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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. I am hard enough. Harden up?? I didn't squeal when the actual historical truth was presented. To choose which facts or history you believe is not relevant, reality does not change just because you do not like it. If you did not agree with anything I said- then discuss. Don't have a hissy fit and just say its all lefty stuff we don't want to hear. I did not say the right wingers are all bad, all employers were bad nor all of government is bad. Intelligent capitalism can be a very good thing. It am not shoving it down anyone's throat. I certainly did not say they eat the young nor that the left never gets it wrong. Guess I was a bit too slow to jump the gun, but I like to think then aim.
  2. I think what they are really saying is this..... "We have learnt from legacy players in aviation to charge like a wounded bull even if our numbers made, costs and actual engineering prowess indicate otherwise. We have little wish to be a fair price as we own the market bar that pesky Jabiru. We design our products for maximum return via any parts prices, almost complete replacement of the engine in a rebuild cost and parts wise. We are happy to screw you at all stages of ownership and have worked the market to ensure you will happily just buy another engine at even bigger prices when things get close to a big bill. You can trust our research and development guys are developing safer sounding ways to extract more profit from your wallet pain"
  3. I think if you re read what you wrote, you gave a very distinct impression. Unfortunately some are fooled easier than others. In all my career I never, ever discriminated in my time, tuition, scientific work or health care work in extreme risk environments- as in putting your lifes work and actual life on the line daily for 15 years. Everyone deserved and got the same level of attention and care/knowledge and or advocacy irrespective of their or parents bank balance or views. And never received a cent for much of it. My last paid Job was a real cracker- when the cops were called, they would often say- Mate "what the fark do you expect us to do, I have a taser, gun and hand cuffs. I am not going in that house without using at least 2" Then I would be going in and no weapons. Just a compassionate mind and decades of experience in conflict resolution/mental health/developmental disability and real time at the university of hard knocks. I never had a vest , must be because they didn't have a pink one maybe? My last workplace of 7 years saw me watch 75 staff either leave from stress, or assaults some life changing. Yep, us lefty pinko nancy boys just suck off the public tit and get scared by a spider. Wouldn't know a hard days work and risk unless it bit em on the bum Gee Butch, must be hard slaving away, so the rest of the world can enjoy life and drink from your swill bucket. And all those bloody employees insisting on rights like fairness, a safe work environment and a million other "lefty pinko commie socialist clap trap" things. It must make your skin crackle.
  4. Thanks Kyle and Nev. Love the turbine balancer. My mate builds engines and he is anal about balancing to get the best of BMW engine to do their stuff on road and track. I know they are not quick nor cheap. The $50 is for a factory like Rotax to incorporate in the production line. It could be more but depends on the automation etc 50,000 engines is enough to justify the investment.
  5. Wtf? I never said Farmers were at fault did I? There is nothing socialist about wanting the promised education that our government says is a right to any who have the intellect. Nor wanting the funding to go to the public sector, its public money remember. Just because a farmer does not qualify , does not mean a great deal, except the rules where changed by Howard in 1996 in the first days of power. The changes dumped huge numbers of kids including farmers offspring from being eligible. I know, I worked at the angry end of it all, advocating for students to get Austudy to continue at uni. Even worse I personally had reviews made to get over 50 farmers sons and daughters get Austudy, when they read the rules unfairly to discriminate against students. I certainly did not care if they had views left or right wing. Don't sprout your angry bashing of workers or students or scientists and other education workers. Your reply tends to indicate you feel a unusual sense of entitlement or anger against those who arent bussiness owners. Is it because your a farmer or a LNP voter? Neither entitles you to more access to government services than any one else. Nor better funding for their education. If that's socialist, I am happy to be called that. Its actually just fairness. PS I haven't had paid holidays or super from fulltime work in a decade. My super wouldn't buy a damn cheap new 4wd. People in glass houses?
  6. At that price, the balance is the huge wad of cash in profit. Why bother balance the new ones? They got away with it so far.
  7. You could get valves cheaper for a Ferrari engine. And don't give me shite about low build numbers. One of the most expensive to rebuild engines I know of, a BMW M5 3.6 is a masterpiece and rare. But parts are still cheaper.
  8. $25,000 on a new Rotax, with titanium parts prices......... Finding the box its in cost $200...... Impressive.... Discovering they can't be bothered doing a $50 balance of engine internals? Priceless. I expect the Jabiru are balanced, they run like a sewing machine when on EFI, esp the silky six.
  9. Vote one Jabawocky. They are probably the best trainer out there. They teach pilots not fools who just think they can fly. You fly them all the time, no laziness. They are responsive and teach hands on skills like few others. They will accept a bit of poor piloting but will let you know it. That is important, you know your skill level- no over confidant pilots graduate with a Jabawocky. Yes you can damage them training as should be the case, but they are easily repaired and don't fall apart after hard use not been reported. You can kill yourself in a Jabawocky when training but you really really have to try hard. Many a repairable Jabiru incident is a write off or fatal in lessor aircraft. In a world of no new 152 Cessna's the Jabawocky is the training aircraft. Also cheaper, locally made and tough as nails.
  10. The whole training field has been a debacle of epic neo liberal proportions. Since 3/1996 when Howard got in, the writing has been on the wall. Every effort has been made to starve " the left wing" uni and training system to a market only right wing profit system. Student unions were effectively banned and so thus their advocacy of students and quality. This was all part Of a long term LNP plan. At same time doors were opened to mass foreign students, quality fell through the floor and the gov were fully aware. Fees were drastically raised, Austudy severely restricted, and Academics discovered tenure was only for the connected few. The gov of Lnp loaded uni boards and regulators with LNP hacks . A lot of the new RTO's, surprise had previous political mates as owners. Billions were cut from budgets and handed over to private providers for very very very small results. As soon as they could the LNP gamed the federal training and state Tafe by insisting they competed with private to get funding. As their ideology says public is evil and must be stopped from getting money the privateers want. States bought this bullshite and opened education to competition but fully in knowledge the public system was hobbled by the rules. Result Tafe is a one legged goat in a paddock of gold plated sharks. We have trashed our whole education system, and quality is what luxury car you drive. Today is still a captured system. Just like social services and medicine, if they can't ban it they will wreck it by private profiteering. The gov does not want anyone but the rich getting a quality education, it reinforces their power for generations. If you don't have rich parents you will work lots of jobs to pay rent and bills to study or last long enough to get AUstudy. Most wait 6 months for approval by which time they might have left uni. The rich are deserving - just ask them
  11. That is a new version convertible. Open top flying for the jet age. Got wings, got engine......should fly fine.
  12. No such thing as a free market if the U S A is involved. Rules exist to punish its competition whether a country or company. Just look at the big airtanker contract. Won hands down by Airbus because the Boeing was overpriced, underachieving and under engineered. So they got Congress to change the rules. Bingo new contract goes to Boeing. Meanwhile they sue Airbus for getting state aid from Europe. If it ain't USA made and owned, you are a likely enemy.
  13. Better to be cynical, than have the wool pulled over your eyes. Many often claim when choosing intent or accident for such things, it must be a mistake. I doubt so many mistakes happen, at least with big business and government- bet on malign intent. For now I put RAAus in the keep a very close watch basket. Trust and respect must be earned.
  14. Estimated soldiers deaths on Iraq side in gulf one is 100-200 thousand dead. Many thousand died from war crimes, soldiers left their tanks to surrender and walk away from battle. US used air burst fuel bombs and incinerated them in thousands. For others that is a war crime, but the USA refuses to accept the war crimes convention applies to them, only its enemy can be a war criminal. So the many thousands civilians killed in hospitals, schools and known shelters when bombed by the USA do not count. Nor does bombing the same site when rescuers turn up. Same tactics now used in Syria and also by ISIS. Once again the USA teaches the world how to be a war criminal.
  15. If you can't find the death shots they may have been sterilized from the net. A favourite of dictators everywhere. There is no forever on the web, if they want it gone,its gone. Do not forget the embedded journalists where the only ones with access and they were only shown what the army wanted them to see. Naturally Gulf war 2 had much higher deaths and mostly civilians. Estimated close to a 200,000 dead. A very low estimate. The coalition of the killing
  16. Part 103 in USA is 254 lbs empty and 4 us gallons of fuel. Can't be flown fast and have a wing loading limit and I think 54 mph top speed.
  17. Yes, either FAA or its a military, space or a part 103 that is exempt also from needing a licence/ permit. Even the space shuttle was a experimental.
  18. Gee, I am pretty sure I saw lots of photos of masses of dead soldiers around burnt out tanks. Lines of tanks killed before they saw the enemy in the desert. Many many thousands of soldiers died, not just pretty media friendly shots.
  19. Great use of available alloy bottle. Now we have a use that will be fine for the alloy "welding" rods.
  20. Whilst it is commendable that we have firefighters and no doubt the cream of the crop coming to help us, it is just a band aid. 50 or 500 wont help a great deal, without a full commitment by government. We have thousands of kilometers of fire front, we need a well paid and resourced system to fight these and future fires. I bet whilst not suitable for many fires that a fleet of 737 firebombers could still damp down a number of fires allowing resources to meet the greatest need. Been in WA will help for WA but bugger all good for us. It is not just air assets but a whole of response planning and resourcing issue. Comparisons to fires 80 years ago have no real bearing though- even with 2019 tech and comms, we are still in a major problem. And we have a coordinated effort of thousands. A city with 5 million people in its surrounds is at real risk of catastrophic loss. But Scomo is more worried about a holiday from doing bugger all. The Prime Minimal will just try marketing speak his way out of it, Even Lara Worthington (Bingle) said "where the bloody hell are you". It is estimated an extra 300 people died today from health effects of the fire smoke and heat. We won't see that as a headline. Absolutely firkin hopeless. No amount of thoughts and prayers or neo liberal bullsite will solve this.
  21. Never Give UP?️ At least not until I get up there and fly with you. Nothing could be better for your type of flying and scenery. You know we love you Dude?
  22. Working good Ian, Question, Now its is a US based server, does that mean I should expect extraordinary rendition when I insult a red head dictator? I would like to visit Cuba.............. but not that way.
  23. Any talk of a user pays system just leads the government to make a bullshite business case to neglect its responsibility. Then it will privatise the whole idea and Fire fighting will be on cost basis plus profit. No cover than you burn. This has already happened in the States for the California Fires. Private fire units only protecting their insured clients. And getting in the way of real fire fighters. We must remember this is how originally fire services for cities were developed in large numbers and that includes Sydney. It was purely by insurance companies funding, so they might help but only if the fire might then burn a insured property. We can't allow the picking of winners and losers just because it may be less economic or they did not vote LNP. We don't just say that the Army will only defend easy spots but charge money if you live somewhere harder to defend.
  24. Clever but missed it by that much..... Notice the Comet?
  25. It is there to catch oil vapour and droplets. It is vented from the engine. Much better in the bottle than dripping places, making smells, stains and a potential fire risk in extreme cases. Better to have than not, if its too heavy- make a lighter one.
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