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Everything posted by Admin

  1. The Location field displayed in the user information on the left of a post is now a link to Google Maps
  2. Thanks to @Ahmed Zayed we have our Weekly Newsletter now working again. This one is slightly different than before and I welcome any thoughts and suggestions you may have on it when it is sent out on Sunday so please advise Under the Main Menu Option "Members" you will see a sub menu of "Newsletter settings" which provides you with a facility to turn on or off your Newsletters
  3. I have commenced the reduction of the main menu by creating a main section with sub section features. This was highlighted in the thread: The first one is the new Media section which will contain: 1. The Photo Gallery 2. The Video Library 3. A new sub section with various aviation Articles 4. The upcoming resurrection of the Aviation News section from around the world I am going as fast as I can to bring to you all the great new sections however I am also weary of bombarding the Whats New page with so many new entries for a given subject area as I populate those new sections. What I need to populate now are: 1. Migrate the remainder of @red750 aircraft entries from the old software one by one (still about 60 to go) 2. Migrate all of John Brandon's Flying Tutorials into the Tutorial Section (that's a big job itself) 3. Migrate all the Videos from the old software and from the Gallery into the Video section (the old software combined photos with videos, this software uses separate sections for photos and videos) With so much work to do in these areas I apologise if I flood the Whats New page with so many entries. Don't forget you can start adding your own entries into these sections for everyone to see You can add YouTube, Vimeo etc Videos straight into the Video Section You can ALSO add a video that you have taken straight from your phone
  4. You will now notice the paint brush in the right side of the sub menu...this is a tool that allows you to select your own main colour scheme for the site just in case you don't like the default one I have selected. Note that if you select a different colour another button will appear next to the paint brush allowing you to undo the change and come back to the default...enjoy
  5. I have several Headset Stands in the Clear Prop shop that need to be cleared out. These usually retail at other stores for up to $50, Clear Prop's current price is $19.95 but for 1st Class Members you can have them at only $9.95 each up to the end of the month. To get one at this special price, add one to the shopping cart on Clear Prop then enter hstand into the coupon code box and watch the price drop down to only $9.95 for you.
  6. I have imported the Never Ending Story thread so the whole site has to re-index itself which is what it is currently doing
  7. roll to nowhere like a Thruster on a conveyor belt...but then...suddenly
  8. The Never Ending Story thread is back...you can find it pinned to the top of the Aviation Laughter forum
  9. Yes, I am aware of that as I can't even access it all as well. I am considering alternatives at the moment. Perhaps the right hand end of the sub menu @Ahmed Zayed although it is perfect on the mobile view. Plus the z-index score of the color picker isn't high enough to cover the main menu
  10. Guys guys ok then I will bring the NES back to Recreational Flying and continue on. It may take a couple of days but should be good if only we can get Turbopander to stay away from insurance ?
  11. Phew... @Ahmed Zayed has saved the day and all working properly again...thanks Ahmed
  12. Oops, I have stuffed things up with the sub menu...hoping @Ahmed Zayed can jump in and save the day and fix it
  13. I have caught up with converting all the 1st Class Members and set advance permissions for them. They now also have their own 1st Class Members forum where they can post what they like between them (without any moderation) plus given the opportunity to score any 1st Class Member Only Clear Prop Shop specials. If I missed any one PLEASE LET ME KNOW To become a 1st Class Member and help support the site's costs with a $50 yearly donation simply click your avatar at the top of the main menu and select "Manage Subscriptions" from the drop down. Thank you to all those that help support the site by either being a 1st Class Member or helping with the management of specific site sections
  14. I would like to take this opportunity and thank you all for your support of Recreational Flying (.com) and in becoming 1st Class Members. The content of posts in this forum can only be seen by 1st Class Members and Moderators which you can use between yourselves plus it will give me the opportunity to provide you with any super specials from the Clear Prop Shop. Thank you again
  15. SOLD, Recreational Flying welcomes with extreme thanks our new Event Manager. Seriously, thanks @Old Koreelah that will be a great help...I will PM you
  16. All kind, business, strategic and ICT
  17. I am thinking about bringing back the Never Ending Story to Recreational Flying. For those that don't know what it is, it is a single thread with users adding posts that add to the previous post but leaves the end of their post open to someone else to reply to thus creating a never ending story. If you would like to have a look at it, it is at: https://www.whatsupaustralia.com.au/threads/the-never-ending-story.510/ It sort of died down when I moved the Off Topic funnies over to the Off Topic site Whats Up Australia. It is a real laugh as almost anything goes and most often it is a funny did at another user who then replies and on it goes. So what do you think, should we move it back to here at Recreational Flying, keep it aviation related as much as possible (if that's even possible at all)? In fact I know I have asked this before but is it even worth bringing the whole Off Topic section back in a very cut down version of Sport, Auto/Bikes and General Off Topic?
  18. Hopefully you will have now noticed that the new theme has been turned on thanks to @Ahmed Zayed having fixed the sub menu issue with it. Hope you like it...the site, I think, is not only going well but now also looks good and there is still a lot more to come in creating the one single overall respository of information to help all aviators...please let all your flying colleagues know
  19. I am sitting here at the hospital emergency as Caitlin has badly cut her hand and needs stitches so I started reading the NES again and started cracking up laughing about the Thruster on the conveyor belt and the people here are all looking at me strange
  20. Not that I recall, I think the first one about the conveyor belt was around 2006 and because it went on for memory some 50 to 60 pages of posts I came up with the Never Ending Story idea...that is a classic if any users have not read it...it is over on the Whats Up Australia site and it is laugh after laugh...it's up to 518 pages of posts (13,000 posts) now https://www.whatsupaustralia.com.au/threads/the-never-ending-story.510/
  21. No problems mate...post away and get the brains turning over but watch out for the @facthunter as he will most likely come up with the answers straight away
  22. I think we have 2 options here...1. would be to have multiple choices of an answer that a user can select which they believe is the correct one (which can be 1 question in a group of questions in a single quiz in the Quizzes Section) or 2. it could be a discussion thread which can be created in the Student Pilot & Further Learning forum. For example in the forum scenario we have had a question asked twice about Lift with last time some 11 years ago: and we had around 225 posts in that thread so single educational questions that provoke thought and discussion are greatly appreciated when posted in there
  23. I work in setting up and/or managing PMOs (Project Management Office), ensure governance is applied to projects including development of frameworks and methodologies...or even just going back to Project/Program Management
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