Yes Crezzi, a long time but will never forget, I would have thought a trike was unspinable too but it did. When the trike hit the wake the nose dropped instantly and facing vertical at the ground and rotating to the right, the ground was coming towards me quickly, I was holding the bar neutral and pulling against the rotation that is I was trying to steer left, the rotation stopped and only then I pushed the bar forward to get out of the dive. A mate who witnessed it was a hang glider pilot and said he was amazed how quick the nose dropped and how steep it went down. I was told by my instructor to keep bar neutral and stop rotation first, to move the bar in or out will put it totally out of control.
At a guess when it dropped it literally was falling not flying the rotation was caused by the only lift that one side of the wing was offering a little lift and drag, when rotation stopped the control came back very quickly.
I would not know if this has happened to anyone else and my instructor indicated it was very unlikely to happen, I can only imagine it would take wake turbulence or wind shear to initiate this situation, I know that if you pull the bar in during a stall the trike could tumble but I have never heard of it happening.
I will say the plane came close and the fact I steered away to the right gave him the chance to steer more right to the front of me putting me directly in his wake, I was probably steering right when I hit the wake hence it spun to right. Hope this helps, happy to share.