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Keith Page

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Status Updates posted by Keith Page

  1. I will contact you and start the ball rolling regarding your nomination for the board. Start the process tomorrow.. Keith Page.
  2. It will be nothing better to share info and work together. I have been let down badly twice on this forum regarding people saying they can be trusted. One quoted me nearly word for word. Hence these days I am so guarded. To be honest with you, I have to confirm how you fit in the scene. I the next couple of weeks I will contact you, do promise me my information does not go on a public forum. Is bex your mate?. KP.
    1. octave


      I would be interested in knowing what explosive information exists and I certainly would not reveal it. What your seem to be wanting is for people to jump on board and the anti-RAAUS bus based on vague assertions. I need facts. If there were rumours about ELAAA I would also demand facts.
  3. It will be nothing better to share info and work together. I have been let down badly twice on this forum regarding people saying they can be trusted. One quoted me nearly word for word. Hence these days I am so guarded. To be honest with you, I have to confirm how you fit in the scene. I the next couple of weeks I will contact you, do promise me my information does not go on a public forum. Is bex your mate?. KP.
    1. octave


      I would be interested in knowing what explosive information exists and I certainly would not reveal it. What your seem to be wanting is for people to jump on board and the anti-RAAUS bus based on vague assertions. I need facts. If there were rumours about ELAAA I would also demand facts.
  4. Hello Yen, I tried to send some info and it will not send as I had too much info. RAAus are getting out of control and I can not get any thing here as they are all a bit wise as to who I am. What is your email address:- I have lost it. KP
  5. Hello Yen, I tried to send some info and it will not send as I had too much info. RAAus are getting out of control and I can not get any thing here as they are all a bit wise as to who I am. What is your email address:- I have lost it. KP
  6. Hello rick-p we found each other, Hear it is a wee damp down your way, still no power here. KP.
  7. Hello Motz My email address is :- dentist (at) westnet (dot) com (dot) au Contact me I will give you the details.. or phone:- 0408 912 303. Regards Keith Page.
  8. Thank you motz.... all is OK ......I am doing some baiting......If only all knew. KP..
  9. Hi Bex The Foxbat is a Russian thing. It flys very well. Excellent for short field activity.. If you have a chance have a look how they are constructed they are good little planes not to shabby at all. Looks like a Clark Y wing profile. Powered by 912 rotax. My personal email is .. dentist (at) westnet.com.au. Regards Keith Page.
    1. bexrbetter


      Thanks Kieth. Very nice smaller plane with their own spin on things for sure!
  10. Hi Bex The Foxbat is a Russian thing. It flys very well. Excellent for short field activity.. If you have a chance have a look how they are constructed they are good little planes not to shabby at all. Looks like a Clark Y wing profile. Powered by 912 rotax. My personal email is .. dentist (at) westnet.com.au. Regards Keith Page.
    1. bexrbetter


      Thanks Kieth. Very nice smaller plane with their own spin on things for sure!
  11. Hi Peter Welcome to the sight good to see some sence being bandied about. Regards Keith Page
  12. Are still about have not heard from you for ages,as if you have just evorated Regards, Keith Page
  13. Wher are you? I am at Rocky see you are from CQ as well. I do have a Jab 230 as well. 24-5226 Regards, Keith Page.
  14. Contact me have some info. for you. You get me on the mobile Regards, Keith Page
  15. Contact me have some info. for you. You get me on the mobile Regards, Keith Page
  16. How is life these days? All is well here, have bought a 582 Lightwing for some flying while the Terrier is getting finished. Regards, Keith Page
  17. How is life these days? All is well here, have bought a 582 Lightwing for some flying while the Terrier is getting finished. Regards, Keith Page
  18. Hi David, Keith Page here I have a Lightwing as well. 25-0327. I read your story about the trip with your Lightwing. Just a contact message Regards, Keith Page
  19. Good Morning Ken, As yet still dry and very humid, not that hot the nights are beautiful, reading the forcast and it says???? Saturdy/Sunday the trough is supposed to be down this way - here is hoping. This area needs a good drenching. I can not complain that much - the season is not that bad - not as bad as you fellows have at the moment. I am working around the house, we built a new house on a small farm hence all those fun things need establishing e.g. water, gardens, fence just not to be out done we built into a small slope that has made more work. The Terrier is getting a bit of my attention not enough though. To be truthful it is not far from being in the air, the wiring of the components is done and it is a case of now joining them. At the moment I am going over it and doing my personal AD's all those things which could fail in the short term now making them smarter e.g. the two wheels so assembled so they will take equal lateral thrust on the bearings, nose cowling so it is easy to get off with the prop on, rudder wires so they have no hope of getting tangled in the cab the list goes on. Regards, Keith Page
  20. Good Morning Ken, As yet still dry and very humid, not that hot the nights are beautiful, reading the forcast and it says???? Saturdy/Sunday the trough is supposed to be down this way - here is hoping. This area needs a good drenching. I can not complain that much - the season is not that bad - not as bad as you fellows have at the moment. I am working around the house, we built a new house on a small farm hence all those fun things need establishing e.g. water, gardens, fence just not to be out done we built into a small slope that has made more work. The Terrier is getting a bit of my attention not enough though. To be truthful it is not far from being in the air, the wiring of the components is done and it is a case of now joining them. At the moment I am going over it and doing my personal AD's all those things which could fail in the short term now making them smarter e.g. the two wheels so assembled so they will take equal lateral thrust on the bearings, nose cowling so it is easy to get off with the prop on, rudder wires so they have no hope of getting tangled in the cab the list goes on. Regards, Keith Page
  21. All is well here, just arrived home last night from Oshkosh was great. Terrier about to ramp up construction there has been a wife and house between me and it. Rain was like liquid gold for us, ground needed a drink. Regards, Keith Page.
  22. All is well here, just arrived home last night from Oshkosh was great. Terrier about to ramp up construction there has been a wife and house between me and it. Rain was like liquid gold for us, ground needed a drink. Regards, Keith Page.
  23. Hello Nathan, Rain did not cause any grief at all. If flood damages us wher e are building pitty help the rest of Rockhampton. the house is nearly finished. the Terrier was put on hold while the house is built. you know building in the country we have build all the infrastructure which is needed with living e.g. fences,water,shed all that stuff. Regards, Keith Page.
  24. Hello Nathan, Rain did not cause any grief at all. If flood damages us wher e are building pitty help the rest of Rockhampton. the house is nearly finished. the Terrier was put on hold while the house is built. you know building in the country we have build all the infrastructure which is needed with living e.g. fences,water,shed all that stuff. Regards, Keith Page.
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