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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Flying School training for RAA? Some are charging in excess of $300 per hour. WHY? Because they want to use expensive, well equipped aircraft. They say most students want flash aircraft, well that has now priced many out of the RPC. RAA has lost its foundations as being a member is getting expensive, more and more fees and charges. Low budget flying has ended 😞
  2. Subject says it all. https://www.nine.com.au/property/homes/a-list-perk-for-buyer-of-five-million-property-in-queensland/8388a2f9-80bd-49de-9ebf-53ad35591896
  3. Probably secret squirrel stuff by the organisation? Time may tell? He should get a chance to tell his side of the story?
  4. See that 44 gallon drum under right wing? That was the only item marking the airstrip, we just jacked the wheel and used some blocks and brute force of 4 people to get it onto the drum. When you dont have all the tools of a good workshop, I simply do what's needed for a temporary repair, taking into account what I am working with, knowing the possible safety implications.
  5. Nobody has to trust me…..IF they don't want to. BUT sometimes I might be the only one to help them. Instance, was 45 years ago I lived in Coober Pedy, a Piper Aztec flew in and burst a tyre on landing, he also had a broken comms radio. His PAX had made a random call on his ham radio and I picked it up. When the dust had settled, Pilot asks if any Aviation facility can help him. I said, yeah in Wyalla or Port Augusta maybe. I went out had a look and said, well IF you turn the other way I will fix it and you can fly away. Comment was made, are you qualified in any thing? I said no, I just fix sh1t when I have to. A second hand industrial tyre and tube fixed the wheel, I had my electronic service kit, so found problem in radio, no transmit audio as wire in the remote transceiver was broken, fixed and working. I said good to go and the flew off to Alice Springs…….another successful job without a LAME in sight 🙂
  6. There IS a choice, flip the whole lot of ‘em the bird, take your rego numbers off and just fly. Your plane will fly just the same as it ever has. You then take the risks and responsibilities for yourself. Fly in remote places from friends private airstrips, do night VFR after midnight on a full Moon, what fun that would be 🙂 I know an old Aviator that CASA was chasing for running illegal joy flights, in remote Qld. It was a larger aircraft. CASA staked him out but did not get out of bed early enough. He sold the plane in New Zealand, loaded full of fuel and flew it there, the flight was somewhat illegal too. The evidence left the country 🙂 All the RAA and CASA rules can never make Aviation fatality free, its like the road toll. The responsibility for your life stops with YOU, and a degree of luck with it. A lot of rules and regs will never cut it, never expect any engineer to do the same quality of work on your aircraft as he does on his. I even know of one recent crash where a supposed qualified person did a botch job on his own aircraft and crashed as a result. He is still alive fortunately. So when I hear some great wank fest from our regulators, I ignore most of it and do my OWN research as these days I only trust myself………
  7. I am still buying genuine Toyota Landcruiser parts for 40 year old vehicles.
  8. My personal reasoning is, IF you dont own the engine from new, its past history may be against it despite the fact that factory would see no requirement in general, to strip bottom end. Its more a personal thing for me.
  9. My opinion only, IF barrels and heads come off for a reason, then I would also split cases and measure everything and replace everything that is not to spec. Crank measures up passes crack testing, replace all bearings, seals. Its my policy for car, motorcycle engines. I hate pulling things apart for a second time because I short cut somewhere.
  10. Is there such a thing as a factory repair manual? What do LAMEs use for reference material in their maintenance procedures?
  11. Here is the info regarding LS1 V8 conversions, obviously purpose converted for glider tug use, not General Aviation. VH-CUR was the relevant aircraft I was involved with. https://www.etug.com.au/about
  12. I would have to check, but CASA gave a special permit to fit a Pawnee glider tug at Benalla with a Commodore LS1 V8, permit was for 500 hours, not sure of final outcome but I was launched several times by this aircraft and it went like a rocket 🙂
  13. And IF you want to fly with the best reliability and confidence, then just suck it up and pay the money.
  14. Are pilots too stupid to work out a strategy on arrival, assess the requirements to be safe? So you want to beat he CASA rules to death? Play CASA super snitch? This event is all about having fun? Jus ditch the attitude and count it as a great day.
  15. The Centurion Tank used the lower horsepower version called Meteor MK4B V12 650hp.
  16. Turbs, Try a cable break on a Glider winch launch at about 400ft? One moment you are heading for the Moon, BANG……and if you are not suddenly pointed at the ground within milliseconds…..you can have a big problem, on your hands?
  17. IF people are worried about engine failures then maybe some Glider training is in order for them? Sure wont lose anything about doing that. Some airline Captains have managed to Glide 300Tonne plus airliners to a safe landing, calling on their gliding experience to save their”s and the passengers bacon, AND keep their aircraft in one piece, too.
  18. Could it be that the Jabiru suffered a lot of sink just after take off by flying over water/swamp?
  19. Many people I spoke to criticised my purchase of the ‘Super Bin Chicken’ but I have copped that all my life when buying cars etc. I am very mindful of situational awareness on take off and flying in general, given the Jabiru reputation. Soon this year, I need to make my mind up on ordering a new Gen4 engine and just put it in, and be done with it. Having fun flying does not come cheap, who cares as I am not far off EOL anyway 🙂
  20. Its a shame its too hot here to fly this week as density altitude is not my friend, or I would be in the sky. Maybe next week, I hope 🙂
  21. Turbs, You don’t move in the coalface circles I do, being more hierarchical than I am , you probably do not hear many things real World things that go on at lower levels. Nothing wrong with that 🙂. Make no mistake RAA probably has a dartboard in their lunch room with my ugly face on it, full of darts. They probably clean it off each week to make room for another lot of darts. I bet IF the members want to change the structure back to what it once was, it would happen overnight? Any way, we all DO have a choice 🙂. GO VH. I feel sad I have dragged this so far off topic at the expense of a poor unfortunate Jabiru pilot’s crash. I hope he gets help needed, to get back in the air and not be driven away by criticism.
  22. IF I am a member of an organisation that has questionable authority and enforcement over its members by way of penalties. Then I would question many outcomes integrity of any of its findings. History of RAA unfortunately has some history on this. Politics of like organisations is becoming a big problem these days. The RAA structure alone makes me think that. I begin to think one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made is become involved in forums, in recent times. The modern World of Forums and social media has become infected with dobbing, information mining snitches who play big daddy Policeman? And because some are part of organisational hierarchies……they know it all. As far as RAA generally, I think its US and THEM. No doubt there are good people who are communicable and ethical, in an honest way in the organisation, one day I may get to meet them.
  23. My question would be…..can they force you to incriminate yourself? Much questioning in a Court has 2 answers, YES or NO.
  24. I think I would keep an aviation misdemeanour under wraps from RAA? If I bent my plane and walked away, I would say nothing because at my age they would probably pull my certificate. Find a way to blame me and question my future ability over something minor. Its happened before and it can happen to anyone. The RAA dont have my trust right now. Oid Station Fly In case in point, an RAA staffer spotted taking. covert photos of various aircraft. He did not make himself readily known to the Aero Club doing marshalling yet he flew there himself, I believe. Not wanting to mix with members tell me he was there for another reason?
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