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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Yes its me again, the Part 103 serial pest 🙂 Sorry for polluting the recent RAA thread with my diatribe! But it comes from being passionate on the Part 103 saga. I am aware many Aviators maybe against this segment of aviation, but there are many people thinking the opposite, if somewhat clandestine 🙂. I don't see a problem with it, except that its deemed illegal by our CASA and some other Aviation Organisations. The FAA Part 103 regime is embraced in a big way in the U.SA. So where is the problem for Australia, well I know the problem here is too many fuddy duddy snowflakes who want to deny others, to pursue a more adventurous form of Aviation. AirVenture 2023 Oshkosh has even welcomed Part 103 aviators by providing an airstrip and ground/display area for them in support. Just imagine them rolling up to Avalon? They would get shot down 😞 I guess I could get very much more public about Part 103 and see what happens……I know CASA would hate that and my face is probably already a dart board in the RAAus lunch room but……..maybe its time to call it out……
  2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. i have been in contact with a few manufacturers and received invitations to visit. I almost think its worth following up. Go over to the US (been there on business about 6 times in my day job life) check out and do some Part 103 training/flying. I know I can get container space, because I have been offered by someone here in Australia, Buy one while there 🙂 Probably secure a dealership if I wanted, order a few kits etc. Unfortunately I am too old to set that up and then defend myself in an Aviation Regulatory War. Not illegal to buy, just illegal to fly……right now. Illegal to me, is a sick bird 🙂
  3. People who are different will always have dissenters 🙂
  4. We need a clandestine Part 103 report on your return, don't want to upset the Aviation Snowflakes, do we 🙂 🙂
  5. Whats wrong with wanting what we once had, back? The US have the Part 103 segment which is similar to what AUF was. People would argue that the string bag airframes of the past fell out of the sky everywhere, and they were right. Airframes and engines have come along was since those days. RAA would probably never support the Part 103 US regime? Nor make any supporting submissions to CASA on it. But, we must understand that many of the people in Australia have got no drive to change anything, they just suck it up and whinge, how sad. Well, I dont and remember back to the days of CB……I was a pirate and got chased by the DOC and busted, the DOC charged me and 1 charge was under the Crimes Act 1914 and thats possible jail time. I defended myself and got off all charges. Because many people operated illegally it was decided to legalise CB and the rest is history. I went on to found my own business on the CB industry and lasted the rest of my working life for 30 years working for myself. I don't give in easily 🙂 But its hard in a rising Snowflake World 😞
  6. Oskosh has even set aside a 900ft runway for FAR Part 103 aircraft to fly in to Air Adventure 2023. https://www.eaa.org/airventure/eaa-fly-in-flying-to-oshkosh/ultralight-arrivals
  7. Read here…. Ultralights & Ultralight Aircraft | EAA WWW.EAA.ORG Enjoy the Ultralights Hall of Fame, find instructors or look for education programs that the EAA offers to ultralight aircraft enthusiasts of all kinds.
  8. RAAus wont see it that way, They would argue no safety, loss of admin control, loss of membership money. They would cringe over someone unlicenced, possibly not trained, swooping around at 500-1000 feet in the middle of nowhere. Flying night VFR at midnight, on a full moon 🙂 The ‘Catch Me IF You Can Airforce’ That has a ring to it 🙂
  9. You would count the number of people on 2 hands, but it could seed people to want more…….a possible boost in Aviation?
  10. Todays Truck Cabs have more structural integrity with included safety design……thankfully 🙂
  11. Thanks Mike, I need to do this for each of my aircraft 🙂
  12. Dan Compton, Wings Out West at Dubbo, take a bit of a holiday out there, it will be worth the effort 🙂
  13. RAAus told me I had to pay them for engineering approval to do the Aeropup. It all just got too hard for my 19 reg aircraft as I did not build it, hence my approval problem.
  14. After discussion with RAAUS, doing a retrofit BRS to my Aeropup was going to be a cost and engineering nightmare, they make it difficult to get approval. Now I have a Jabiru as well, have not even gone there….. So, I have a wearable Parachute which I would only use as a lone pilot. IF plane has an engine fire or structural failure, I would simply take my chances and exit stage left, that is fraught with danger in itself but worth the risk. I have even given thought to engineering a firewall forward fire suppression system?
  15. And then the housing development residents will want the airport closed because of noise. Be careful what you wish for?
  16. There will not be enough LAMES in certain places, the shortage will cause a lot of grief. No good making rules IF support infrastructure is not available so people can reasonably comply?
  17. End up in a Court of Law based on Austiil Legislation, you will need to know it backwards or a Barrister could take you to the cleaners…….?
  18. I have ask WHY 500 pages of stuff to do a reasonable simply task in what should be an easily understandable document for lay people, since they are the ones who need to abide by it all. People wonder WHY I am rules adverse, well now you know 🙂
  19. Fortunately for me, my GP of 15 years is also DAME and knows his stuff, we have many ‘medical’ discussions about things when I visit. Scary part is he is retiring soon 😞 I have ‘sacked’ a few Doctors before I found him 🙂
  20. IF it came to the crunch (I don't think it will, for me I hope) a DAME grounded me? I would still fly IF I wanted. I have been studying Internal Medicine for over 8 years! I have been a paid subscriber of medical journals in that time as well. Having seen some disastrous medical findings in my life has been enough for me. I have seen a Doctor fired from a medical practice as a result of my complaint.
  21. Modern day attitudes seem to be that the ‘whole’ recipe does not get published until the end. Keep people in the dark so they cannot make forward plans. We will start construction……but we don't have all the plans……. Better shut mouth before I put my foot in it 🙂
  22. In respect of Medicals, I have never forgotten over 50 years ago, a 22 year old friend of mine died from an Aortic Dissection, 7 days after a pre discharge Army Medical. Anything can happen at anytime 😞 This is an interesting read….. https://www.kitplanes.com/homebuilt-accidents-the-pilots-condition/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=KITPLANES+Homebuilder+s+Portal&utm_campaign=HB-Portal-2023-04-13
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