airport security,all the BS in the world and anyone can simply fly in and cause a disaster.





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Yep thats the guy i thought it would have been, from what i hear the fine wont even touch his tea and coffee money, just means he needs to do a bit more gardening.



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Thats the problem with fines. Many people just seem happy to pay them. I met an electrician once who said he got something like 12k in fines per year but he didn't care because he just upped his hourly rate to cover it.


The me, me, me and I don't care if I stuf everyone else around attitudes really bug me.


Confiscate the car, or in this case, aircraft. It has more impact.



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True about how fines affect some people. just reading on another forum were a pair of tandem skydive operators in Cairns had been fined only 7 and 10,000 dollars each for cooking the aircrafts logbooks to save on maintanence costs. bit of a joke they make this amount in an afternoon. to top it off it is repeat offences for them. Ozzie



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I'm with Mad Dave, the bloke had no Current RAA or GA endorsments and flys an unregistered sports A/C. A lot of GA aviators fly sports A/C so why should RAA Aus or GA get paranoid about some dxxk flouting the law. If CASA were to penalize either


camp for the actions of this chap their credability would be questionable.



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Our legal system is worse than a joke. If you have the money you can get away with just about anything. It is time it was overhauled so that the offenders pay and the innocent are protected. At he moment you either need money or to be aboriginal to get legally looked after.



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The only thing I liked about the story was the reference to what a Gazelle was...A Sophisticated Machine 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


He said the ultralight was a sophisticated machine, "not a backyard home-built job slung together with a soldering iron, some string and an old Victa two-stroke".


See, it does make sense to perform maintenance on your Gazelle :big_grin:


Seriously though I think the damage that is done to us as an organisation is the use of the word Ultralight...it would have been far better if the media just used the word "Pilot" and not "Ultralight Pilot" as this is what makes the direct connection to us irrespective of whether he was licensed or not or whether the aircraft was registered or not.



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