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Everything posted by sfGnome

  1. Biggles - what are the reflections in the window? It's a bit late in the year for Easter eggs, isn't it?
  2. Ever so slightly off-topic, but having an interested passenger can make a big difference - double the eyes and ears. Recently I was heading down the coast towards Wollongong where they occasionally have parachutists onto the beach. I don't know what I was concentrating on, but suddenly my beloved said "They just dropped some chutes" - she'd heard the radio call, and I was utterly oblivious to it! Experience won out in the end though. I spotted the drop plane on its descent while she couldn't see it... It was nice to watch them float down. It was a bit like having birds for company, but safe in the knowledge they weren't going to attack!
  3. Isn't that always the way. I hear voices in my head when I fly too... (Sorry, couldn't resist! Glad the flight went well, and may there be many many more!)
  4. You know, we talk about flying like a bird, but I think that what I really want to do is *land* like one! It's the ultimate STOL. Pick a point, flare to a standstill and just put the landing gear down... (dream on )
  5. Interesting to compare this one with the recent discussion about the Sportstar with the canopy that opened in flight. If I recall correctly, the consensus there was that it would happily continue with the canopy open/gone, and the main danger was the pilot being distracted. Is the difference that the Cessna has a large space continuing from the cockpit all the way back to the tail (in this case filled with would-be jumpers) where the airflow would be turbulent, whereas the Sportstar possibly has a wall behind the pilot's head so the air just flows up and over?
  6. I tried to get in on that but I couldn't get a grant...
  7. Makes some sense to me. I reckon that some times the best thing to do when you just can't 'get' something is to go away and sleep on it for a while - let your subconscious work on it in the background. Mind you, 2 years may be a bit longer than I'd normally suggest...
  8. Good on you, TW. Now you get to discover that when the licence begins, the training begins! Never stop learning (Now, where have I heard that before... )
  9. I reckon it looks too nice to risk actually flying...
  10. Just be careful that it isn't too easily bumped when your passenger shifts position in their seat. Things got a bit exciting for me once when we suddenly went full throttle while idling on the taxiway...
  11. I store mine in my flight bag on top of everything else so that when I'm getting out all the necessaries pre-flight, the PLB comes out first and goes around my neck - or around my beloved's neck if she's coming with me.
  12. Pud, I had a fairly close old stare at the earlier sections of the video, and I can't see any indication of tail wheel wobble until after the landing. Granted, they weren't close-up shots, but the wheel wobble was pretty obvious in the final section, so it should have been apparent earlier too. Perhaps you might get some additional clues from the bits of the video that hit the cutting room floor?
  13. Of course, if it was NASA then they'd fit explosive bolts... :big_grin: Seriously, you can never cater for every circumstance, but if you can at least cater for some of the more common ones (and sadly, flipping doesn't appear to be totally uncommon), then all the better. So, apart from wielding an axe, is there a better way to make perspex break when you want it to and not when you don't (like, when you're flying).
  14. Yep, I guess a small axe is easier to install than a hatch. All I'd have to do then is work out how to stop the beloved from wielding it in my direction when I hit the bumpy stuff... :hittinghead:
  15. On the (many) occasions when I'm daydreaming, thoughts often turn to planes I'd like to build. I like some of the low wing types, but I'm concerned about the lack of exit options should it flip (such as in Rocketdriver's sad KR2 accident). Question is, would it be possible to build in a removable floor panel? First and foremost, would it affect the fuselage's structural integrity? In a monocoque body, the skin takes a lot of the stress, so it may not be acceptable on some types (eg Morgan?). Secondly, how would you latch it in such a way that it could be opened when needed by either pilot or passenger, but couldn't be accidentally kicked open by a restless passenger (I've had the between-the-legs throttle on an older Jab knocked that way). I guess if it were hinged at the front and latched at the rear then an accidental opening would give you a helluva fright, but nothing worse. So, is it; a) one of those simple ideas that leave you wondering why it hasn't been thought of before (not very likely ), b) one of those dumb ideas that's long been discarded as totally impractical (and if so, why), or c) already in use in a/c where it's a valid option?
  16. One half of me says "Love it!", and the other half says "Ack! These blokes are crazy." Definitely not too much between the front bloke and anything coming the other way (like branches, if the engine stops). But... wouldn't it be fun
  17. Isn't that a coincidence, Don? I got sprung with a diversion to Singleton on my nav exam too. Amazing! My fear was that he was going to put me through the restricted area near Dex's place and see if I noticed, but he wasn't that devious. Now it's just a pity you can't fly down to Canberra for the AGM. Enough thread thievery! Powerin, how many times did you worry on the way back home that you weren't going to find the strip? I still do that, even when I know I'm on the right heading and I'm seeing all the right landmarks. Never bothers me when I'm heading out though? Dunno why.
  18. Oh ain't that the truth! Wish it hadn't taken so long to work it out.
  19. Oh, for heaven sake. Imagine if all that effort had been put towards something useful (like, maybe a 1:1 scale model...)
  20. Interesting. I was taught the same, and it's never even occurred to me to do it differently. Having read this discussion, I'll have to have a bit of a play next time I'm up...
  21. Same here. I flew down the coast from the Seacliff Bridge to Wollongong this week, and I did a hell of a lot more preparation because of this discussion, so thanks to all of you. One conundrum though. Do I give my beloved a full ditching rundown as we approach the water and have her never go near an aircraft again, or do I go softly softly and have her less prepared than possible? I'm a wimp, so I went the softly softly approach...
  22. Just got mine. Now, do I plan for tomorrow morning's flight and go to bed early, or do I sit up and read it... Decisions, decisions...
  23. Won't take long for that 1.6 hours to become 16 hours and then 160 hours...
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