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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Maybe they should be allowed to offer training in sectors including RAA? FAA USA are looking to allow LSA Training facilities to do FAR Part 103 training.
  2. Enclosed pre filled in voting papers acceptable?
  3. It could be alleged that the organisation’s database was used by the accused to send out emails by himself to solicit votes to his possible personal advantage. I did receive one such email, being a member of the organisation.
  4. I would rathe be with SAAA and have SAAA rego, if it existed 🙂
  5. I have always applied the policy of replacement before failure. 1HZ Landcruiser get a recommended timing belt kit every 100,000km so I do waterpump, all belts, hoses, thermostat at the same time. I even keep a spare rebuilt injector pump in my spares cache 🙂. I even have brand new in boxes H55 transmission and matching transfer case too, amongst brake pads, linings., bearing kits and even a complete fan to flywheel 1HZ engine with 200k on it, 2F petrol motor 125k I bought 30 years ago. The list goes on…… Now collecting aircraft spares 🙂
  6. And, don’t have enough time left on the Earth to build a plane. Need to buy RTF and just hit the sky, ASAP 🙂
  7. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=299780665486310&set=a.208328367964874&type=3
  8. Sadly, no STC for that. Can just image what Jabiru would say 🙂
  9. Simple, just WEAR a Parachute……many Glider Pilots do.
  10. I have being given a diagnosis by my Doctor. Now suffering Terminal Hermititis 🙂 Which will get gradually worse. It is a desired disease for some Aviators that are sick of all the bullsh1t regulations that seems to contaminate modern Aviation 🙂
  11. I have being given a diagnosis by my Doctor. Now suffering Terminal Hermititis 🙂 Which will get gradually worse. It is a desired disease for some Aviators that are sick of all the bullsh1t regulations that seems to contaminate modern Aviation 🙂
  12. I have being given a diagnosis by my Doctor. Now suffering Terminal Hermititis 🙂 Which will get gradually worse. It is a desired disease for some Aviators that are sick of all the bullsh1t regulations that seems to contaminate modern Aviation 🙂
  13. I have being given a diagnosis by my Doctor. Now suffering Terminal Hermititis 🙂 Which will get gradually worse. It is a desired disease for some Aviators that are sick of all the bullsh1t regulations that seems to contaminate modern Aviation 🙂
  14. I have being given a diagnosis by my Doctor. Now suffering Terminal Hermititis 🙂 Which will get gradually worse. It is a desired disease for some Aviators that are sick of all the bullsh1t regulations that seems to contaminate modern Aviation 🙂
  15. My BRS aspect. I dug around and on a retrofit, its a disaster for some aircraft. Shipping is a big problem being dangerous goods and that can become very costly. IF the manufacturer cant cover its approval, engineering wise its a problem I went to RAA about my Aeropup and they can do engineering BUT it would cost me. That is fair enough but IF someone else wanted the same aircraft done, they would also be charged and I would have already paid for it. Good money for RAA, but they are out to make money, being a Company 😞. IF you have an onboard fire, a BRS could see you incinerated, not good. So I bought a wearable parachute 🙂. Aircraft fire? I am out the door! You all say how will that work for me? Well, making a checklist as to how I will do it, considering calculated wind pressure on pilot’s door at X speed? Attitude of aircraft, scenarios for that, and anything else I can think of? An Event that could require me to exit. Selection of ground location for best outcome, under circumstances? I also have my engine out plan, too. But no use of parachute in that instance, unless prop loses a blade, severe engine vibration rips motor out etc. The idea being to have a plan in mind for most possible incidents, whatever they could be. And a parachute could be part of the needed plan……
  16. I have given up on hull insurance, IF I crash bad and die or badly injured I probably will never fly again. If my estate needs to make a claim when I am dead…….that will end up a bun fight they don't need. IF its repairable, will just fix it out of my own pocket. The PDS from insurance companies has a lot of escape clauses and if you read them closely you will find you may nor even be insured? Was your Hangar engineered, if it blew away could you claim. Is your aircraft squeaky clean in the maintenance release? Have you done mods with no STC? Can proof be found of a medical certificate discrepancy? Insurance companies are scumbags when it comes to claim dodging in some cases? Dont make yours one of them……
  17. Great technical innovation possibilities, but another concept we will be sharing airspace with?
  18. You crash ANY plane anywhere, and you have a big chance of fire, difference in jettisoning the battery means a better chance of saving human life……but then again, not many people care about that, these days. Gee they dont even want to do crash investigation IF they can get out of it 😞
  19. Well, aircraft dump many thousands of litres of fuel from the sky……not hard to make an immediate decision to quickly set a course to battery dumping in an unpopulated area. Fire proof battery containment will only last a short time, enough to hopefully save pilot/PAX AND aircraft, they then need to deal with an off airport landing.
  20. Give it 12 months and there will be a drop in prices, MY opinion only……..
  21. YouTube can be your Instructor, so your training area can be anywhere in this FREE country 🙂
  22. So, you become master of your own destiny……dont try to fix what you cant fix, especially when you get old. Just do what you want and how you want, when you want…….and be happy 🙂
  23. At my age, I ain’t into trying to tow start concrete 747s. The RAA needs to change as its forgotten WHERE it originated from. They have some good minds there, and not so good ones. I wont hold my breath, while they run Millennial type policies and thinking…….
  24. Fly an electric aircraft designed where battery pack is mounted at C of G into a compartment at bottom of the fuselage. IF you get a battery fire situation, you simply jettison the pack and you then become PIC of a…….Glider! Rather take my chances that way, than burning to death…….
  25. Members of a limited company who regulate us all, AND then ask for donations….. Sorry, I will hold my opinion until the day I die, reckon I have ten years left to get all my illegal aviation sh1t done 🙂
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