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Everything posted by pudestcon

  1. I know this has been discussed somewhere in the forums here but I can't find what I'm looking for.... Anyone who has seen any of my video clips will notice the prop blade distortion patterns in the footage. What I want to do is avoid this when I buy a new camera. What do I need to look out for in the camera specification that will ensure I don't have this problem in the future? Simple question, but does it have a simple answer? Cheers, Pud
  2. Don't go wimpy on me now Riley!! Pud
  3. Hehehe Sometimes you have to think outside the square. I have an old T500 fuselage shroud (you can see the one on my T500 in my avatar) I thought might be able to be modified for a windsock. Pud
  4. I only did a 'river run' once, with an instructor, and found it extremely useful for sharpening up skills. We followed the Avon River from York to Beverley and what an adrenaline rush it was. Pud
  5. Thaks for the supplier contacts naremman, I'll probably repair an old one we acquired, for now. You are welcome to visit anytime you like - just need to contact me first so I can let Poll the owner (who s a member here but does not log in much) know to expect you. I can only get to the hangar every 4 weeks or so at the moment, but it would be great to catch up sometime. What are you flying mostly these days? It would be a fair way from your neck of the woods to North Gabbin. Pud
  6. Go for it Frank. I might learn something Pud
  7. It's all good Frank, chucking dust in the air is a good indication I reckon. With a windsock I look at how the tail is reacting to the wind, is it flicking, could give an indication of gusts coming through, and there frequency. If you are getting frequent gusts and the general wind speed, for the aircraft you are going to fly, is near the limit, then probably best to engage in hangar talk rather than go flying. Pud
  8. I take your point Frank, after all, when flying along you'd have to be asleep to not know the wind direction, and a close estimate of wind velocity!! I'm probably overthinking the issue of windsocks. My mate, who owns the farm where the hangar is situated says he doesn't need one because he is well tuned in to wind direction and speeds from a lifetime of living on the farm. I'm coming at it from the angle, if you are going to install a windsock then it may as well be the best it can be, within reason of course. I've decided we will modify the fuselage sock I have off the T500 and see how that goes. I do think, as you have alluded to, that it's a good idea to have a windsock for fly in visitors to have an indication of wind direction. Pud
  9. It would need to include the weight as well eightyknots. I was thinking that for a dependable indication of wind speed, the opening, length and exit opening would need to be a certain ratio. Maybe I'm getting over technical here - perhaps just do as farri says (cut the size to the cloth available) and then work it out from there. Pud
  10. Another good idea farri! thanks. I have an old fuselage sock from my T500 so I could use that. I'm no good on a sewing machine but Gay is very good, so I could get her to modify the fuselage sock for me. What are the dimensions of your windsock farri? Here's a photo of Gay sewing up some old sheets for tail skins covers. Pud
  11. I'll check that out thanks flyhi Pud
  12. Thanks for the info 80kts. It bears out what I have found, that there are a range of prices and quality with windsocks. I can see I'll probably make my own frame and pole assembly. Tomo, that gives me an idea:augie: Pud
  13. I've been checking out the availability, sizes, costs etc of windsocks because we probably need one at Wirraway before we start inviting people to fly in. What do you guys do about wind direction/strength indicators? You can pick one up on ebay, from the US for about <$60 landed here. They are bright orange and about 2.0m long but I don't know about the quality. Aeroshop has them of course for a fair bit more than off Ebay - understandable as the Aeroshop ones appear to be of better quality. I haven't tried the Clear Prop shop on this forum yet. Anyway, what have you done, and what do you use for a frame to hold the sock? Pud
  14. I'm excited!! And looking forward to catching up with you ol' snoozers:smile: Pud
  15. pudestcon

    Drifter Pics

    Wayne has a pretty good little website for checking out the colours you might like to try. You probably have seen it already but go here to have a look. http://xsymetrix.com.au/wingskin/ie5/index.html?dhtmlActivation=inplace I can see you are going to have fun with your Drifter Bacon, and good luck with sorting the windscreen issue. It shouldn't be too much of a problem to come up with something that looks good and is relatively unobtrusive whilst deflecting most of the wind. You just need to take a bit of care when working polycarbonate to relieve the edge stresses and where you drill holes, to minimise cracking. You probably know about that stuff already so don't mind me putting my 2 bobs worth in. Cheers, Pud
  16. I noticed that too bacon. I have a heap of Active 2T so I'll be sticking with that I think. Possibly try the new Shell oil after the guinea pig....errr Jamie, trys it out first:peepwall: Pud
  17. pudestcon

    Drifter Pics

    Mate, that looks like a ridgie didge flying machine that you are, pretty quickly by the sound of it, going to make your own. Are you going to change the colour scheme with the new skins you are getting? I fondly remember my ab initio training in a Drifter back in the late 90's. A great aircraft in which I did 29.4 hours with my last flight of 1.2 hours solo on 20th September 1998. Oops, thread drift. Sorry bacon I got carried away reminiscing And I can't help you with the fuel tank either!! Pud
  18. Yes Maj. Will be making the trek across the desert (driving of course) on "Australia's Longest Short Cut" - it's called The Outback Way, and technically spans from Laverton in the Goldfields of WA to Winton in outback QLD. We (up to 5 vehicles) will be travelling from Perth to Cairns in August and I intend to pay a visit to our forum friend farri at Deeral. Will also be travelling through Townsville so look out Maj!! Also going to Longreach and I know there are a few forumites from there as well - could be a long trip:smile: visiting all you bums... I mean chums!! Pud
  19. A Aussie walks into a pub and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman.. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, 'Is your date running late?' 'No', he replies,'I just got this state-of the-art watch, and I was just testing it..' The intrigued woman says, 'a state-of-the-art watch? ''What's so special about it?' The Aussie explains, 'It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.' The lady says, 'What's it telling you now?' Well, it says you're not wearing any panties.' The woman giggles and replies 'Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!' The Aussie smiles, taps his watch and says, ' Bloody thing's an hour fast!'
  20. Great photos Frank. I hope to see some of that scenery later on in the year when I'm up your way. Pud
  21. I'm hoping it will be so close I'll just need a couple of passes with a spray can of clear lacquer. We'll see.... Pud
  22. Yep, read about the super glue and bi-carb soda, amongst other methods as well. Cheers, Pud
  23. I haven't been to the hangar yet Bacon, going there this weekend. I'll be checking the torque on the bolts to see if that is the problem. I have found the same thing re lack of adjustment, and very little information on this type of propeller - even from the supplier (who doesn't supply these anymore) who doesn't reply to my communications via email or phone, oe enquiries via their web page. I'll report back after the weekend. Pud
  24. Bedroom golf... Hereare the rules of the game. 1. Each player should furnish his own equipment for play - normally one club and two balls 2. Play on the course should be approved by the owner of the hole. 3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole and keep the balls out. 4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft Course owners are permitted to check the shaft stiffness before play. 5. Course owners reserve the right to restrict club length to avoid damage to the hole. 6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until the course owner is satisfied that play is complete. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play the course again. 7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the course. The experienced player will normally take time to admire the entire course with special attention to the well formed bunkers. 8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played, or are currently playing, to the owner of the course being played. Upset course owners have been known to damage players equipment for this reason. 9. Players are encouraged to bring proper rain gear for their own protection. 10. Players should assure themselves that their match has been properly scheduled, particularly when a new course is being played for the first time. Previous players have been known to become irate if they discover someone else playing on what they considered to be a private course. 11. Players should not assume that a course is in shape for play at all times. Some players may be embarrassed if they find the course to be temporarily under repair. Players are advised to be extremely tactful in this situation. More advanced players will find alternative means of play when this is the case. 12. The course owner is responsible for manicuring and pruning any bush around the hole to allow for improved viewing of, alignment with, and approach to the hole. 13. Players are advised to obtain the course owners permission before attempting to play the back nine. 14. Slow play is encouraged. However players should be prepared to proceed at a quicker pace, at least temporarily at the course owners request. 15. It is considered outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same hole several times in one match.
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