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Keith Page

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Everything posted by Keith Page

  1. What better way to cap the footy season off.. Broncos and Cowboys in the grand final that is after the State of Origin.. Win for Queensland, if anyone has forgotten the answer. Where does the footy talent reside?? Even blind Freddy can see that. Regards, KP.
  2. That is a good question Dazza... Who of the originals are left? Regards KP.
  3. You are spot on Aldo. Regards KP
  4. Encouraged and welcomed... Would be a start..... Those which show interest mentor them..... You those kids which hang on the fence like moneys in a cage, take some of them for a fly you would be surprised how many of those will take up flying. Regards, KP.
  5. Geoff13.. You are on to it.. The number one thing which I have not seen much of, planning for "Succession".. To have a good succession plan we need young new members, not more old members as they get old too quick. Yep..... Young members with foresight will grow and give RAAus longevity. Regards, KP.
  6. Get on to ACCC they can not refuse selling fuel,, Called Restricting Trade,, some one in a small town can not have that hanging over their head. Regards, KP.
  7. You all are bragging how good the Camit engines are and none have done long hard hours yet, that is all what I was saying. I think I will wait till there are some big hard hours on the engines. Like school hours, then we can compare apples with apples. Regards, KP.
  8. Oscar, Have a little think.. Are there any Camit engines out there which have 1k hours on their clock? I am thinking hours of take off and landing those normal flying conditions. Leave those hours off -- where the engine just sits on a dyno day in day out hour after hour I want see true flight conditions replicated.. If that is not the case there is no bragging rights yet. There is another point Jabiru are doing a lot of engine research... Regards, KP.
  9. No completely different issue. Regards, KP.
  10. Thank you Sue, What a great idea.. We will have some great history to look at. That will tell us where we have come from. Regards, KP.
  11. deadstick Give me a bit of time...Will get back to you on that one, will ask the question. KP.
  12. Sorry Phil -- I did not go into detail of which mod was involved I only took the two year bit on board, I was so gob smacked with the automotive oil issue, was busy gleaning the rest of the issue and wonder what else people do to Jab engines. Simply frightening. With GA the aircraft they are actually maintained by LAMES and getting away from the hobbyist. I can remember what some of the 5 minute experts did to their cars and a lot of their brain waves when against engineering principals. Now those people are older and are experts on aero engines. Regards KP.
  13. The Jab engine issue...Two little gems have come my way.. This is regarding engine failures. First one:- (A complete engine Failure).The engine was pulled down at the Jab factory and the disassemble was witnessed by an insurance company as it was an insurance claim.. Reason for engine failure "Automotive Oil" the oils was sent to shell to confirm what it was. Second one:- Was being operated in excess of two years without the required engine mod being done. This was after official paper work being issued. We have to be a bit fair in this situation, because I have seen a broken Cat D11r and they are tough so what hope has an aero engine. Regards KP.
  14. Good Morning F_T, What is the latest on Wellcamp? I think it must being going OK as you have gone quiet. Regards KP.
  15. Well up-in-the-air, affectively what you said there and add the link into the equation, aviation is doomed as we know it. OK? Those gentlemen are not real smart,,, if all the planes are grounded and all the pilots are imprisoned all those in the ivory tower will not have anyone or anything to administer. These governments are not that dumb at times I do have my doubts, they will all be got rid of as no one will be committing aviation.. As Dick Smith said look at all the closed hangers which are being used for junk storage shed. That shows that the goons have been successful in shrinking aviation. How many staff were employed then and how many now. Regards, KP.
  16. I am completely befuddled as to why these organiseations have disregard to the people who operate within their guide lines. These days we here about the "Useer Pays System" it is a shame that there is no trading opposition. Regards, KP
  17. Yep could be working towards a very strong beaureaucratic structure where some will become untouchable.. Is it going to be working within the structure of the new constitution.? Just some thinking. Regards, KP.
  18. Rhysmcc the flights you mentioned are RPTs --- look at the freight and all those little concerns moving freight and people about they are regulated out of existence.. The regional airports there was always something coming and going a lot of those strips are closed. Even the councils are getting in on the act they are grabbing money as they think everyone with a plane has a lot of money. The accuracy of the nav aids is quite often questionable your own research into that one is called for. The Nav aids are mainly for the upper end of the market.. Look at ozrunways it is pretty good for the small fellows there is now a feature which displays the other ozrunways users close by. Regards KP.
  19. Rhysmcc the flights you mentioned are RPTs --- look at the freight and all those little concerns moving freight and people about they are regulated out of existence.. The regional airports there was always something coming and going a lot of those strips are closed. Even the councils are getting in on the act they are grabbing money as they think everyone with a plane has a lot of money. The accuracy of the nav aids is quite often questionable your own research into that one is called for. The Nav aids are mainly for the upper end of the market.. Look at ozrunways it is pretty good for the small fellows there is now a feature which displays the other ozrunways users close by. Regards KP.
  20. Look into that deeper Don.. Ask a lot of questions and do not take the first answer..And do not go where you get guided come up with Don's ideas. Regards, KP.
  21. Look into that deeper Don.. Ask a lot of questions and do not take the first answer..And do not go where you get guided come up with Don's ideas. Regards, KP.
  22. What do Don I think we do not sell enough fuel in Australia to pay all them... Regards,KP.
  23. What do Don I think we do not sell enough fuel in Australia to pay all them... Regards,KP.
  24. Not hard to work out rhysmcc.. Sticking to the systems and procedures and having fat cats wandering about making sure systems and procedures are adhered to strictly --- instead of using ones noggin. Remember these fat cats cost a lot to feed and house it was spelt out loud and clear in the section where Dick spoke about where those empty hangers are once those hangers were buzzing with activity now those companies are broke and gone. Why?? There are so many advisors, consultants, managers advisors and secretaries with secretaries assistants the place will over balance with that much wait at the top and no one doing the rowing. Why is GA going towards extinction.? Regards, KP.
  25. Not hard to work out rhysmcc.. Sticking to the systems and procedures and having fat cats wandering about making sure systems and procedures are adhered to strictly --- instead of using ones noggin. Remember these fat cats cost a lot to feed and house it was spelt out loud and clear in the section where Dick spoke about where those empty hangers are once those hangers were buzzing with activity now those companies are broke and gone. Why?? There are so many advisors, consultants, managers advisors and secretaries with secretaries assistants the place will over balance with that much wait at the top and no one doing the rowing. Why is GA going towards extinction.? Regards, KP.
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