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Everything posted by jackc

  1. In respect of Medicals, I have never forgotten over 50 years ago, a 22 year old friend of mine died from an Aortic Dissection, 7 days after a pre discharge Army Medical. Anything can happen at anytime 😞 This is an interesting read….. https://www.kitplanes.com/homebuilt-accidents-the-pilots-condition/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=KITPLANES+Homebuilder+s+Portal&utm_campaign=HB-Portal-2023-04-13
  2. Money isn't everything but you can get free training to upgrade qualifications that can see you climb the public service ladder and transfer to other Govt entities. Trouble is you could end up being in an environment where your team is not a great workplace but then again it could be great job. Nothing ventured…..nothing gained 🙂
  3. All the while…..these people are being paid a Salary you could only dream of, but its all cool and normal for Govt entities 😞
  4. No wonder people fly with expired medicals…….you would think that being so important that CASA would be right on to it…..
  5. Not drinking and not smoking, ever….i believe has benefited me, plus a severe mental attitude of not having any fcuks to give 🙂
  6. IF a Police Officer ever suggested a physical driving test to me. I would say right, lock up your Patrol Car and we do it right NOW. IF my Doctor suggested I was unfit to drive…..I would give him the same treatment. I consider myself capable, at this time. One day it WILL be over and I will retire to my bombed up mobility scooter 🙂 I see Hoon Meetups in my future at the local Woolies car park, after midnight 🙂
  7. And today, the Qld Minister for Transport announces on the radio, he wants driving tests for existing car licence holders. All the fat cat bureaucrats will be burning their biros out tomorrow, making submissions to the minister for suggestions, so they can get their bonus points with the minister. So yep, legislation starts with the minister and the bureaucrats pour fertiliser on the ministers idea.
  8. I have been described as a nut case by people all my life because I am adventure driven BUT I am still alive 🙂 Thinking back…….it probably started when I got expelled from a private boarding school, they said there NO hope for me…..Wanchors!!
  9. Nearly every politician has that problem……and they make the rules, so essentially we are all doomed? Its just the degree of doomness 😞
  10. Modern day regulators make legislation and rules so complex, a lay person struggles to understand most of it. I just try read and interpret what I can……IF I fail, then I just say…..too hard and forget it. Regulators do have a duty of care to make rule interpretation that is easily achievable IF they want compliance. They have failed their task IF they don't do this and I have used this to get off the hook in the past…..relating to transport vehicle matters.
  11. I have just bought a house in town, so just something crazy to do, I walked to the Post Office for my mail, a round trip of 6.5km up and down many hills. I did the walk with one stop, at the Post office and drank 500ml of water and went home. No problems doing it and when I have time might do it more often. Now, I am 71 and fast become a target of medicals. I am quite fit for age as I lead an active life BUT, I could walk out the door tomorrow and have a Aortic Dissection and drop dead on my lawn 😞. Would a medical have found impending disaster? No, but a full CT/MRI would have, more probably than not. How far do we go with medicals for anything? Car, Truck, Employment etc etc? Medicals need to be unworkably intense to catch many impending Medical events. Still, there can never be 100% success. But our regulators are too fcking dumb to see the woods for the trees. Nothing can ever be perfect……
  12. Some 25,000 people die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest every year in Australia and many, who have no previous Cardiac problems history. Life has many elements of risk from various causes……
  13. Self compliance is up to the aircraft owner/pilot themselves? Being a realist, who is going to catch people breaking rules anyway? ONLY if something comes to light by way of an in incident OR someone snitches on the rule breaker? We live in a totally imperfect World and Aviation is no exception. Anyone with any brains looks at what rule they are breaking and determines if it compromises safety and breaking it cannot have a bad outcome.
  14. But, the RAA audit does not publish the complete audit list it has compiled?
  15. I wonder what is on the rest of their ‘list’ ? We are only getting half the story?
  16. It’s no wonder people don’t care too much for the rules and go and do their own thing and are harmless to everybody around.
  17. I might suggest there are people flying out there who don't fly to the rules, WHY because many are onerous and unfair in some cases. I don't care how many rules you make…….people will always die flying aircraft, same applies to cars. Education is the key……..even pilots with thousands of hours make mistakes. There are risk taking pilots, will rules force them to think different? Some maybe, others no…… Be honest, what is the chance of breaking rules and being caught? Many pilots will never see a ramp check in their flying life? People want to fly incognito? They turn their Transponder off, don't file a flight plan? and don't use their radio except to listen. fly in remote populated areas from private/property airstrips? Some probably dont have a licence nor a registered aircraft. First that CASA or RAA know they exist is when they fatally crash. How do you prosecute someone who is DEAD? Fine his Estate? They simply become another DEATH by misadventure statistic? One that CASA or RAA cannot prevent, no matter how many rules there are…….
  18. MY opinion is the whole RAA thing is a total crap show and needs disbanding THEN rebuilding. It CANNOT continue as a company AND regulator with compulsory membership.
  19. The CEO is ex CASA? I would allege he could have a tainted view of how RAA policies and regulatory responsibilities are and should be be applied? I believe there was a covert visit by one of their officials to the Old Station Fly In. No doubt on a data gathering mission? Is the whole RAA System too onerous? Its not correctly structured as it is being a regulator we must be a member of as well as being a company. This is MY opinion and my comments are based on that.
  20. It will take a disaster to force a change, CASA will make a an order on RAA and they will have a knee jerk reaction and respond with a hard nosed solution in a very short space of time, to appease CASA. Members will lose this way. IF a policy was made over time with good planning, the the outcome may be far better?
  21. And yet, they do not do incident/crash investigations now?
  22. Different to AOPA, they have a great big bus 🙂 RAA is ahead of Police Air Wing in Qld, their acting Chief Pilot does not have a Helicopter Licence, and some of their pilots are not special constables, so the land beside a suspect, but cant arrest them 🙂 Thing that bugs me is, every time I get an email from RAA its signed off as being from RAA Team 😞. Has no one in that organisation got a name? Or don’t they want to be identified? My bitchy Sunday morning!
  23. I would like to know what the CEO’s ‘company car’ is, and what any other ‘staff’ vehicle allocations are?
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