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Everything posted by pudestcon

  1. G'day Terry, Well the numbers on the pitch blocks are certainly where the pitch numbers are supposed to be found on the Brolga props - look like they have been either cast in or punched in with a letter punch set. I'll check it under a magnifying glass when I get home. So if the pitch is 12 degrees the engine should be achieving 6800rpm no problems, yes? Wonder if I need to check the tacho now.... 2nd guessing again, I seem to be good at that!! I think I'll get hold of a tacho that reads prop revolutions and see what that shows. Let me see... engine revs/reduction box gearing= prop revs. 6800/2.58= 2635.66 revs at the prop. Is this correct? Our airfield is at 1330' asl according to my Recreational Flying 5" GPS. Pud
  2. The radiators have not been changed, didn't know about the bigger size radiators so I better do some research on it. Thanks, and I reckon your ".25 cents worth" could very well be worth a whole lot more to me. Pud
  3. Thanks Riley, whilst reading your reply I thought to myself "You already know this you nong!" Thanks for stimulating my grey cells that have not been used for a while:smile: Now check out my other thread in this section and give me some answers please!!! Pud
  4. OK, some issues here I'm hoping you can help me solve I have a brand new Rotax 582 on my T500 Thruster, the engine has just turned over 25 hours on the clock. It is driving a 68" 3 blade Brolga prop with 12 degree pitch blocks through a "B" reduction box at 2.58. Now this engine has always tended to overheat from run-in on. I have a hard time keeping the temps below 80 degrees indicated on a brand new VDO gauge connected to a brand new sensor in the engine head, all connected together with the wiring that came with the unit. So, unless the new gauge is faulty, I think the temp gauge is reading correct. I will, however, double check this next time I'm at the airfield by sitting the sensor in a pot of water and heat it up. I'll cross reference the temp gauge reading with a thermometer. I have only just pulled the prop[ apart to check the pitch, and I must say I was surprised to see such a fine pitch. I was expecting something near the high side of the range, around 16 degrees. I thought the overheating would be caused by too coarse a pitch setting and I could reduce the over temp reading by reducing the pitch - but not so. Another complication for you to digest; I have never been able to get full (6800) revs from the 582, either on the ground or when flying around. Most I've got is 6200RPM, so again I thought this would be due to a coarse pitch setting. Now I have to rethink. The EGT readings are identical at about 1100 on the gauge when at 6000RPM, so I reckon the carbies are right. I checked the barrel slides in the carbies and they are opening right up at full throttle. So I have 2 issues - an overheating engine, and an engine that is not achieving full revs. Where do I go from here learned forumites? Pud
  5. I have often seen propeller pitch quoted as degrees of pitch such as "12 degrees", also have seen pitch expressed as "28", for example. I'm sure that is not 28 degrees of pitch!! But what is it, and how do you convert to degrees? Pud
  6. A great story Naremman and well done to you for the Angel Flight work you do. Thanks for contributing your story here. Pud
  7. Thanks for posting all the photos. There is certainly some sophisticated recreational aircraft about!! Pud
  8. Doesn't look like this suggestion is going to fly. No matter, try this for a small contribution anyway. The forecast was for light North easterly winds, partly overcast with the chance of some light scattered showers. So I decided to take a short flight to Bencubbin from Wirraway Farm Airfield one recent Sunday morning. Bencubbin is situated approx 11nm to the SE of Wirraway so I took off into a slight 10kt crosswind from the NE and tracked 118 degrees for Bencubbin. The country in this area is largely flat with all towns in the area clearly visible, largely due to the wheat storage facilities in each town. Bencubbin is no different and was clearly visible through the windshield of Thruster 0331. As I was climbing to height I could see a sizable rain shower off to the Port side, to the NE of Bencubbin. I was keeping an eye on this patch of rain as the wind direction and my track put us on a converging heading, but I thought I’d be ok. About 3nm out from Bencubbin I decided not to risk the situation anymore and turned back for Wirraway, even though the rain patch was still a long way to the NE. On executing the 180 degree turn the windscreen filled with a view of a WALL OF WATER rain event ahead. Can you imagine my heart rate when I first saw this? Very quickly I realised that the rain show was a long way in the distance with my home field well within reach between me and the rain shower, so my heart rate settled down to a fast drum beat!!!. With the knowledge that we had a 10kt NE wind I was confident I’d be alright. So I set a cruise of 55kts for home, still keeping a lookout over my right shoulder at the rain shower to the NE of Bencubbin that was now looking somewhat closer! Then, seemingly out of thin air (well, overcast sky actually) a new rain shower started much closer to me off the Starboard side. This was something I did not want to get closer to, and with the knowledge I now had 3 separate rain events to monitor I set up a long decent into Wirraway airfield at 60 plus knots arriving overhead with plenty of time to set up for a good landing. In the end there was no unsafe situation, just flying weather conditions I had not experienced before, but I was glad to be on the ground, in the hangar, safely seated and talking about the experience with Cedric and Jean, Poll’s parents, who had called in for a look and a talk. It never rained in the vicinity of the hangar either! Another experience to put in the memory bank for “Story Time”J Pud
  9. pudestcon

    Drifter Pics

    Sorry for the late reply Bacon, this one slipped through somehow! I just remove the very small saw tooth score marks on the cut edge with sand paper or a very fine file - same with drill holes. This minimises the chance of cracks forming in the polycarbonate. There are various websites out there with information on working polycarbonate so give it a Google and see what comes up. Cheers, Pud
  10. You have to reduce the size of photos gareth. This one I reduced to 162 kb before it would accept it. Pud
  11. Yeah, come on guys!! Keep us info starved absentees informed of the goings on at Temora Pud
  12. Great stuff David. That's what I want to be able to report from time to time - nothing spectacular or anything, just flying for fun in company. Thanks for the link. Pud
  13. I'm trying to entice Gay into the air with the idea we would go and visit friends for a coffee. They live about 1 hour away in the Thruster so it would be a nice little fly I reckon. Of all the tactics I've tried to get her in the air, this one has the most promise I reckon. I'll just keep chipping away...... Pud
  14. Its great news that your wife has persevered to go flying with you David. Congratulations to her. I reckon it would be the icing on the cake to have my wife sitting alongside me when I'm flying, but it ain't gonna happen:crying: I hope you had a great time flying in company with your wife David. I'm off flying on Sunday without Gay, but I'll have company from my ol' mate Poll I'm sure, and hopefully get to take Steve Vette for a flight around our neck of the woods. Pud
  15. My Vertex is a screw in connection so I ordered an adaptor when I purchased the radio as the antenna lead was BNC. As skyfox1 has mentioned, adaptors are easy to acquire from Jaycar and other similar outlets. Pud
  16. I dialled a number and got the following recording: "I am not available right now, but Thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the Beep. If I do not return your call, You are one of the changes." ~~~~~ Aspire to inspire before you expire. ~~~~~ My wife and I had words, But I didn't get to use mine. ~~~~~ Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses. ~~~~~ The irony of life is that, by the time You're old enough to know your way around, you're not going anywhere. ~~~~~ God made man before woman so as to give him time to think of an answer for her first question. ~~~~~ I was always taught to respect my elders, But it keeps getting harder to find one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A woman asks a man who is traveling with six children, "Are all these kids yours?" The man replies, "No, I work in a condom factory and these are customer complaints". ********************************************************* nominated as the best short joke this year... A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath. "Mom" he asked, "are these my brains?" "Not yet," she replied.
  17. Here http://www.mobileone.com.au/ I know there are a couple of forum members in the business as well, so a search here might dig up something. Pud
  18. I noticed some posts from him a couple of days ago. Pud
  19. After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her for a while....then said, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K." She asks...... "What does that mean?" He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot. She smiled happily and said.. "Oh, that's so lovely.. What about I, J, K?" He said, "I'm Just Kidding!" And that's when the fight started. The swelling in his eye is going down and the doctor is fairly optimistic about saving his testicles.
  20. Once upon a time, a pilot asked a beautiful princess, "Will you marry me?"............The princess said, "No!" And the pilot lived happily ever after and flew jets all over the world and drove hot cars and chased skinny long-legged big-breasted flight attendants and hunted and fished and went to topless bars and dated women half his age and drank Weihenstephaner German beer and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and kept his house and guns and ate cold leftover meals, potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frickin' cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up ........ The end.
  21. See! Everyone has dreams, even your 93 year old dad. I reckon that's awesome. Pud
  22. Thanks rgmwa, I guess we are all living our dreams one way or another. How are you living your flying dream? Pud
  23. Back in post #360 I said I would post here when I realised a 50 year goal/dream of mine. Well here it is…… Some of you might recall me posting at some stage of getting the flying bug when I was 10 years old. I came across a Tiger Moth aircraft at the local airstrip paddock in the small country town I grew up in, and dreamed of how good it would be to fly an airplane. It was then I first dreamed about it. So it came to pass that on 25th March 2012 I did a pre-flight on Thruster 25-0331, loaded up with my mate Poll and roared into a magnificent morning from runway 10 at Wirraway Farm North Gabbin. We did a couple of circuits first then headed for my home town of Koorda, just 11 nm away to the SW. It was a beautiful morning to be flying with the air very smooth so that hands off flying was possible except for a little left aileron to counteract Poll in the right seat! We flew over Poll’s parents old homestead before tracking for Koorda, overflew the airfield at Koorda and continued towards the SW where we did an orbit of a local “good times” spot called Redcliff. Then it was time to return to Koorda where I said to Poll, “I think we’ll try a landing on the Koorda strip”. So I set up for a standard mid crosswind circuit entry for runway 09 and did a 1000’ above ground level circuit owing to the fact a wide circuit was required to avoid flying over the town. Now, I have driven up and down that strip many times in a vehicle trying to get the feel of what it would be like to guide an aircraft to land or take off here, and I have flown RC controlled model airplanes countless times from this strip, but to actually land an aircraft on that airfield as PIC is something else! A culmination of a 50 year journey, that, in the scheme of things is so insignificant that it means nothing to anybody else, but to me, was extremely satisfying. So I just rolled out the landing phase, backtracked and pulled up at the tie down area for a minute or so, then took off for the flight back to Wirraway; an anti-climax you might say – but I wouldn’t! This dream realised was not something I ever verbalised to anyone I don’t think, it was just something that was always there. Even Poll my flying buddy had no idea. He asked me today what I was on about with my post on the forum mentioning a ’50 year goal’, so I told him. And now I’ve told youJ Pud
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